Luckily for her, Ophelia was the type to fall asleep quickly, so she was out before the other girl emerged from the shower. She didn’t notice Esmerelda place the aspirin by her bed but would definitely be glad about it come morning.
Esmerelda smiled softly, laying down and drifting into a dreamless sleep.
((Hey, sorry my responses are all kinda short. I have two research papers I'm working on, so my brain is kinda fried))
(it’s totally fine! good luck on the papers!)
The next morning, Ophelia awoke with the headache she knew was coming. She sat up with a groan, turned off her alarm, and spied the aspirin that Esmerelda had left her. A smile ghosted her lips at the kind thought. She slipped out of the covers, freezing, and pulled on a sweatshirt as she hunted for a bottle of water to take the pills with.
Esmerelda slowly sat up, wiping the sleep from her eyes as she slowly stretched, getting out of bed and slowly padding to the bathroom.
Ophelia grabbed a granola bar, taking a few bites before popping the pills in her mouth and taking a swig of water to get them down. She sighed, looking for a clean uniform to wear today. She changed, doing what she usually did and rolling the skirt to be several inches shorter. She’s gotten dress coded numerous times, but it seemed as if the administration had given up on her hair and skirt by now. She waited impatiently for the bathroom, for a chance to do her hair and makeup.
Esmeralda walked out with her hair and (fairly light) makeup done, humming to herself. "Morning, love."
“Morning,” replied Ophelia with a yawn. “Thanks for the painkillers by the way.” She gave the other girl a quick smile before heading into the bathroom and putting her hair into a messy bun and put on her usual makeup—winged eyeliner, mascara, concealer, light foundation, and a lot of blush. She smiled at herself, contented, and put on a layer of clear lip gloss.
"It's nothing." She said, taking out her uniform to get dressed.
"Did you study for the biology test today?" Ophelia asked, searching for her second Mary Jane. She was holding one of the shoes, but the other one was nowhere to be found. "If you have any last minute stuff that would be helpful, I would really appreciate it."
Esmeralda nodded, tying up her oxfords. "Flashcards are on the desk, love. I studied them last night already."
“Thanks! You’re the best!” she looked up from her search for long enough to beam at Esmerelda. She kept looking for her missing shoe, sticking her head under her bed and looking in the dresser. Ophelia was absolutely flummoxed as to where it could be. “Have you seen my other mary jane?”
"Did you check in the bathroom? It's ended up there before." She said, making sure she had all her books and materials.
“Oh yeah!” Ophelia burst out, heading to the bathroom. It wasn’t there. Then she opened the cabinet and somehow, her shoe was wedged in there. She laughed and put it on. “Found it!”
"Good." She said, pulling her messenger bag over her shoulder. "C'mon now, we can't be late, love/"
“I know, I know,” Ophelia replied, grabbing her things quickly. She slid her backpack on and did a mental checkoff to make sure that she had everything. “Okay, let’s go now.”
Esmeralda grabbed her book, nodding. "Let's go." She said, going to and opening the door, before walking out, shoes taping along the hallway floors.
Ophelia followed, closing the door as she left. She walked up next to Esmerelda, the flashcards that the other girl had told her about stuffed into one of her backpack pockets.
"You have music today, right, love?" Esmeralda asked, head tilted slightly.
“Yeah, I do,” Ophelia responded. “Why?” She brushed an errant baby hair behind her ear.
"Do you mind checking if I left a piece of sheet music there for me? It was missing from my bag and I won't have time to go myself today." She said, opening her book to where she left off last night, reading as she walked.
“Sure,” Ophelia replied. “What was it called? Or was your name on it or something? That way I can be sure it’s yours.”
"My name's written on the top. "Thank you, love." She said, smiling slightly.
“Mhmm,” Ophelia mumbled, pulling out the flashcards to do some last minute cramming. Maybe she didn’t care much about getting good grades, but she didn’t want to look like a complete idiot.
Esmeralda glanced at her out of the corner her eye, relying on muscle memory and a little magic on her shoes to keep her from walking into things.