forum Super Natural Element (Closed)
Started by @padfoot_loves_his_moony group

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@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Let me know if you want SFW or NSFW (any triggering or sexual content will be taken to DMs). For NSFW you must be over 18 PLEASE.
I'm willing to rp with OCs or the following fandoms: JJK, Marauders, Sander Sides, or anything on my profile

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Okay, I'll probably go with my ice character then.
Name: Yukio Zima
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Abilities: can control ice/water, can sense the water in everything around her
Weaknesses: is mostly blind, relies heavily on water sensing.
Appearance- short white hair, pale blueish white eyes, pale skin, tall and slender.
Any other info- can see a bit, enough that without sensing water she could still get around decently, but she ignores her vision in order to strengthen her other senses.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Yukio slid into some tight clothes, pulling her short hair back and pinning it to keep it out of her way. Her mother had entrusted her with the duty of keeping the city safe in her absence, and after she died, Yukio was the only one left to do so. She was worried, but vowed not to let it show. She didn't really know what she was doing though. She had received minimal training from her mother before she passed, and knew nobody else that could help her.
What am I doing? She thought in despair, before shaking her head to clear the thought. She took a deep breath, threw on a hoodie, and walked out into the chilly night for her first patrol.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra glared at herself in the mirror at what she was required to wear for the family dinner. Not had her older brother left the family (not that she could blame him) but her twin brother had died last year. Now it was just her left alone with her parents.

Lyra's parents weren't the best. Her mom had abused her older brother especially and punishments were brutal. While her father was cold and barely around. When they found out Lyra could manipulate fire, they basically locked her up in the upper part of the manor until Lyra was old enough to control it.

Dinner went as well as she thought it was going to be. With extended family bragging and her annoying cousins. It felt lonely without her brothers here to make her smile. They had been her allies. While her older brother still checked on her, it was too risky for him to come to the house.

After dinner was done, Lyra slipped into leggings, black turtleneck, combat boots, & a black leather jacket that belonged to her brother. Put her hair up and snuck out of the house.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Yukio wandered the streets, 'looking' for any trouble. With her hoodie on, and without the mask of her suit up, she looked like a civilian. A couple people whispered as she passed by, everyone knew about the strange blind albino in their city, despite it's large size. To keep up the illusion, she used a cane, though she hardly needed it. If she sensed any trouble, she would duck into an alley to pull off her hoodie and raise her full-faced mask. It also covered her eyes, leaving no sign of the person she was on her off time. Though, it wasn't really her mask. It was her mother's, just like all the gear was.

The city, or at least, her portion of it, was fairly quiet tonight. A couple burglaries, but a well timed stumble of the little blind girl sent the criminals to the floor, and a quick freezing of the inner barrel of the guns so many of them carried rendered them useless. She was just about to head back to her house when she noticed someone sneaking out of a nearby house. She stopped, unsure of the situation, and deciding to sit on a bench nearby. The person didn't seem to be carrying any valuables, so it was probably just someone escaping their family without being noticed. She'd step in if she noticed anything else.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra stood in front of her manor and looked around, only seeing a blind person she relaxed and held out her hand. Summoning a small fire in her hand, she stared at her house for a couple minutes. How easy it would be to burn the entire house down, with her family in there. Only they knew about her powers. She could get away with it and go live with her older brother and his boyfriend, she knew he wouldn't mind and wouldn't blame her for it.

But this was the place she had memories with her twin brother. She groaned and turned around, "Fuck…" Seeing a racoon, she sent a fireball at it and gave a satisfied smiles as it burned. Taking a deep breath, she decided to go to her older brother's flat.

Traveling through the upper class portion of the city to the other half, she glared at anyone who looked at her. They knew she was part of the prestigious Black family. But when she got the other half of town, she relaxed. She didn't have such standards here.

Before Lyra reached her brother's flat, she sensed someone following her. Summoning a fire, she turned around, "Who's there?"

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Yukio had followed this person after she felt her summon flame. Not many people had magic like that, and there was a fair chance she was going to cause trouble for Yukio. Yukio had done fairly well following the girl, but the girl had sensed her there. Yukio went still, staying quiet, waiting for the girl's next move. Yukio wasn't in the girl's line of sight, so she couldn't hit Yukio with fire unless she moved first. Yukio hoped, at least. She drew on the water around her, silently readying her own powers.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra rolled her eyes and looked around, "Listen, whoever you are just leave me alone. I'm not hurting anyone and I don't want to hurt you." She huffed and considered heading into her brother's flat but decided against it. She disappeared down an alley and waited for the person to come around the corner.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Yukio considered this. The girl hasn't done anything other than have fire magic. She had thrown fire at that raccoon, but plenty of mundane people do worse. It was perfectly normal for people to not want to be followed. But Yukio had an uneasy feeling about the girl, so she decided to continue to follow her, stopping whenever she stopped or turned around. She went quieter though, barely even breathing.