forum Stone and Flesh /OxO/ Closed! Please Stalk, PM if interested!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex muttered his thanks, taking the tissue. It seemed like something he would use, but it wasn't cloth..? It was strange. Then again, everything he was facing in this world was strange to him. The man let himself be led, leaning into Sev's chest.
"Thank you, for doing this…" Alex looked around, but there was just so much to see. So, instead, he focused on Sev and the halls in front of them.


"No problem," Sev said. Part of him was focused on watching the area around them, the other making sure that the man beside him didn't fall. He offered Alex a quick smile. "I know the horrors of the media, and of being alone. I got you."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex managed to offer his own smile in turn before closing his eyes and holding himself closer as they walked. It was still too bright, the light seemed to reflect off of everything. It wasn't candlelight, either, it was as bright as a sun in comparison. He had no idea what 'media' was, but it didn't sound good.
The man kept tucked to Sev, even as he started to hear the sounds of other people coming towards them.


"Damnit," Sev muttered, hearing the voices as well. He grabbed Alex, so that he was more carrying the man's weight than anything, and slid into a bathroom just as a doctor and nurse rounded the corner.
"Shit," he muttered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex let out a small squeak as Sev grabbed him and pulled him into a bathroom, keeping close to him.
"W-What's wrong..?" Alex asked. He kept close to Sev's chest, peaking out with concern.


"Nothing, I hope," Sev murmured. Without noticing, both arms went around the small man with him. He listened against the door, and heard a low talking in the hall. He didn't know who it was, or what they were saying. All he knew was that there were people stopped in the hall, and he couldn't have them finding Alex.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex let his head rest on Sev's chest, keeping close. He looked at the door with wide eyes as he listened as well before closing them, holding himself a bit closer. He couldn't cough, he couldn't. Not right now. He held his lips tightly together, holding onto Sev's shirt.


It seemed like forever, but the two doctors finally left. Sev let out a slow breath and peaked out the door, looking down the hallway.
There was no one there.
He nodded. "We're safe. Come on."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex finally let his cough out. It was as hard as when he had held it in the time before, small globs of plaster and blood coming up into the handkerchief from the force.
"O-Okay…" Alex kept close to Sev, looking around wearily.


Sev walked casually down the hall. Opening the door to the stairwell and making sure no one was in there, he helped Alex down the stairs and out through an exit at the bottom. Hustling the other man as gently as he could, Sev led Alex to his car and helped him in. "I'll take you to my place for now," he said kindly. "You'll be safe there."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex kept his eyes down as they hurried to wherever Sev was taking him. It was bright, and loud, and nothing was the same anymore… he did glance up at the machine Sev lead him to, holding tightly onto the other's arm but allowing himself to be guided inside.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes… yes please." Alex curled up some in his seat, knees to his chest. Everything was so… different. Nothing was the same anymore, and he wasn't sure what to think. He didn't belong here…


"Alright. I'll pick up something. Are you allergic to anything?" He hoped Alex knew what this meant. He seemed pretty overwhelmed, making Sev want to hold him and help calm him down.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I, I don't think so." Alex kept himself from looking out any windows, face half-hidden in his knees. He let out a small cough, tilting his head down and closing his eyes. He wanted to pretend he was still home, that he hadn't gone anywhere near… No. He couldn't. It would only make things worse to think like that.