forum Stone and Flesh /OxO/ Closed! Please Stalk, PM if interested!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Everything was a haze as Alex was taken away. When he realized the man was still with him, he cling tightly to the man's hand. Everything was too bright, too loud. He whimpered as the plaster was pulled from him, but eventually he was laying in a hospital bed, his raw inflamed skin slowly returning to how it used to be. He eventually opened his eyes again, looking around.
"H- hello..?" He called out softly. His throat was dry, voice cracking a bit.


Sev, who had been asleep in a chair nearby, immediately opened his eyes. He looked around wildly for a moment, as if trying to remember where he was, and then relaxed. "Oh, you're awake," he said, smiling at the man in front of him gently. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I…" Alex trailed off a bit. He did his best to sit up, looking around a bit. Everything was so foreign, and bright still. It wasn't just his eyes- there were just so many lights… In the ceiling? Everything was too clean, and he had no idea what most of the things in the room were.
"I'm feeling better, but… I don't know where I am. I…" He bit his lip a bit, so confused. He curled up a bit, bringing his knees to his chest.


"You're in the Rosevelt Hospital," Sev said gently. "You might not have heard of it, though. It's pretty new."

He reached for the glass of water that was resting nearby and handed it to the man, being careful to avoid skin contact. The doctor said that he was in terrible condition, both physical and mental, and he didn't want to hurt this guy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex hesitantly reached out, taking the water from the man. He took a small sip, eyes closing for a moment. Oh god, that was so good. Soon, before he realized it, Alex was chugging the water, a little bit falling down his chin. It felt so good on his throat…
"I… No, I haven't." Alex rubbed at his chin a bit, looking meekly at the man who had handed him the water.


Sev took the glass back once it was empty, refilling it from a nearby pitcher. He handed the glass back to the guy, who seemed very thirsty. Not that he could blame him…

There were so many things he wanted to ask, but Sev held back. This guy seemed to be very traumatized, and he didn't want to make things worse… "I'm Sev," he said with a gentle smile. "What's your name?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex gladly accepted the glass once it was refilled. He stayed curled up, eyes closing as he drunk.
"I… I'm Alexander," Alex said timidly, holding the half drank glass in his hands. His hand went over himself a bit, remembering what used to be on his chest.


Sev smiled slightly, although Alexander couldn't see it. "That's a cool name," he said. Then he hesitated, unsure how he was going to ask this, if it would be too traumatizing to ask.
"Um… Alex-Alexander… do you know how you got into that statue?" He asked softly, his voice gentle, the voice he used when he was talking to frightened animals.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex had a faint smile at what Sev says about his name. His eyes widened a bit at the second question. He nodded a bit, curling up a bit more.
"I-I… I saw something I want supposed to, a-and then they-" Alex shivered, drawing closer to himself.


"Hey. Hey. It's okay, you don't have to tell me," Sev said, resting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
He regretted asking the question. Alexander was clearly in no state to say anything about it. It must have been traumatizing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex leaned into Sev's hand a bit, trembling a bit.
"O-okay…." Alex closed his eyes again, letting out a shaky breath. He leaned his head towards Sev a bit, glad for some small comfort in this strange new place.
"I… How long was I i-in there..?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex let out a shocked gasp, curling up a bit more.
"No, no no no nonononono…" He let out a choked sob. He'd been trapped in that statue for that long?! No, no, he- he shouldn't even be alive!


"Hundreds of years-" Sev was shocked by these words, but he didn't have much to think about it, as Alex leaned against him and started sobbing.
He didn't say anything. What were you supposed to say in times like this? So he just patted Alex's back, making soothing noises.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex eventually took Sev's shirt in his fists, sobbing into Sev's shirt. He'd managed to keep himself together, but this… This was too much. He ended up curling right up next to Sev, shaking with the force of his sobs. Eventually he stopped crying, shaking a bit and curled up with Sev.


Alex was panicking. Not that Sev could blame him. The guy had been stuck in a plaster statue for hundreds of years, and everyone he loved was dead. Sev would be traumatized if that happened to him, too.
Alex had calmed down slightly, curling next to him. It put Sev in mind of a cat, although he wouldn't tell anyone that. It was kind of cute, if very heart-wrenching.


"It's okay," Sev said, rubbing Alex's back slightly. "I understand. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Waking up centuries later… that's got to be awful." He smiled gently, his eyes sad. "I like helping people in need. It's what I do."


"Who is Henry?" Sev asked gently. He wasn't sure if he should ask this, but Alex seemed to have liked this Henry guy, so maybe talking about him would be a distraction…


"Oh…" So no. That hadn't been a good topic. Sev was at a loss for words. What exactly do you say to a person whose been trapped in a statue for hundreds of years? "Well, what was he like?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alex rubbed at his eyes, doing his best not to freak out.
"He… he's probably the nicest man I ever met," Alex said. "He can a-always make me laugh, and he always make sure to get m-my favorite breads for me when I have a bad day." He couldn't handle talking about him in the past tense, not yet.