forum So Much Fluff (Sua x Ren)
Started by @GameMaster group

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@GameMaster group

Sua giggled when Ren picked her up and brought her outside. “I’m sure I have some caramel corn in the pantry. We can stop by your house if you want.” The limo still sat outside on the curb.


Ren gently put Sua on her feet when they got to the limo. He opened the door like an gentleman should do. The lights reflect of of the limo making it look shiny than it actually was. After Sua was in, Ren got in a moved next to her. Take things slow. Ren reminded himself of this almost everyday. If he screwed this up then he was probably going to give up on the whole relationship thing. He gave the driver his address and looked out the window and watch as the city lights passed them by.

@GameMaster group

The two of them finally got back to Sua’s apartment. “I’ll go change and start on the popcorn. You can change out here and pick a movie.” She ran off to put on her oversized Sesame Street T-shirt and sweatpants. Sua has never had a boy over to cuddle and watch movies. She decided that she liked it. Although she didn’t totally mind going fast, she appreciated Ren taking things slow. What a gentleman.


Ren changed into a plain black T-shirt and some gray plaid Pj bottoms. He nicely folded his clothes and set them on a chair before walking over to the movies. Wow, she has a lot of movies. Ren only had Netflix so he had to deal with watching whatever was on there. Of course he saw a movie he loved a grew up with, Star wars. He grabbed a new hope and waited on the couch for Sua. His heart was pounding. Ren had never watched a movie with a girl alone. Well besides his mom, but she didn't count.

@GameMaster group

Sua walked in with a bowl of popcorn and set it on the coffee table. "You look comfy. What will we be watching tonight?" She grabbed some blankets and pillows and sat on the couch cross-legged. "You know what? Don't tell me. I'll just have to hope that you picked something good." Ren's features were highlighted by the dim room. She scooted closer and rested her head on his shoulder.


"You had it, so I hope you like it." He wrapped his arm around her and rested it on her shoulder. Clicking play he sat back and smiled. This was his favorite movie ever since he was young. His father had shown it to him, and ever since then he's loved it. It was about the only thing he was grateful for that his father showed him. It started to play the theme song, and Ren grabbed a handful of popcorn.

@GameMaster group

(So sorry I took forever. School is hard.)
The movie finished and Sua and Ren sat in silence as the credits ran. Sua was still leaning on Ren, half-asleep. She shifted and hugged a pillow. Her hair had completely fallen out and hung over her face. "Are you gonna stay the night?" She asked lazily. "I would be fine with it." Honestly, fine wasn't the right word. Sua was a lot more than fine with it.


"Hm…" Ren had to think about it. He wondered if his mom would be Alright by herself, although if he didn't take this opportunity, he would regret it. Ren gently moved Sua's hair from her face and smile. She was so cute. "If you want me to stay I will." Ren's face turned a bit red. He really wanted to stay, he never wanted to leave her side.

@GameMaster group

(My interest is peaked. Still with Sua and Ren tho? I’m interested with playing with the dynamic. Royalty and assassin? Betrothed and guard? What do you think?)

@GameMaster group

(I just had an idea and it’s really okay if you hate it: princess Sua falls in love with the pretty guard Ren who brings her flowers from all the places he goes for trade deals and battles because her over protective parents won’t let her leave the palace. )