@GameMaster group
Okay, do you want to start?
Okay, do you want to start?
Sorry, I've been sick all day, so it was hard for me to concentrate. Sure, do you know where we left off?
Morning of the secret fancy thing I think.
Ren woke up the next morning realizing that today was the day. "Oh man." He moved hair from his face as he stood and got dressed. Since it was Saturday the fight club was open earlier, so he decided he would ho there to work out. Got to keep up this good body. "I wonder if Sua will be there."
(Sorry it took so long. I sort of forgot. But I'm here now.)
Sua was already at the club in the back room practicing, but her heart wasn't in it. She lazily punch the punching bag and eventually gave up. Put on her normal clothes, she went out to watch the other fights. She didn't actually have a fight scheduled but she wanted to see Ren again before tonight.
Ren walked in with basketball shorts on and a plain black Tshirt. His gym bag in his hand. He moved to the work out room and dropped his stuff off. "Hey Ren, you ready for your fight." Ren turned to see his friend Jax. "Sorry? I don't remember being scheduled. I can't today, I have something to do later and I need to look my best." Jax smiled a nodded. Ren loved how easy going everyone here was. "Don't worry, I'll just reschedule you for another day." The crowd roared and Ren wanted to see who was fighting. Moving passed Jax he walked out to see two girls fighting.
Sua didn't much like watching the fights ironically. It was oddly morbid. She much preferred to be the one fighting. She was so distracted watching the people in the ring, it took her a minute to notice that Ren was there. "Hey, Ren!" She called him over. "Do you have a fight today?"
"Well, I was supposed to I guess." He smiled at the sight of Sua. There was just something about her that made him happy. "But I didn't want to get all beat up before our date, he winked. The fight was going well, but he didn't know the people fighting, must be new.
“Good idea.” Sua watched his eyes light up as he looked at her. She didn’t remember that happening for a very long time. She turned back to the ring. “Good fight but sloppy. You think they’re new?”
"That was my guess. I haven't seen them around before." As Sua said, they were sloppy, as if this were their first fight ever. And they were young as well, really young. They don't look like they are in high school yet.
(I think I'm going to have a second character, because I have an idea and it's going to be super cute.)
(Sounds good to me. Make some drama.)
“I should talk to the owners about admitting fourteen year olds to fight.” Sua patted Ren on the arm. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”
"See you later." Ren waved and went back to watching the kids. For some reason he felt he should stop the fight. Wasn't there an age limit? And it was weird, it was a young girl and guy fighting. Ren walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey what's the big deal!" The crowd shouted. Seemed they really wanted to see two kids fight. "This is wrong." He pulled the boy away, and the girl wiped blood from her mouth and glared at the boy intensely. "Get off me old man!" The boy tried his best to kick and hit Ren off. But with his lack of experience he was unable to do so. "You shouldn't be here, none the less be fighting a girl." He dragged him out and nodded for the girl to follow, and she did knowing that if she went against Ren she would lose. He took them to the entrance of the tunnel. "Both of you leave." The girl did as he said, but the boy glared and stood his ground. "How old are you kid?" He ignored Ren's question and ran after him. Ren took a step to the side and the boy fell to the dirt. "I'm thirteen and my names not kid. It's Conner." He stood and went after Ren again. But the same thing happened. "You have a lot to learn, come back when you grow up kid." Ren walked back inside leaving the boy behind. When he got back inside he got a lot of nasty looks from everyone, but he didn't mind, he would fight every last one of them if they wanted. "Listen up, we aren't here to watch to kids fight! Be mature and do the right thing!" It was disgusting how everyone was so into it. He thought they were better than this.
(Sorry I have orientation today and stuff has been messy.) Sua was on her way to the owners office when everybody stopped cheering. She ran back to the ring because she feared maybe on of them had hit too hard. Instead, thankfully, Ren had nearly yanked the kids out and was berating the crowd. She didn’t exactly swoon, but her heart did this little hop. The crowd muttered angrily and Sua was afraid they might rush him, but they just kind of buzzed around and dispersed. The two kids stood on the end of the stage, one of them almost crying.
(Sorry I have more but I really have to go now.
Ren sat down on a bench while every grumbled. He waited for Sua to come back out so they could hang out more. The boss was paperwork when he heard a knock on the door. He was an older man with a nicely cut beard and mustache. He wore glass so that he could see better. So he would have to pick someone to take over. "Come in." He said with a smile on his face.
Sua kneeled down to face the kids. “Hey, hey. It’s fine.” She pulled the two of them away from the crowds towards the back rooms. “He wasn’t mad at you he was mad at the crowd. It’s not your fault.”
“It’s not fair,” The boy, Conner, whispered. “I need to help pay bills for my mom. And Maddie hasn’t had lunch in four days!” The girl, presumably Maddie, was silently staring at the ground. At the mention of her name she nodded, still not looking Sua in the eyes.
“I can help with a money problem,” Sua promised. She grabbed a sheet of paper from a notepad on the desk and wrote her number. “Have your mom or whoever is taking care of her call this number. Maddie, do you have anyone helping to take care of you?”
For the first time during the conversation, the girl looked up from the ground. “My aunt is living with me,” She said meekly.
“Give her the number too,” Sua wrote it out for her. “Let’s get you two out of here. Please don’t resort to this again. It’s not worth it.” Sua led them back to the entrance and waved goodbye. Once they were out of sight, she sighed and made her way to the back where Ren was sitting on a bench. “You did the right thing.”
(Ren already kicked them out, haha.)
Full name: Conner Morre
Nickname (if any):
Age: 13
Shipping?: If you make another young character sure
Personality: Bit of a smartass. That's all I know for now. Haha
Appearance (Be descriptive): https://pin.it/xibkxuvbpszy6x
Eye color: Gray
Weight: 95
Skin tone: Pale
Distinguishing marks:
Usual outfit: Whatever he's wearing in the picture.
Backstory: He's an orphan and has been living in the orphanage since he was 4. Many families have come to get to know him but end up deciding not to adopt. After a while he because mad and started doing bad things and talking back.
(Okay then you can completely ignore my addition.)
"Thanks. I sent them home, so hopefully they won't be back." Although Ren couldn't help but feel he'll be seeing that boy again. The girl seemed like she didn't care much and was just doing it for fun. But Conner, he seemed a bit different. Ren could tell he was a fighter. "So, what kind of outfit did you get me for our date?" He smiled and looked into her eyes. Sua was beautiful, definitely the most beautiful and strong girls he has ever met.
Sua smirked. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” She absentmindedly sat down next to him. Sua wasn’t exactly picky but she struggled to find anything to dislike about Ren. He was handsome, funny, smart, courageous. It was almost unnerving how perfect he seemed. “Speaking of tonight, I have some things to prepare so I had better get going. I’ll pick you up at…seven?”
"Yeah, see you at seven." Ren waved and watched as she left. Then he went back to watching the fights. Why were they letting kids fight. Ren decided to leave since he didn't feel welcome at the moment. He walked to his house and went inside. It was boring being alone, but there was nothing he could do about it.
(Timeskip? I'll do it.)
Sua felt slightly embarrassed for two reasons. First of all, she was wearing a very fancy dress in the middle of a normal suburban neighborhood. The dress was a deep red color with a velvety material and deep neckline. She was also embarrassed because she was leaning against a limo parked on the curb outside Ren's house. Sua texted him to come down and tucked her phone in her clutch. Honest to god, she had told them not to send a limo but was completely ignored.
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