forum "So... I have this crazy idea." (O/O Romance rp)
Started by Deleted user

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"It's gonna be kinda funny. You might wanna mute it." Damian stated, turning off the engine and grabbing his bag. "Bring the map, we can go over where to go next."

Deleted user

"Already did," she said, opening the door and grabbing the map.


"Good." Damian locked the truck as best he could, considering one of the doors refused to lock, and started walking backwards towards the restaurant. "They're gonna say I kidnapped you. Forced you along."

Deleted user

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. If anybody knows us, that is so not true."

Deleted user

"Let's go then!" she cried, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the restaurant.

Deleted user

Starr had been a dancer for several years, so her body melted to his movements. "Stop it and let me sit down, will you?"

Deleted user

"Thank you," she said, sliding into her chair. "Since when did you know how to do that?"