forum *Snake Eyes* [Private O/O |Rated M| Stalkers Welcomed]
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Medusa frowned slightly, stepping forward and reaching out to grab her. "Why not see the sights elsewhere? I have a great place where you can relax." Somewhere where you cannot go back to your town. You must stay here, now.

Deleted user

She turned once more. "I don't come for the sights, I abide within the calm noises and mystical smells of nature, for I have been born blind." She sighed at the mention of her disability and her face distorted in minor confusion when the woman grabbed her hand. "What is this place you speak of? You have intrigued me."

Deleted user

Medusa shifted her grip on the mortal's hand and peered at her, more specifically, her eyes. They were cloudy and unfocused. No wonder the girl hadn't been turned to stone.
"It is the hotsprings near which I live. I will take you there."

Deleted user

"May I ask why ma'am? You just were sending me upon my way to go back to my village, did I conduct myself wrong?" She tilted her head in confusion, but her tone of voice remained soft and unoffending.

Deleted user

"No, do not worry of why I changed my mind. I'd just like to show you around." She started to walk slowly, to give the other woman time to start walking with her in case she didn't catch on with the movement.

Deleted user

"Alright. Ma'am, may I know of your name?" She started walking with her, very rosy and obedient to the woman of wisteria.

Deleted user

"No, you may not," The other woman said, shaking her head. Her snakes hissed softly and curled up around her neck and ears again.
"What is yours?"

Deleted user

"I am Selene the Sightless…" She trailed off, confused by the woman's behavior. The grip on her hand lessened as sudden distrust filled her mind.

Deleted user

"It is nice to meet you." Medusa took her away steadily further and further, stopping at a sloping hill.
"I am Medusa the Fiend."

Deleted user

She smiled slightly. "It is nice to meet you as well. You know… you do not seem as bad as the legends told." She felt her hair blow in the wind, signaling they were out of the forest.

Deleted user

Medusa shrugged, ignoring the fact that Selene could not see her, and looked around, spotting some steam to their near left, near the treeline.
"Come, it is over this way."

Deleted user

She followed, smelling the steam in the distance. She was truthful.

Deleted user

Medusa led her to the banks of the heated water, where under their bare feet lay warm stones. The whole area felt a few degrees warmer from the steam and water.

Deleted user

"You know what would be lovely? You could crush the wild lilacs and sprinkle their oils within the springs…" She suggested, enjoying the warm air. It felt good on her face, the warm humidity gentle on her face, different than the cool air of night.

Deleted user

Medusa hummed softly and picked a few flowers, bringing them over to the girl. "I picked a few and in fact that is what I do whenever I come down for a bath." She laughed softly.

Deleted user

"By chance do you happen to do it with Wisteria? You smell of it sweetly, and I cannot smell it on the wind." She held the flowers in her palm gently, running her fingers along the soft pillowy petals.
(Small note, I'm not going to be on the forums much anymore for a spout, so I apologize if my replies are sporadic.)

Deleted user

(That's alright, I saw your thread about it.)

Medusa hummed softly, looking down into the pool. "Indeed I did. Did you want to get in? The waters are nice and warm." She moved away from the mortal and pulled off her ragged dress befkre slipping in.

Deleted user

(Thank you. Also, this could get so weirdly smutty so fast.)
"Thank you for the offer, but I'd rather sit by the shore for now. Is that alright?" Selene asked, placing the flowers gently upon the rocks at the edge of the water. Her foggy grey eyes closing gently once more.

Deleted user

(Yeah, I know.)

"'Course it is," Medusa mumbled as she slowly dipped under the water's warm surface with a low sigh. The water burned and tickled her skin at the same time, and it felt wonderful.
"Are you sure you don't want to join me?"

Deleted user

"I am sure. I get easily confused in water, and since this is a new region, I do not wish to risk anything." She sighed gently, kneading the petals gently against the stone, letting the water wash up the oils.

Deleted user

"It's only a small basin, nothing too big. And you won't get lost, I am right here, after all," Medusa tried to convince her, looking up at her as she sunk lower and lower with a deep sigh.

Deleted user

"I'd still have to decline. I apologize but it is best for me to get a feel for the area beforehand." She picked up a flower and gritted it between her palms, letting broken pieces of the soft petals fall against the rocks.

Deleted user

Medusa made a low noise of disappointment but stopped egging her on. She leaned back into the opposite stone wall, blinking at the blind human thoughtfully. She didn't say much, just gently stroked her snakes.

Deleted user

"Is wisteria your favorite flower?" She asked suddenly, shifting her head upward to the sky, letting the hot air soak into her neck.

Deleted user

"Mmm, no. I like the rose, but they don't grow here any more." She leaned back with a soft sigh.