forum @Siberse
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I don't want to, so I'm not going to." Derlik looked over at the bird who followed them, letting out a little coo and offering his finger as a perch. He let go of Sorren's neck to grab his hair, humming a bit.

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Coco landed on his finger, cocking her head to the side. Her throat was a bright coral, and her belly was white compared to her dark brown feathers. Her dark grey, beady eyes looked at Derlik with contentment.
Meanwhile, Sorren tried his best to get his feet under him and to match the pace of the god, wincing whenever Derlik had to yank him forward by his hair.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Such a pretty bird," Derlik said, smiling at her. He set her on his shoulder, petting her head with one finger. Derlik's pace was quick, as it wasn't very often at all that he wasn't dragging Sorren behind him. He hummed a soft little tune, pushing Sorren in front of him.

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"Hold on! Jeez! Let me walk okay?" Sorren complained throughout the whole trip. "And stop molesting my Coco!"
Coco closed her eyes and leaned into the touch. She chirped in harmony with Derlik.
Well that's just great, isn't it? Even my bird's turned against me.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik glanced down at Sorren, ignoring his complaining. He laughed lightly when Coco started chirping with him, continuing his little melody.
"See, even your bird can see I'm a good guy. You're the one who got me mad, not them."

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"Coco is not a them. Coco is a she. Where the hell are we going? I haven't even eaten yet!" Sorren's brow was furrowed as he tried to cross in arms and keep up without yelping every five seconds from being yanked forward.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, good to know! She's a very pretty bird." Derlik looked down at Sorren, sighing a bit. He came to a stop, rolling his eyes.
"We're going wherever I damn please." He took Sorren's unwounded cheek in his hand. "Problem?"

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"Yes I have a problem! That would be you!" Sorren just hoped the day would be over, but only 10 minutes had passed. Well, that means 1,430 more minutes to go, hopefully including time for me to sleep. Derlik will let me sleep, right? Oh no…what did I get myself into?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik scowled a bit when Sorren used that tone with him. He slapped Sorren's wounded cheek, breaking through the micro fine layer of skin that had been left.
"Watch how you speak to me," he said calmly.

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Blood. Sorren could see blood. Pain. Sorren was also in pain. Why wasn't anyone helping him as he screamed?
"Fuck off you sack of horseshit! Go procreate with yourself!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik stayed calm on the outside. He gently held his finger out to Coco, lifting the bird up to rest on a nearby ledge so he could deal with Sorren. He grabbed Sorren's chin, fingers digging into the exposed flesh.
"You're the one who took the deal. You're the one who pissed off a god." He lifted his second hand, digging his fingers into Sorren's stomach, feeling cloth and flesh giving out under him as he pressed his fingers deeper.

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Sorren gritted his teeth. "You're the one who came to my house expecting me to fuck you! Your point? You can't just do whatever the hell you want and expect the world to bend to your will!"
Coco looked at the two of them confusedly, scratching the inside of her wing.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm a fucking god," Derlik growled, putting his fingers entirely into Sorren's stomach. "It's my job to have the world bend to my will." He pushed Sorren to his knees, grabbing onto the flesh around his fingers and tearing it out.

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(My poor boi…)

Sorren screamed.
"Please, please stop hurting me. I-I won't say anything, I'll shut up, okay Derlik?" Tears had begun to form in his eyes. He started to regret his decision not to–no, I stopped doing that for way more of a reason than because I had enough money.

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A growl erupted from Sorren's throat. "No. Burn in hell you-" Sorren stopped himself before he said anything else–he didn't want to be hurt again. He didn't mutter a 'sorry', instead scowling at Derlik.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik sneered again. He buried his hand deep in the hole he had made, shoving Sorren's organs to the side. He dug into Sorren's flesh with his nails, raking them up and down, over and over as he tore up Sorren's insides.

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(Mom: So what did you do today sweetie?)
(Me: I got into 2 rps that have otherworldly beings torturing my sad, depressed, and egotistical bois)
(Mom: That sounds just swell!)

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"Stop! Please! I'm going to die!" The world around Sorren was in slow motion, his mouth forming words that couldn't escape his mouth. His face was stuck in a wide-eyed look. Sorren felt like… like… He. Couldn't. Move. The world spun around him as the only thing he could focus on was the person, god–whatever he was–who was harming him. There was so much pain that Sorren could feel his legs give out from under him, his hands trying to tug at the hand in his stomach without his mind telling them to. Everything was so surreal. Is this how Sorren would die?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It doesn't matter if you think you will," Derlik growled. "Because no matter what I do, I won't let your soul leave your body. You're going to be alive, and you're going to be aware of every little thing I do to you." Derlik was scratching his way through Sorren, digging deeper and deeper until his hand came out the other side.
"Twenty four hours of this," Derlik said calmly in Sorren's ear. "I wonder how many it will be until you finally give. In."

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"You-you never said-!" But Sorren couldn't. If it weren't for Derlik holding onto him, Sor would have fallen forward onto the ground. Every sound was muffled through his ears ringing, all except for His voice. He couldn't hear Coco chirping frantically, couldn't feel her on his head where she yanked at his hair to make sure he was okay, couldn't see anything but the eyes. Those eyes. The eyes that were like blue hellfire, barely letting his soul hang on by a thread. Those eyes that have killed, tortured, manipulated. Those were not the eyes of a god. Those were the eyes of a monster.

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(Okay thank you for letting me find out that I love writing like that! Because Oh. My. God. I can use this for writing pieces/rps!)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"We agreed I would do whatever I wanted to do to you. Didn't I say I'd kill you? I warned you, Sorren." Derlik cupped Sorren's injured cheek in his hand.
"We're just getting started, Sorren. And I'm going to make sure your feel every little thing I do to you. You know how to stop this, Sorren. You're the only one who will." Derlik lifted Sorren up by the arm inside him, pressing against his shredded insides. He held the man's spine, freeing the bones grind and crack as he put pressure on them they were never designed for.