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forum @Siberse
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Funny you should mention god," Derlik said, forcing himself easily into the home entirely. "Seeing as you have one standing right in front of you." Derlik doubted Sorren would believe him for now, so he would let the mortal try to do something to kick him out. Give himself a reason to how off his power.

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"Just fucking-" Screw it. Let's give him a reason to leave. Sorren fumed, quickly punching Derlik in the gut. "Get. The hell. Out."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik was barely affect by the punch. He looked down at Sorren, his eyes flaring up a bit. Now they were actually glowing, there was no mistaking it. Even though there was only a five inch different, Derlik towered over the man.
"You shouldn't have done that," he growled. He grabbed Sorren's wrist, pulling him close. He grip was tight, his strength superhuman. Godlike.

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"What the-? Let go of me you kinky little freak!" Sorren gritted his teeth, and his bird started to chirp frantically. What the hell was this? Some sort of set up?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik reached up his second hand to grab Sorren's chin, forcing him up.
"I'd chose your words carefully if I were you." Derlik's voice was too low, too raspy. He pushed Sorren up against the wall, pinning him in place.
"You're life is in my hands, after all."

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"Get your filthy hands off me! Look, if you want money, I can give you money. Guys? Sure! No biggie… Hell, I'd give you the whole damn house if you wanted! Just please…please don't kill me." Sorren looked up at this man–no, thing–with wide eyes. What the hell did he ever do to piss him off? Sorren just wanted him to leave, was that so bad?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Those things mean nothing to me," Derlik growled. "What I want is you." Derlik wasn't for forcing himself sexually on others- he had to draw the line somewhere, yeah?- but he wasn't above breaking a man until he begged to be fucked.
"Was that not clear?"

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"I-I said no, okay? Look, if you thought I sold myself to you for fun, then you're really whacked up in the head. Can you please just leave me alone? I-I just want to live out the rest of my life as a successful businessman, okay?" Sorren was internally?–cowering in his boots–externally?–his hands were shaking and his eyes were fluttering around to every inch of the room to see if he could even remotely escape the grasp of Derlik–whatever he was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik tilted Soren's head up in his hand, forcing the human to look into his eyes.
"You see, I don't give two shits why you did what you did, or what you want." Derlik chuckled deep in the back of his throat.
"By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging for me to fuck you."

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Those eyes… they were like hellfire, burning into Sorren's very own soul.
"Is there anything else, other th-than that, that I-I can provide you?" Sorren was desperate. He hated when he was desperate.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik thought a moment at that.
"There is," he finally said, voice returning to how it had been before slowly. "But I doubt you'd chose it." Derlik smirked some. Was it really so bad it was worse than sex?

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"I-I'm listening…" Not that you really couldn't, though. "I swear, if I can do anything for you to just leave me be, I'd do it in a heartbeat." Sorren clamped his hands to his sides to stop them from shaking, and his bird chirped quietly–almost sympathetically–in the perch above.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik still hand Sorren's chin in his hand. He smirked a moment.
"I want to have some fun," he finally said. "Entertain me for a day, would you?" Not sexually, of course. But by the end of the day, Sorren would be his.

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(I have to head off to bed. Night!)

"A day? Sure! Whatever you want! Uhm, should I change? Or should I lend you some clothes? I don't think people will address you to be the usual person, I don't think. Now if I may-" Sorren started to inch away from Derlik. "I guess I'm going to have to prepare for…whatever you'll be doing today…" Sorren gulped. Anything Derlik had threatened Sorren with, he couldn't do to other people, right?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Derlik let go of Sorren.
"I'd preapre for the worst, if I were you." Derlik chuckled softly to himself. "I don't need any clothes, not from you." Derlik leaned against the wall Sorren had been pushed against, reaching out one finger to lightly run over the bird's head and back.
"Things will be getting quite… interesting today."

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"I-" Shut your damn mouth, Sorren! Sorren retreated to his room down the hall, and took a while to finally return. Was he freaking out? Dreaming of escape? Yes, yes he was. Sorren now wore a grey T-shirt and kept his jeans on. An attempt was made to comb the knots out of his hair. Nevertheless, Sorren was very nervous–even jumpy–when he returned back to Derlik petting Coco.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Derlik didn't move from his spot as he waited for Sorren, cooing softly as he pet the bird. He looked up when Sorren came back.
"Took you long enough." Derlik held his hand out.
"From the moment you take my hand, I have a total of twenty four hours to do whatever I please to you and your body. You are to submit to anything, and are unable to stop the events that take place in these twenty four hours unless you agree to have sex with me, or…" Derlik smirked a bit at the next part. "You sell your soul to me. By taking my hand, you agree to all of the aforementioned. Not that you have much of a choice."

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"Thought only devils make deals," Sorren took Derlik's hand. "But I, Sorren McAvoy, accept this offer." He smiled wearily. This was going to be a long 24 hours.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Who ever said I wasn't?" Derlik pulled Sorren close to himself, not bothering to be gentle.
"Tell me, how long do you think it'll take to break you?" Derlik let out a soft hum.
"How long will it have to kill you and revive you again and again until you finally give in? What will it take me turning you into to make you sing those wonderful words of 'fuck me~?'"

Deleted user

Sorren flinched, scowling at the god. "Can you stop with that? I am not going to beg for anything, okay? Especially not that."

Deleted user

(Now when you say skin, you mean the top layer, multiple layers, or all the layers of his skin?)

Sorren yelped, backing away and holding his wound in his hand, a small trickle of blood oozing out. "What-what the hell was that?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Most layers, but he still has a vvy little bit left)
"It's whatever the hell I want to do to you." Derlik hummed a bit, tossing the skin away. He reached over, grabbing Sorren by the neck.
"We're going to be having a lot more fun like this," he cooed. He started dragging Sorren out the door.

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"You know…you could ask…me to just walk…with you!" Sorren gasped between breaths. Being held by the neck was by no means comfortable. Coco chirped and flew a few feet above her owner, confused. She also liked the new person, but why was he doing this to Sorren? Did Sorren do something wrong?