"It can wait. I'd rather be here then there." He whispers as he ran his hand lovingly through Grayson's hair. "So don't feel bad on my behalf." He cups the others cheek gently.
"It can wait. I'd rather be here then there." He whispers as he ran his hand lovingly through Grayson's hair. "So don't feel bad on my behalf." He cups the others cheek gently.
“It sounded important though. Plus what’s the difference between tonight and tomorrow night?” He tried to convince him, pressing his lips to Seth’s shoulder.
Seth hummed. "I like to procrastinate. My dad hates it." He laughs softly. He hummed in content as he played with Grayson's hair.
Grayson gazed up at him with wide eyes, pouting softly. "That's not a good thing. Why do you look so happy about him being mad?" He asked, arms wrapped securely around Seth's waist.
Seth shrugged. "I don't like my dad." He sighed and kissed Grayson's lips gently. He sets his hands on the others waist, smiling a little. "Its nothing. Don't worry."
“Aren’t you worried though? I don’t want him to hurt you.” He grew more worried about Seth as the conversation went on. “I don’t want you to make him mad..”
"Dad wouldn't hurt me." He says softly. "Besides. Its normally nothing…" He kisses the others cheek. "Its okay."
“Are you sure? You make him sound kind of scary.." Grayson said quietly, pulling him over to the couch and sitting down, cupping his face in his hands. "I don't want him to be mad at you."
He settles down before kissing Grayson's lips gently. "I'm positive. He may be the king of the underworld and I don't like him… But this isn't the first time I've blown him off before." He kissed Grayson's palm gently.
“I don’t know..what if this time is different?” Grayson murmured doubtfully. “But..if you’re sure..”
He shrugged, "I doubt it." He sighed before kissing his forehead. "I'm positive." He mutters gently as he looked down at the other.
Grayson nodded, crawling into Seth's lap and wrapping a blanket around himself while pulling his knees up to his chest. He snuggled close to the other and pressed his lips right above Seth's heart before leaning against it.
Seth curled around him protectively, shutting his eyes a he sighed happily. "I love you…" He mutters softly, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "Always and forever." He glances down at the other, the sight making him smile warmly. He loved Grayson so much.
"I love you too." He gazed up at Seth, sighing softly. "I have to get ready soon." Grayson groaned quietly, "I have a class from 3 to 4:30, then 5:30 to 7, then dinner." He said, mostly just so he was able to remember it himself.
Seth huffed before nodding and smiling warmly at the other. "Alright… I can come with you, right?" He asks quietly, his eyes hopeful.
"Course, if you want to." Grayson replied, yawning softly and snuggling closer to Seth. "What do you want to get for dinner?"
"We could just get some take out…" He mumbles, kissing his lips sweetly. Seth ran his hand through Grayson's hair in thought.
"M'kay.." Grayson agreed, closing his eyes momentarily and leaning into Seth's touch with a little smile. "Do you want to go to the library between classes?" He asked after kissing Seth back.
He smiled a little at how cute the other was, curled up in his lap. He kisses his cheek gently before nodding. "Sure. That would be fun." He replies quietly.
Grayson nodded again and felt himself growing tired. He always seemed to be on the edge of sleep these days. “At lease I have you now..” He murmured unintentionally, barely loud enough for Seth to hear.
"Why don'y you take a power nap, angel?" He says softly. He chuckled at what the other said. "And I have you, my darling dove." He murmurs, a wide smile on his lips as he plays with Grayson's hair.
Grayson was already asleep by the time Seth was finished speaking. He slept peacefully for a minute before he began whimpering softly and pushing on Seth's chest slightly, almost like he wanted to get away.
Seth smiled a little when the other fell asleep, his eyes gentle and loving. Seth was dozing off himself when he felt the other pushing on his chest. "Angel? Dove… what's wrong?" He asks quietly, opening one eye groggily.
Grayson seemed to still be in a deep sleep. His breaths turned to shaking heaves and he cried out softly, still pushing on his chest. It was no use, he was wrapped around Seth securely, something he didn't seem to realize in his dream state which caused him to just shake silently, curling in on himself.
Seth became worried, he had no idea how to help someone in a state like this. He gently shook the other. "Grayson! Dove! You need to wake up, Angel!" He could tell it was a nightmare, but what on Earth could be that had him like this? "Grayson!"
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