forum secrets only the sun knows // O/O // Closed
Started by @MarDeColores this is not it kids

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Kuno pursed his lips at Theo's response. He didn't know what to do now to make Theo feel better. It was clear Theo was working through something on his own, and that was something Kuno wouldn't be able to help with. That didn't stop the curiosity, though. What in the world could they have done to think they deserved to be punished? A question like that wouldn't be appropriate at all, though, and it might bring up bad memories for Theo. "Do you want some tea?" It felt like a very random question, but he was at a loss for what to do. Maybe leaving Theo alone for a little while he made tea would help them in some way.


Despite wanting to just stew in his own angst and pain for a while, Theo sighed. They finally looked back at Kuno. “Tea does sound nice,” he said quietly.
But that got them thinking again. Why did he even ask? Why did he ask how he wanted to help? Why does he want to help them at all? He was in Kuno’s bed; he must have carried him here. Why didn’t he just call someone for help and leave it at that? Well… perhaps everyone was too busy with the recent attack. Even then, he looked so concerned. Theo didn’t understand. It probably wasn’t even that bad, who knows. And surely Kuno had more important things to worry about right now.
“Thank you,” he said, looking away again.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Okay. I'll be back soon." Kuno slowly stood, trying not to wince at the dull pain in his leg. He hadn't thought he'd sat there too long, but apparently, he was incorrect on that fact. Kuno turned towards the door, wondering if he still had tea in his room. He hoped so. The idea of being away from Theo for too long made him nervous. After all, what if something happened to Theo while he was out and he wasn't there to help them? Kuno let the door close slowly to avoid making any loud sounds that might disturb Theo, then hurried towards one of his cabinets that possibly held tea.

After far too long spent searching for tea, Kuno finally got a decent cup of tea together. He very much hoped that nothing had happened to Theo while he was gone. He knew it was paranoid of him to think that something bad would happen to Theo in the time it took him to find and make tea. That didn't stop him from worrying, though.



Theo closed his eyes. Everything was bright and heavy again. He felt as if they were made of lead. Ko was still curled around their hand, providing some comfort while Kuno was gone.
“Hey Ko…” he croaked. “Where’s Vivi?”
I don’t know. I’ve been here this whole time, why should I know where that mamba is?
Theo barely responded, but something that might have been a smile spread on their face. “Just… just figured snakes would know where other snakes were, I guess.”
Doesn’t work like that, Theo.
“I suppose… I suppose not…”
When he opened his eyes, their vision was blurred. He closed their eyes again, wanting to just fall back into unconsciousness. But Kuno would come back soon, right? They didn’t want to worry him.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Hello! Don't worry about it, my friend. :)

Kuno carefully made his way back into the room, making sure not to slam the door or spill the tea. He probably spent too much time making sure the door closed as softly as possible, but once again. He was paranoid. Kuno turned towards his bed, setting the tray of tea down before looking at Theo. It looked like they had fallen asleep. He should check, though, just in case they were just resting their eyes.
"Theo?" Kuno asked softly, kneeling back down beside the bed. "I have tea if you want it."


When he heard Kuno’s voice, he opened their eyes again, and tried squinting them so their vision would clear.
“Thank you.” The smell came over him, and he sighed. “You’re very kind. What kind of tea?”
They were curious, especially after finding this tea was much better than he was used to.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"It's made from tynu-rusi," Kuno replied softly, sinking down beside the bed again. "They're these beautiful little white flowers shaped like stars," he continued. Yes, he was rambling a bit, but he couldn't help it. "You might've seen them in the garden this afternoon."
Sol, had it really only been a less than a day since everything went bad? It felt like ages ago that he'd been contemplating his future. That future… Kuno dropped his gaze from Theo to his lap. He couldn't entertain it anymore. It had been a nice dream, while it lasted. Even if this was simply a battle and not another war, he was afraid of who he'd have to become to get through it. Theo wouldn't like that person. "Are you feeling better?" He asked softly, eyes still focused on his lap.


“Tynu… rusi?” Theo repeated softly. “I think I remember those flowers…”
He watched Kuno, blinking when his gaze fell. “Kuno…” Despite the numbness and brightness of everything, they could see something was on his mind. Then they couldn’t help but feel ashamed again. If only they didn’t collapse at a time like this. “I… I think so. But I would like a drink of tea, please.”