forum RP with @StarkSpangledMayflower
Started by @Fantasy-Illy!

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(Alright, here we go! Just for plot purposes, It'll be the first couple days of school. Mages are expected to join the magic school around age 16-17 and remain until age 21-22 based on magical ability.)

The sounds of children running and birds chirping were beautiful, to say the least, It was a beautiful day. The weather was warm and a light breeze was dancing through the trees, it certainly helped to make the heat bearable. The click-clack of heels against cobblestone made a couple of curious eyes look up in time to see a flurry of red being chased by a pale blue streak. Illeana knew that if she let Trix catch up to her, he would definitely make her late for classes and she didn't want that to happen. She spun 90° on her heel and sped through an alley.

Panting, she raced through the door and up the steps into the building before the protective barrier was in place. Illeana put a hand on a nearby pillar and bent over, trying to catch her breath. Trix spiralled down from the roof and took his normal form, settling on her shoulders. He looked at her inquisitively and shook his wings. A strong bell sound scared both of them and Illeana groaned. She had about 5 minutes to make it up 2 flights of stairs, down a long hallway, and into class before the instructor began attendance. Checking the nearby clocktower, she tightened her boots and ran again. At this point she could probably join one of the schools athletic teams.


As the bell rang, Ky had been walking down the hall to his class. People ran passed him hoping not to be late, not Ky though, no, he didn't really care about his grades. Ky was an okay student, he didn't necessarily cause trouble but somehow always ended up being in the middle of it. He wasn't failing any classes but also wasn't trying to be the top. But in this school people like him didn't fit in and he didn't try to.

At some point as Ky was in his own thoughts, he had somehow collided with a girl. He stumbled back and lost his grip on his books and they fell to the floor. It had only been a month since he started school. At first the school refused to let him enroll, but since his sisters went and his parents were extremely generous, they finally caved.

Without looking at the girl he bent down and picked up his books. "I'm so sorry." Now they were both going to be late. "I was lost in my thoughts," a small chuckle escaped his lips. He finally looked up and it was a girl, and… her hair was on fire? No, he looked a bit closer and it was just a deep red. Pretty. He'd never seen hair like that.


The collision was unexpected, to say the least. Illeana had been late almost everyday since the semester began and she had never seen anyone else around at that time. Who was this? He had the prettiest blue eyes she'd seen. She tossed her hair back and stood up, dusting her clothes off. "I'm sorry! You need to watch where you're going. I–" the bell clanging cut her off and she groaned. "Great. Now I'm late for weapons training class." She bent down to help him pick up his books. "Might as well help you out considering we're both late."

Once his books were gathered, she turned around. "See ya!" she ran down the hall and made it into the classroom just as the instructor was closing the door. "Miss Ellis! Glad to see you could make it today." The instructor looked at her and crossed her arms. "Take a seat, we were just about to begin." She muttered something under her breath as Illeana ducked her head and went to go sit next to a couple other girls she knew.


"Thanks." Ky smiled, showing his friendliness since he caught on to her hostility. He didn't need more people to hate him for no reason. Although he didn't like her tone, sure it was his fault they collided, but still. He wasn't able to get another word in before she was gone. Sighing he ran a hand through his hair, mentally preparing for the lecture he was about to get.

Upon walking in the room, Mrs. Remsy had already been talking about magic theory. Which was one of the classes Ky was close to failing. Uninterested, he walks straight to his seat. As he passed by chairs, he heard whispers. Whispers of disapproval others of, well, girl's that like him.

"Nice of you to join Ky." Mrs Remsy was a small 5'0 blonde and a bright complexion. Though at first glance she seems harmless, but the more you get to know her she can be scary. "Well, you know me, fashionably late." Mrs Remsy smiles, but it looks a little off. "Meet me after class." That was something Ky wanted to avoid.


Class was uneventful as usual. Illeana was there as a helper for those who didn't have the skills practiced. It was easier for her, she picked up the simple skills with ease, it was only a matter of time before someone noticed her expertise and offered to move her to a more advanced class. As the student in front of her succeeded in knocking their opponent onto the floor, she clapped and congratulated them. the student beamed and went to get a sip of water. Illeana followed suit. Training for 3 hours was difficult but she preferred it to sitting in a boring class listening to someone drone on and on about something she didn't care to know.

The clanging of the bell signaled lunch and Illeana raced down the stairs to the commons area. The lunch had already been served, it was only a matter of finding a place to sit and digging in. She found a secluded corner near the back of the hall with a gorgeous view of the school gardens. Illeana was glad the windows were opened today, the smell of roses and jasmine flowers enveloped her with a beautiful scented perfume. She smiled and took a seat, taking a look at what she had chosen for lunch.


When the bell rang Ky was meet with a feeling of relief. He did his best to understand magic theory, but it didn't come easy. Swinging his pack over his shoulder, he began walking towards the door. "Wait, Ky!" A shout from a girl was heard from behind him. Ky didn't recognize the voice. Upon turning he say a girl with short black curly hair. She had flawless dark skin and light brown eyes. She gave off an air of elegance. "Would you want to have lunch with me?" The girl asked while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, though it was in vain since it popped right back out. Ky wasn't sure, since he didn't even know her name. Rose would eat with her friends and wouldn't pay any attention to Ky. And it's not like he hates this girl.
A gentle smile spread across his face, followed by a nod.

Walking down the hall the girl was none stop talking, but Ky wasn't paying much attention. Every once in a while he would smile and nod, making her happy. When the lunchroom was in view, he saw his friends saving a seat for him by a window. That was his favorite spot. There was any overview of the school garden, it wasn't big, but you couldn't deny that it was beautiful. Plus it had a nice smell to cover up the stench of sweaty kids. "Hey guys." Ky gave a small wave before gesturing to the girl next to him. "This is," He gave her a glance, and without missing a beat she smiled and placed a hand on her chest. "I'm Mel, nice to meet you all." She took her seat next to Angel. They looked good together. Ky sat next to Cole.

Across from where he was sitting a few tables away, he caught a glimpse of familiar red hair. As his friends asked Mel questions, Ky quietly watch the mysterious girl.
A nudge to the shoulder quickly snapped him out of his trance. Next to him was a smiling Cole leaning on his arm. "Something catch your eye?" Cloe took a look towards the area Ky had been lost in before. He couldn't tell at who he was so enchanted with, but there were a few good looking girls that way. "As if," Ky laughed and took a bit of his food. When he looked up he locked eyes with Mel, whom had been smiling at him. Ky decided to join the conversation of his friends and get to know Mel better.


Illeana finished her lunch and checked the time, wow, 20 more minutes for lunch I'll have time to grab a coffee and a snack for the next class! She got up and grabbed her bag, in her haste, she didn't realize that she left her notebook on the table. With a big artistic graphic of her name on the cover, it would be difficult for anyone to take the book for themselves. As she ran to the campus coffee shop, the only thing on her mind was getting an iced coffee and a muffin.

She ordered her drink and snack, with an energy enchantment add-on, she sat on the wall just outside the school and reached into her bag to review the notes for her next class, but as she reached in, she grasped nothing but air. "What the-" she said, confused and pulled apart her bag ends to search deeper. "Oh great, I have 5 minutes before my next class and I can't go back to search for my book without being late again. Mr. Blake is going to send me to detention." She groaned and kicked the wall in anger.


Ky couldn't help but take a few glances throughout his conversation. She seemed to be in a hurry. He watched as she quickly packed her bag and run out the door. On the table he noticed she had left something behind. Is she more clumsy than she seems, or is this a one time thing? Interesting.

"Well, I'm going to head out." Ky pushed himself up, getting ready to leave before Angel stopped him. "Dude, you barely talked. What's up with you?" With a sigh, Ky smiled and waved them goodbye. Making his way over to the table the girl had been sitting at he quickly picked up the notebook and left the lunchroom.

Maneuvering around a crowed trying to get to class, he made sure to keep an eye out for her. This notebook had to be important. This way he came repay her for helping him pick up his books earlier. Maybe then he can get rid of this weird fascination with her.

Finally after searching for what seemed like forever, he found her. She was dumping out her backpack looking frantically for something. Looking for the notebook. Ky chuckled before walking up to her. "Here," in his outstretched hand was the notebook. "Were you looking for this?"

(Sorry this one isn't as well written 😅 Also, would this school have dorms? I feel like this rich school would have some dorms, haha.)


(No worries! I think it reads great! Yes, it does have dorms)

Just as she began to dump things out of her bag, an outstretched hand presented her with her notebook. "My book! Thank y–" She glanced up and squinted. "Aren't you that boy who crashed into me this morning?" Illeana spent a couple moments observing the boy in front of her. He was cute, his blue eyes were striking against the neutral black of his hair, and Illeana found herself staring at him a little aggressively. She averted her eyes and fiddled with her necklace before looking back up, a light blush coating her cheeks. "Thank you for this, where did I leave it?" she asked


"Ah, yes, this morning. I apologize for that." He handed over the book, "You rushed out of the lunchroom without it. I figured this could make us even." Since she helped with his books this morning, he could finally get over this weird feeling. "Anyway, I'm Ky." He was pretty well known, but not for any good reason. A lot of people know him as Rose's brother. Rose was one of the top students, she excelled in many things. She wasn't as athletic as Ky, but she wasn't bad at it either.

The girl seemed relieved, which made Ky feel relieved. As people walked by they would take curious glances at them. Almost like seeing Ky and the girl together was something strange. Of course Ky picked up on it, but he didn't seem to mind. He got looks like that all the time.

Gym was Ky's next class, the only class he genuinely enjoyed. He could blow off some steam. "Do you like basketball? I'm playing in a bit. If it doesn't overlap with your class you should come watch." Ky wasn't all that interested if she came or not, but from the looks of people, she seemed to be well known. Maybe she can help his reputation a little.

He smiled his usual smile. His eyes almost begging her to come. He really hoped she couldn't read minds, because that would be embarrassing.


"Ky? Ky, Ky, Ky. Oh!, You're Rose's brother? I heard her mention something about her brother joining the school this year!" Illeana took off her glasses and put them in her bag along with the notebook. She zipped it up and stood up, slinging it around her shoulder. "Illeana, my friends call me Lils, Leana, or sometimes Dove." She stuck out her hand for him to shake.

Illeana loved going to the gym, sometimes they had intramurals and she joined in the badminton or cricket games. Basketball wasn't her strength, all she really knew about it was that you passed a ball, couldn't step on certain places without a foul, and that anyone who played professionally was super tall. "Honestly, I don't know much about basketball. I have an elective next but I think I can ask to go out of the class to work on my project." Noticing all the eyes on them, Illeana used a simple shield illusion to create a partition to block their view.

She thought about what they were doing in her jewelry-making class and remembered that they were working on their semester-end gallery. She had to design a few items to display and potentially sell. last year, she managed to sell one of her pieces for a decent amount and donated the rest to her parents' shop where they also got some pretty nice prices for them. "Yeah, I think I can come along. I'll send an illusion to my class and have her tell my instructor what I'm doing." She spoke, thinking for a few moments.


"Great!" Without thinking about it he put his hand on her head. Lea used to do this to him until he grew taller then her, once that happened he started doing it to Lea. He wasn't as close to Rose as he was Lea. Lea seemed to be the glue of the siblings, but since she went to school farther away, they didn't get to see her much. "Hopefully I'll see you soon, Dove." He gave her a wink before walk back towards the lunchroom where he had left his bag.

Once he reached the steps outside the building, Cole popped up out of nowhere. Ky, a bit spooked jumped a little. "I knew something was up." Usually if Cole sensed something nothing could stop him from trying to find out what it was. Strangely though he was smiling. Cole often teased his friends about crushes and whatnot. "I'd be careful of the one. I heard she kind of like an ice princess." Cole wrapped his arm around Ky. Ky rolled his eyes. "Listen, I'm not romantically interested in her, I've only met her today. Also, I don't believe what people just tell me. I'm different from what people say." They began walking inside, Cole saying hi to people he knows as they walk. "But because of what people say, they automatically don't like me. Plus she seemed nice the two times we talked."

Entering the lunchroom both Ky and Cole saw Angel and Mel still sitting and chatting. They were so enamored with each other and looked like they were dating. Cole run off towards the table, probably going to make fun or integrate them about the strange atmosphere.

(I'm going to do just a bit of Rose's POV. Also I know nothing about basketball but I'll do my best, haha.)

Rose stood eyes glued to the scene of her brother and Illeana chatting. What could've possible happened for those two to be talking? After Ky walked away, Rose walked up next to Illeana. They weren't necessarily friends, but they were in the same grade and both top students, so they were around each other a lot and have talked before. "Hey." Rose said as she caught up to Illeana and tapped her shoulder. Rose had the opposite appearance of her brother. While handsome, Ky looked depressing and unapproachable, Rose on the other hand with her bright blue eyes and long blonde wavy hair and a few freckles scattered across her face, she came off as cheerful and bright. "I saw you were talking to my brother, is he bothering you?"


Illeana batted his hand off her head only a bit playfully. "Don't touch my hair, do you know how long it takes to get it to look this nice every day?!" she rolled her eyes but her smile didn't waver. as he winked at her, Illeana felt her face flush and looked away, patting her cheeks. Come on Lils, you just met him. Calm down! she took a deep breath and almost jumped out of her skin when she felt Rose tap her shoulder.

"Jeez! Say something next time!" She rolled her shoulders and turned to face her. "No, I left my book in the lunch room and didn't realize it. Ky found it and found me to give it back. Why? What's up?" she asked. As she talked to Rose, Illeana made some gestures with her hands to summon an illusion. She gave it some instructions to it and sent it to her next teacher's room who acknowledged her work and gave her permission to work in the gym so long as she had something to show for it.


"Oh, I see." Rose's tone sounded a bit disappointed, but she quickly put a smile back on her face. "Well if he ever troubles you let me know." The sound of the bell for the next class rang and Rose quickly left waving goodbye.

Ky's team was down one point. He was thankful this was not a real game. He hated to lose. Running around the court , he seemed focused but was also keeping a close eye on the crowed. He saw his friends cheering him on. And a few other people he didn't really know. He wasn't well liked, but being one of the best in sports for his class, made him slightly more likeable. Though the guys tended to be a bit bitter and jealous. He lined up his shot and threw the ball. Score! The crowed cheered and his teammates parted his back. "Break!" A loud shout was heard from the back. Ky sat in the front bleachers and took a drink of water.

(Sorry for the late and short reply. It's been busy around here.)


Rose's strange questioning and tone had Illeana taken aback. She was curious as to why Rose was so interested but didn't question it. If her siblings were at this school, she might have behaved in the same way but she wasn't sure. The bell rang and Illeana quickly made her way to the gym and sat in the lower-middle of the bleachers near the edge.

She could see the game clearly but it was also far enough that she could actually do some of her pending work. While she didn't know much about basketball, Illeana did know how to read context clues so when the crowd cheered for Ky and his teammates looked ecstatic, Illeana clapped along and whistled. She made her way near the bottom where Ky was sitting and smiled. "Hey! I think you're doing a great job!"


"Oh, you came." Ky smiled running a hand through his hair, while moving his gaze from the floor to her. There was sweat running down his face. From the corner of his eye he could see the curious faces of his teammates. "I'd invite you to sit, but I'm a bit gross at the moment." He realized in that moment the nickname Dove fit her so well. She had an elegance about her. "I hope it wasn't too much trouble to come." He took a towel from the small table next to him and wiped down his face and neck. From a few bleachers behind some girls giggled. He couldn't help but notice them, they seemed to follow him around and it made him a bit uncomfortable. They seemed to take notice of him more in these situations. He hated it.


Illeana laughed softly and pretended to make a face. "Oh yeah, I could tell from all the way over there. I didn't know if I wanted to come say hello." She joked then burst into laughter. "It wasn't any trouble, I asked my instructor. I just need to finish these designs before today and show them to her to get a credit for today. We have an exhibition in 2 and a half months and I need to finish my designs, or at least the rough sketch of them, so I can get started on making my designs." She spoke then paused, a light blush colouring her cheeks rouge. "Sorry, I tend to ramble about my work."

Even when speaking to Ky, Illeana could feel the eyes of the girls nearby. She felt how they transformed from a flirty look to a confused curious look, to now a full-on death-stare. Illeana turned to look at them and found a few girls from a younger class glaring. She simply stuck out her tongue and made a rude gesture with her hands before turning back to Ky.


"You into fashion?" Ky admired when people were passionate about what they love. They are the complete opposite of him. Sure he played basketball, but he wasn't all that invested in it. Ky hasn't found anything that really moved him. "Well since you cam all the way here for me, I'll make sure to put on a good show." He lightly laughed and stood up. His hair slightly stuck to his face, which annoyed him. Looking around he spotted a hair tie on the table next to him and grabbed it. Putting his hair up would help. He held the tie with his lips while pulling his hair back in a half up-do. The same voice rung out and asked the player to return to court.

Ky ran around the court, dodging the other team. He made about two more scores before the game ended. Though with all his effort, his team still lost, but not by much. Even from a distance you could tell he was disappointed. Walking back over to the bench, he plopped down with his head in his hands. I need a good shower. Letting out a sigh he pushed the thought of losing to the side. It wasn't a big deal.


"Not fashion though I enjoy dressing up! I design jewelry, I'm wearing a couple pieces I designed right now!" She grinned. "I'm looking forward to your show." Illeana winked and watched as he pulled his hair up. With his hair pulled back, she could see his dark eyes and how they looked against the paleness of his skin. Their colour was reminiscent of the ocean during a storm and the intensity in them as he played made them even more striking.

Illeana grabbed a few colours from her bag and sketched his eyes and their colour. While she didn't get them exact, she was satisfied with the colour. She was going to ask her dad to be on the lookout for this colour of gem and get it for her. It would be stunning as the centrepiece for her main design. When she heard clapping, she looked up from her drawing and saw that Ky's team had lost. She recalled a few shots and maneuvers she saw his team use and was a bit dissapointed that they lost, they were a decent team.

As he walked off the court and began walking towards the bench, Illeana followed him and sat next to him. "Hey, I think you played great! Some of those moves were incredible!"


A soft gaze spread across his face as he looked up at Illeana. "Thanks." The sun had gone down a bit, indicating the school day was over. The end of the day was his favorite. There was a secret spot that he went to at the end of everyday to watch the sunset. "It was nice of you to come watch. Not sure why everyone calls you the ice queen or whatever it was." The setting sun light up Illeana's hair even more. It looked as if it she was the one making the beautiful colors in the sky. She looked like she belonged in the sunset, like a piece of it had fallen and turned into a girl. It was hard to look away.

"What are your plans after this?" Ky as he let his hair down. It fell low of his fell, leaving only a little room for his eyes to peek out. The room started to empty. Standing, Ky wrapped his towel around his neck and looked down Illeana. "I think the nickname Dove suits you a lot better." Ky said with a small smile.


"I'm not the nicest person to people I'm not familiar with. For whatever reason, you're an exception, you make me feel like I can be myself around you. Perhaps it's because you haven't been exposed to the rumours yet." Illeana smiled, hints of sadness lingering in her eyes as she clapped her hands. "Well, I have to go and submit my design before the bell rings in 10 minutes. I don't have any immediate plans, I have to continue to work on this assignment but it's more of a long-term thing. Why?"

Illeana smiled at his words. Not many people knew her middle name, only a select few did. Most people assumed it was just a nickname. Dove was her older sister's name. Unfortunately as a child, she grew very sick. Her father spent his days in the research facility trying to discover a combination of things that could cure her sickness. He was unsuccessful and she passed. She was 10 years older than Illeana and never got to meet her. To honour their first child, their parents gave her name to Illeana. "Thanks, Not many people use it to refer to me." She packed her things and stood up.