forum RP with @StarkSpangledMayflower
Started by @Fantasy-Illy!

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These are a couple i came up with a long time ago. I'm using 2 in a private RP and became a bit invested in the worldbuilding so I'm creating a magic system from scratch if you're interested.:

  1. A is a seamstress/weaver in the modern world. They weave fabric from the thread of fate, given to them by the three fates. The garment made from the fabric is then sent to the person who's fate it's made with. This time A recieved 2 spools of thread at the same time. They had a few things go wrong, first their loom broke, then they accidently combine the two different threads, and finally they sent the two garment to the opposite people (if a made a sock for B and a scarf for C, they sent the sock to C and the scarf to B). B recieved the wrong fate in the mail and accepted it as their own. Which is why it was so weird that the maker of the garment came urgently to their door and told them that they were going to die unless they switched their fates. What happens next?

  2. In a modern day world where magic is widely accepted, witches offer potions of strength and such as add-ons at starbucks, nymphs build lavish houses from the trees and plants they live in, sirens teach music to students, and so much more! The only thing that isn't accepted is the dark forest. Where thorny vines block the entrances, strange red-eyed creatures watch from the dark, and where the sounds of laughter and happy chatter floats over the trees. What happens when the dark forest suddenly opens a few paths to allow people to come in?

  3. In a school of magic, A is the top student, mastering the basic spells and striving to learn more. The school announces an exchange student program, the school of magic and the school for non magical beings decide to send students to see how life is like. B is a non magical student who come to the magic school. The longer they stay there, the more strange things happen around them until one day, A runs into B's dorm to see everything floating in the air and B sleeping. What's going on?

  4. The lost City of Atlantis has been found and the people who reside there are actually humans who have adapted to survive underwater. With fins for feet and gills that can be closed to breathe air, what happens when A, a human living above the surface, meets B, an Atlantean who speaks languages never been heard before. B seems to be hiding something, why do the Atlanteans look at B with fear and respect? Why does B never want to talk about their parents?


I was thinking maybe the people from the forest sent sent person B, or person B is from there and doesn't know it. Maybe we can start with the school stuff, but slowly things start going on and person A and B decide to try and figure out what's going on. Or something like that.


Maybe person B is adopted by a family of magic users and goes to the local magic school but doesn't have magic u til that one day and they find a connection with the forest and them?


Okay I'll be person B. I've been kinda wanting to do a little romance as well. But I feel like our characters wouldn't get along at first. Almost like a enemies to lovers sort of thing. What do you think?


I'll be going on vacation starting today. I'll do my best to answer, but if I don't it's not because I've abandoned this RP.


I think so too, I feel like they would be almost against each other's presence then slowly become closer. I'll use my one new girl. I'll find her character template and post it, editing it later

That's fine! I hope you enjoy!


(She's orignally from a mafia RP so i'll need to edit her backstory and stuff)

Name: Illeana Dove Ellis
Nicknames: Leana, Lils, Dove
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
General appearance: Illeana is about 5’6 and thin with a muscular body. She works out a lot and has the body to reflect that. Illeana had long red hair that she chopped short and hazel eyes. Her eyes reflect the bright colour of her hair every so often giving them a red hue. She’s got a small upward-pointed nose with a piercing. Illeana enjoys piercings and tattoos, she has quite a few ear piercings and almost always has earrings in them. She has a few tattoos, each one means something to her but no one knows what they mean. She enjoys jewelry and has a vast collection of dark Victorian-inspired pieces. Always has silver rings and at least 2 necklaces, a long silver chain with an arrowhead pendant, and a leather one with a small polished river stone pendant. Her style is very dark Victorian and she enjoys modernizing it. She chooses dark neutrals and most pieces have a lace aspect to them. She likes to wear pants but nothing that restricts her movements. She likes pockets. A lot. The last thing she loves to wear is gloves, whether fingerless, leather, or biker gloves, she’ll always have a pair on her at any given time. (Visual Aid:
Personality: Illeana is a bit sponteanous. She is loyal to those who remain loyal to her. A cold and calculating person who enjoys games and showing up people. She will plan for things in advance bit make split-second changes and alter plans to suit her needs. One may say she is very flexible. Her friends are convinced she has ADHD but she never confirms or denies those rumours so one can never tell. Can be a bit of a mean girl but honestly she's just a girl's girl.
Backstory: Illeana grew up in a wealthy family of Mages. Her mother (44) was a Craftsmen Mage with an affinity for jewelry and her father (46) was an Earth Elf with an affinity for precious stones and minerals. With their combined magic, they ran a successful jewelry store in the busiest part of the city. They have a second location in the works with a location been bought but other planning is still needed. Her mother and Father's combined magic meant that Illeana grew up as an Illusion Mage. Her older brother (22) is a skilled Illusion Mage who has already moved on to the local magic university. Her younger sister (12) hasn't yet shown which Mental Magic she will have but signs point to her also being an Illusion Mage. Illeana has a Trykean pet/familiar/sidekick thing that she's had since she was little. His name is Trix and he stays close to her.
Extra tidbits I may have forgotten to add here: Trykeans are a small, cat-sized fuzzy creature with transparent butterfly wings. Think sticking 2 pompoms together and attaching holographic butterfly wings and you'll envision them. They have some minor magic, using the dust created by their wings to enchant objects with levitation magic. The magic fades within the hour…give or take.


That's my name! I was wondering if it was pronounced like mine and it is. I was thinking high school but we can do whichever


Oh cool! I like the meaning of the name in terms of her role in my story so I thought it fit well!

Alright, high school it is! I'll edit her to add/remove the relevant info


Name: Ky Hastings
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Straight
General appearance: 6'2 He's got black hair that hangs loose around his face and is long enough to pull back into a half up do or small ponytail. He has a slim build but definitely can tell he has muscles. He has a few ear piercings. He has blue eyes. He looks intimidating (But is quite the opposite) He wears a lot of casual clothes, things that are comfortable. He has a black steel like ring that he always wears
Personality: He is very athletic, he loves to move his body. Though he may look intimidating and a bit depressing, he is quite the opposite. He has a bright and gentle smile. He's a bit aloof and doesn't take too many things seriously. But because of his looks, it helps him in times when he is serious. He gets away with a lot because of his handsomeness and a lot of the other guys get annoyed because of it. He can be a bit flirty, but is a loyal guy when in a relationship. Can be a bit possessive. He treasures those he cares about. He'd risk his life for those he cares about, but can often come off as distant or detached at times.
Backstory: Ky grew up in an orphanage till the age of 12, or at least that's what he's been told. His memories before coming to the Hastings household are a blur. His adoptive family consists of his Father Theo (40), his Mother Rain (38) and his two older sisters Lea (21) and Rose (18) and their Wolf Freedom. Lea has moved to a different area. Rose goes to the same school and tends to be indifferent to Ky. His Dad is a lawyer, and his mom works in the medical field. They are pretty well off and that's how he got into the same school as Rose despite not having any magic (that we know of yet) and because of that a lot of people at the school don't like him or look down on him. He has a 3 close friends. Cole, Angel (a guy) and Mel.