forum RP with brave_soldier
Started by @Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

people_alt 78 followers

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" babe, chill," he said softly. haze did look over his shoulder, looking at the demon behind them

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"yes!" haze yelled, but he could feel something tugging at him.

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haze flushed heavily, " i think he found us.. or me.."

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Isaac turned his head and looked at the white-haired demon. He let out a small scream, looking at the dead patrons. Isaac drew his sword, avoiding the demon's eyes. “Don’t look into his eyes or you’ll become very lustful!” The hearts on this demon's outfit was a warning. Isaac grabbed Haze from the demon's grasp and tried to escape the building. The doors were permanently locked. Isaac’s wings puffed out in fear. He hung his head low and struck at lust. His strike was met with a parry. “Uh oh.” Isaac was slammed and pinned against the wall, Lust’s Jian sword at his throat.

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"NO!" haze yelped, rushing lust in a last-ditch attempt. " get off him!"

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Lust kicked Haze in the stomach after a blade was shoved into his shoulder. His Jian sword was pressed further into Isaac's throat, and Isaac struggled to breathe. He closed his eyes as the sword pierced his throat. But a demon-like Isaac doesn't let himself be murdered. He smiled and shoved the knife from earlier into Lust's stomach. Lust stumbled backward, Isaac fell from the wall. Lust let out a demonic screech and disappeared. Isaac coughed the wound on his neck slowly sealing up. "Oh boy, that was awful. I hated that. I hope there wasn't too much attention drawn."

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haze had hurled everything he ate, though he now knew what the tug was. he was just plain jane horny now and he had to deal with it.