forum Rooftops O/O (CLOSED)
Started by @ShadeStar

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The girls all looked to Evelyn. One of the younger ones, she couldn't have been older than 7 or 8 popped out from the crowd and greeted her, "Hi! I'm Rose!"

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"Well hi there Rose. I'm Evelyn." She smiled softly down at the girl, always a huge lover of children. "Would you mind showing me around a bit since I'm new here? Or know someone who will?" She asked sweetly, her ears flicking back and forth lazily.


"I can do it," Rose responded happily. She grabbed Evelyn's hand before running through the hut. She pointed to a little blanketed off area, "This is where I sleep! And that's probably where you'll sleep! No one is there at the moment."

She was pointed to a more bare bone spot that was slightly covered. She dragged Evelyn out of the hut and pointed to some of the other areas, "That's where the nice lady who gives out treats sometimes lives. And that's where my friend lives! She's sick at the moment so I can't talk to her."

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Evelyn nodded as she looked around. "Alright, thank you sweetheart." She said with a nod as she looked around. "Where are some of the other girls who live here?" She asked as she looked around, sniffing the air a bit.


"Umm most were out watching the parade," Rose responded her eyes squinted in concentration, "Though they should be coming back any moment now."

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"Alright well I guess then you'll have to keep me company while they arrive." She said with a smile as she investigated her new living space.

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"Alright alright." She followed after the little girl with a smile. She didn't mind.


Rose grinned and pulled Eve towards a little board. She sat down on one side and pulled out a bunch of little pieces of plastic. They were in all different shapes and shades but one set was red and the other was blue, "Have you played before?"

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"Is this chess? I've never been very good at it,but yes I've played." She asked as she sat down on the ground, running a hand through her hair.


"Mmmm, not chess," Rose shook her head and began setting up the red side of the board, "Checkers! I've never played chess before. That's for the big kids!"

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"Well with how smart you are I figured you'd be considered a big kid." She said with a smile as she began to set up her side.

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She moved her piece, listening hard for the others. She didn't want to seem rude but meeting the other girls here would be nice.


Rose moved one of her pieces grinning. Footsteps could be heard in the distance along with the quiet chattering of discussion.

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Her ears perked up and her tale began to wag with excitement. Evelyn had always been a social butterfly. She stole one of Rose's pieces with a smile. "So then, what are the other girls here like? Are they all as young as you are?"


Rose shook her head as she saw Evelyn perk up. She countered and stole Evelyn's piece right back, "No, I'm one of the youngest here. A lot of them are either really reallllly old or younger."

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"Oh? Are we talking grandma age or…?" She asked knowing that younger kids perceive things differently than her. She sighed as she stole another 2 pieces with ease.


"Mmm nope!" Rose responded frowning at the board. She brightened up as she managed to take another 2 peices back, "They're not ancient."

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"Well then what's the average age here hm?" She said as she moved across the board and got crowned king.


"25 I think," Rose responded humming. She got one of her pieces to the other side and flipped it over, "At least that's what they tell me."

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"Alright so around my age. Good." She nodded as she continued to play, watching them barter back and forth, though her ears stayed high and alert, listening to the chit chat of the other girls.


One of the girls got close and entered the hut. She stopped for a moment looking between the two and spoke to Rose, "She's new right?"

"Yep! Dawn this is my new friend Evelyn!" Rose responded beaming.

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(Sorry I was going through some life stuff, I didn't mean to leave ya hangin')