"I have no clue," Rhydar murmured, sighing softly. He knew that they had to get to bed eventually, and from the looks of it, neither one of them actually wanted to get to sleep. Jynna was still trailing her fingers over his body in hypnotizing patterns, and he was still comfortably snuggled against her. But sleep still had to come, and he groaned in defeat when his rational brain won the fight. "We should get ready for bed," he said, kissing the base of her neck real quick.
She sighed and nodded, dropping her fingers from his back, “I suppose. Do you know if there’s anything I could change into? I don’t want to sleep in these clothes, especially if I have to wear them back to my classes again tomorrow.” Looking our the window, she saw it was quite dark out, meaning a decent amount of time had passed since they had first gotten to the treehouse.
"Yeah," he said, rolling over and hauling himself out of the bed. He headed over to the dresser and pulled out one of the oversized shirts they had stashed in there, then turned and held it out to her. "I can look and see if any of the girls have sweatpants or leggings in the other bedroom," he offered, "I'm heading there anyway."
“Actually, If they have any just comfortable shorts those would work,” She said, rolling over and grabbing the shirt from him. Jynna sighed and flopped back on the bed, throwing the shirt over her face with another sigh.
Rhydar rose an amused brow, lip quicking up as well. "Alright, I'll see what I can find," he said, then ducked out of the mini-treehouse to cross the bridge. He searched through the drawers containing the girls' clothes, found a pair of shorts for Jynna, then changed into his pajamas–which was just a pair of sweatpants. He had a hard time sleeping with a shirt on for some reason.
Once he left she changes into the shirt, folding the one she was going to wear again and putting it on top of her shoes neatly. She glanced around the room and spotted the brush she found earlier. A small smile crossed her face and she got off the bed, grabbing it and brushing through her hair quick so it was soft and she could easily deal with it the next morning.
Rhydar came back in no time, knocking on the door to let Jynna know of his arrival. "Think these'll fit?" he asked, holding up the pair of shorts he got for her. His hair was so messy thanks to Jynna, and his emerald eyes were bright despite the slightly dark room.
She looked at them for a moment before nodding, motioning for him to toss them to her as she put the brush back and sat down on the edge of the bed. Her eyes flicked over him and she felt her face flush when she realized she was just checking him out. “Yeah, they’ll work, now give me another minute to put them on, I’ll just yell when I’m done.”
He smirked when he saw her blatantly checking him out, but didn't comment on it as he tossed her the shorts. "Here you go." He then turned around and closed the door behind him, letting her change in peace. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, savoring the cool chill of the night seeping into this skin. "Oh shit, I need to get a blanket," he muttered, then quickly headed to the main treehouse to grab a blanket big enough for the two of them. He hesitated briefly, then grabbed a separate blanket just in case Jynna had other ideas.
Slipping into the shorts, she folded up her pants and put them on top of her shirt before flopping onto the bed and sprawling out. She took up as much room as she possibly could before calling for Rhydar, “Finished, you can come back in now.” Him without a shirt on was really hot, and her mind kept drinking back to him tossing her the shorts with his signature smirk even as she tried to push the image out of her head because it made her blush more.
Rhydar had come back at just the right moment, as he heard Jynna calling through the door. He knocked once just to let her know of his presence, then walked in and held up the blankets. "I've brought my lady comfort," he said with a half-smile, looking her up and down from where she was sprawled across the bed. He fixed his attention to her eyes as he said with an arched brow, "Any preferred sleeping arrangements?" Better ask directly than do something stupid.
She smiled when he held up the blankets and motioned for him to throw them over, shrugging at his question. Sliding to the side of the bed she wanted she shrugged again, “I’m not picky, though I’ll warn you now, I like cuddling and can tend to you know, snuggle with whoever is closest.”
"Perfect," he said with a smile, heading over to the bed and throwing the biggest one over the entirety of the bed, also covering Jynna in the process—totally not intentional. "I myself am guilty of being a stomach sleeper, but cuddles are amazing too," he said, the smirk back yet again as he slid under the blanket and into the bed. He had tossed the smaller one over to Jynna so she could do whatever she wanted with it.
She yanked the blanket off of her head with a fake scowl and stuck her tongue out at him as she got comfortable, the smaller blanket getting tossed on top of the larger one just for extra warmth. “I’ll try my best to let you get your stomach sleeping in, Prince,” She said, though she already had scooted closer to him and decided this was where she was going to try to stay and not roll off the bed or push him off.
"Mmmhmm, highly doubt it," he said teasingly, already reaching for her. He pulled her towards him so that her back was against his chest then he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Though his arms were wrapped around her waist, his grip was light so that she could move however she wanted.
She stuck her tongue out at him once again at his comment and tucked the blakets in around herself. Jynna happily snuggled right against him when he pulled her close, one of her hands resting on top of his around her waist and the other one propped behind her head for extra pillow support. ”Feel free to push me a little ways away if you need some space to sleep.” She let her eyes flick closed even though she still wasn’t tired, hoping it would tell her body to shut up and go to sleep.
He seemed to hold her somewhat closer in response to her words. His eyes were closed as well, and he focused on Jynna's warmth to coax himself to sleep, not that it was working much. He was still hyperaware of Jynna being right next to him, happily snuggled against him. It was practically perfect in his mind, but it was still hard to make himself go to sleep.
She focused on his breathing and heartbeat to try to lull herself to sleep, making sure to whisper one last, “Goodnight,” before trying harder to fall asleep. Surprisingly, once she was comfortable and content against him, it wasn’t difficult to fall asleep and she drifted off somewhat quickly. His warmth helping as well to keep her warm asleep.
"Goodnight," he murmured, his breathing evening out until he eventually drifted off as well. Once he had gotten over his initial joy over his situation, it was quite easy for the wave of exhaustion to overtake his consciousness and knock him out. Jynna's warmth kept him nice and cozy, and her steady breaths were soothing enough to make the process all the easier.
((yeah. To the morning? And should it be the weekend or still during the week?))
(Yeah, and I’ll probably just say it’s the weekend if that’s good with you)
Morning seemed to come way too quickly, the sun starting to shine through the windows and the birds chirping annoyingly loud in the trees. Jynna pressed her eyes shut tighter and tried to keep sleeping. She had a tendency to move around a lot when she slept and this wasn’t any different. He was on his stomach and Jynna was sprawled out on her back, one hand kept on his back. The blankets were a mess of fabric partly covering her, and the ones by Rhydar seemed to be less of a bundle and more covering him.
Rhydar cracked open an eye, then groaned and buried his face in his pillow. He wasn't not a morning person, as he could wake up just fine, but it was the act of getting out of bed that he protested against. He opened an eye again and smiled softly when he saw Jynna next to him—and seemingly lost a fight with the blankets last night. She was a sprawled out and barely even covered, and Rhydar shamelessly trailed his eyes up and down her legs and partially exposed stomach, thanks to her slightly hitched up shirt.
She let out a small breath when she couldn’t fall back asleep and rolled onto her side, facing him. It wasn’t that mornings weren’t bearable but the whole usually going to bed after one in the morning and waking up at six meant that she tried to get as much sleep as possible in on the weekends. With the birds chirping their heads off outside though, it was making it quite difficult.