"Well, for the right person. My father he….tried to pull out those feathers but they kept coming back. Every day it hurt like hell when he touched them." he frowned thinking about it, "Y-You make it feel good like I'm loved and deserve to be in this world."
“You deserve to be here…” he murmured, running his fingers through the feathers. “And your feathers are beautiful.”
"I don't think so…I mean I am the son of Satin," he chuckled.
Jamie huffed. “And? You’re still my beautiful Lucifer… come here and let me kiss you”
He bit his lip at the way he said his name. Alex turned around only to be met by a pair of lips on his.
(Sorry for the long spaces between I’m having some home issues)
Jamie pulled him down closer, kissing him with a passion few angels had.
(Nah you're good)
He moved his lips against each other with that same passion. He started to run out of air so he pulled away. "I love….a lot please don't leave me
Jamie nuzzled into his cheek, gasping for breath. “I won’t… I’m staying by your side.”
He held him tighter, “Thank you…” there was a knock on the door and they both jumped, “W-Who is it?!”
Jamie held him close, eyes wide and slightly fearful. “Y-Yes?” He asked softly, biting his lip. He needed to get dressed again
“Dinner’s ready!!” His mom yelled walking away from the door. Alex took a deep sigh of relief, “I thought for sure she was going to open the door for sure.”
With a soft shiver, Jamie relaxed against Alex. “I thought I was screwed.” He said with a soft laugh. “I don’t think she’d Approve of how far we’ve gone.”
“You never know.” He said starting to get dressed
“Mm you really do, huh?” He chuckled softly. “Either way, having her walk in on us at that moment would have been awkward.
"You can say that again," he finished buttoning his pants and looked over at Jamie. It was blurry to him because he didn't have his glasses on, "WHere are my glasses?"
Jamie slid on his boxers and pants, stretching out his sore wings. “Mm, I’m not sure.” He murmured, looking around and smiling as he picked the glasses up from their hiding space. “Here they are!”
"T-Thank you," his face flushed when he saw a clear muscular body in front of him. "You're really handsome…"
Jamie winked and chuckled. “I think you’re handsome as well…” he chuckled softly and moving to pull him into his side.
He faces flushed a deep red as they walked up to the stairs. Alex opened the door, closing it after they went through it, "Smells good Mrs.Byrd (Right?)
(Yeup. Byrd)
She smiled politely and nodded. “It’s nothing too big, Alex.” She said softly, looking between Jamie and Alex with a curious look.
"Yeah, but it's better then what I get at home." he smiled and sat down at the table.
She looked at him sadly and sighed. “It sounds hard at your house. I’m sorry for that Alex.” Jamie blinked and sat next to his lover.
“Mm you can come here for dinner whenever.” Jamie said softly and sighed.
"No, it's alright and thank you! Just that they don't treat me the same because I'm not dominant and have strength like all of the other demons down there. He leaned his head on Jamie's shoulder as the food was being passed out. He took some of the food along with the fresh baked bread and tasted it, "This is really good Mrs. Byrd! You're a great cook!"
“I think you’re dominant and strong enough.” He said softly, smiling happily at his Alex. “You’re plenty wonderful. I am rather… dull? I’m just an angel.”
Mrs. Byrd smiled and nodded softly. “Thank you. I hope you enjoy.”
"What? No, you're not dull if anything you're quite special actually," he smiled finishing most of his food, "You're welcome."