"Do you think you'd enjoy being in my world?" Scipio let his hand fall to rest on his hip.
"Do you think you'd enjoy being in my world?" Scipio let his hand fall to rest on his hip.
"Not really. Even if I did manage to get out of here, after all the things you've done I wouldn't much be able to enjoy any of it." Richard, conscious of how he was standing, purposefully put his hand in his hair, just so he wasn't mirroring Scipio.
Scipio shrugged. "I've been careful. You wouldn't go to jail or anything." His hair fell into his eyes and he fixed it with one thumb.
"Still, it's not my place. This is my world. And even though it's a hot mess of terror, I still love it." Richard smiled slightly as he said this. He was thinking of what it might be like to leave, just for a little while.
"Mm… hot messes of terror are my strong suit. Usually I'm the one starting it, though." Scipio said simply. "My world gets pretty boring sometimes. At least you get to fight people all the time."
"Yes, I suppose so. Still, there isn't really anything we can do." Richard shrugged, slightly disheartened by this.
"What do you do when you're not fighting or reflecting me? You said you had a dog like Ragno, so surely you've got time to feed him or whatever… unless you don't need to eat?"
Richard chuckled.
"We need to eat, same as you. Whenever we don't eat as your reflections, we just go to a cafe. And don't forget, my dog, Rafael, serves as your dog's reflection."
Scipio nodded. "Shit… Ragno's still on the other side, isn't he?" He turned, glancing around. "How long do dogs live without food or water?"
"I don't know. We should have you back before it's a problem, though." Richard was worried as well; what of Rafael?
"Alright… are dogs smarter over here? There's no way I could train Ragno to copy another dog's every move."
"It's more of an instinct. Not just for them, but for everyone here." Richard shrugged.
"That's why it's been a struggle for me to not mirror you."
"Well, considering you've been there all my life, it makes sense." Scipio was quiet for a few seconds. "How did the reflection of my parents treat you?"
"Well, when it was just us and none of us were away doing our jobs, we were a pretty happy family." Richard paused.
"They mean a lot to me."
"That's… uh. Very different than mine, as I'm sure you know." Scipio looked away. "Mine sorta just left me to raise myself once I was old enough to get my own food. Guess they're still alive…"
Richard nodded.
"Yeah, they are."
"But they should still be in Italy…" He mused aloud. "Not that it matters, but do you know where they are?"
Richard shook his head.
"We don't really talk about it; this world doesn't have the same geography as yours, and my parents live right next door to me."
"Strange… well, I hope I never see them again." Scipio laughed weakly. "Would've killed them first if I could get to Italy."
Richard blanched slightly.
"That sounds about right." Finally, Merlin stepped back to the two men.
"Well, boys, seems Scipio here will be stuck here for a while. I have a spell, but it takes a while to prepare. Richard, think you could keep an eye on Scipio and make sure he doesn't kill any people?"
Scipio huffed and turned his head away, crossing his arms. "How long will it take?"
"A week, at least." Merlin seemed very displeased with this.
"Well, Richard?" Richard hastily nodded.
"I won't let him get into trouble, sir."
"Good. Now, I need to work." With that and a wave of his hand, they were dismissed.
"Where are we now?" Scipio asked in a pissy tone, looking around at their new surroundings with a glare.
"My house," Richard said, making his way up the walk. The neighborhood itself looked like a standard American urban setting; houses, which rarely varied in design, lined the street with well taken care of lawns laying in front of them.
"Come on inside."
Scipio reluctantly followed Richard to his house, stepping inside. He looked around, still pissed, but noticeably curious.
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