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people_alt 63 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

oleander began to aggressively do the maracanrena to upstage neerum and it worked bc hes hotter trust me

Neirym did fortnite dances because he wanted to express the unadulterated loathing he chad for anyone trying to be sexyer then him

oleander flossed like the immortal chad he is

Neirym cried in frustration and pulled put out Tiktok dances to combat him.

oleander started violently doing the charstolan to combat him with his extreme knowlege of old bdanced

Neirym was understandably frustrated and set Oleander on fire with magic.

@HighPockets group

("If I had a nickel for every time someone set my character on fire during a roleplay I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice.")

@Mojack group

“now this is an avengers level threat” one of the surviving policeman 300 miles away said. “im callijgm in a warhead”

oh crap” ‘Linus’ said somehow hearing the conversation. then gatzi Un-possessed Linus and Linus passed out. “like, man, I’ve really caused some antics here man” they said.

@Mojack group

the warheqd flies towards the land while playing party rockers in the house tonight at 174 decibels

gatzi pulls out their phone out of their shadowy form (gatzi emo arc) and calls their uber

@Mojack group

linus wakes up

“Mein gott.. Dämon!! Linus pulls out a minigun and starts shouting Gatzi but all of the bullets fly through them maybe hitting someone else idk

“*wow man really? im just trying to get out of here before the warheqd hits” gatzi sighs sadly

@Mojack group

“ugh”. Gatzi said very emo like. “my uber driver flew into a sun and now im stuck here with a bunch of LOSERS” they drawled.

was” linus said

@requiemisback language

rosa got into another argument with a tree, this time not chopping it down right away but rather kickin n punchin the tree as a means to assert her dominance against it