@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She smiled as he walked away, then stopped. "Did he just quote Charlie Puth??" She asked and started laughing.
She smiled as he walked away, then stopped. "Did he just quote Charlie Puth??" She asked and started laughing.
He smiled at her words that he heard through the door. He hoped she had noticed.
(Wait…does he have to pass Eliza to get out? >:3)
(Oh yes honey- of course he does!)
Laura smiled and stood gathering her things for the day- Eliza on the other hand was just getting back with some weird green smoothie. She saw Jin- and her reflexes turned on. "Why, who are you?~" She asked with a curl of a smile.
He almost jumped out of his skin when he saw her.
He smiled politely at her and simply said this; 나에게 자비를 베푸소서
Hoping she didn’t know Korean
She furrowed her brow and sauntered over to him. "Sorry- I don't speak Japanese, do you speak English?" She asked with a soft smile.
He laughed a little. She was dense, but he let it slide.
Though now he was contemplating whether to mess around with her or not.
“That my dear, was Korean.” He says running his fingers through his hair
She smirked a bit. "Oh- was it. You'll have to teach me sometime." She said standing rather close with him. She walked her fingers from his stomach to his chest as she spoke. "I mean, for real, it would be an interesting language to learn."
He took in a shaky breath, “it’s quite easy. I mean….I-I can” he says taking a small step back.
“wait! No! Stand your ground!” he mentally yelled at himself.
He took a step forward, pushing her back a little with his index finger, not letting her get any closer, but himself getting teasingly closer. Would she crack?
What exactly would she do if he turned the tables?
He was curious
She smiled and laced her fingers in his hand. She wasn't about to let him win, that was for sure. "Really? I find your culture so interesting." She nodded moving the hand he touched her with to her side. She gave off sweet vibes, even if that wasn't her true colors. "What would you say we meet after classes, in the library?" She grinned.
His tousled hair fell in his face. He just woke up, so of course he was a mess.
But she seemed to flirt with almost anyone. She kissed Levi the first thirty seconds of meting for crying out loud!
Oh, he hoped she wouldn’t kiss him. Please no please no
He smiled kindly at her and ruffled her hair. Yes, yes he did just do that.
Just to give off the playful vibe. “Maybe. See ya around kid” he turned around, and with that…he walked away with a happy little sense of accomplishment
She was shocked. "Kid? KID!?" She screamed clearly ticked off. She went to follow after him. "How dare you-" She growled trying to keep up with his stride.
He smiled as he walked into the elevator “oh darling, two can play it that way. You’re not the only one with game” he winked at her as the elevator door started to shut
She was super annoyed, and who else to take it out on except Laura? Yeah- that's right, things were about to be ten times worse for Laura.
Speaking of, Laura had gathered her things, and started out almost to the door, but before she could, it flew open and Eliza stood there.
'Oh no…NONONONO!' She cried in her head. Eliza gave her a sweet and sadistic smile. "Hey Laura~ You know the guy you had over last night? Well guess what! He totally just ticked me off! And guess who is getting blamed?" She gave a cruel smile. Laura gulped and pointed to herself. "M-me?" She barely choked out. Eliza nodded, and grabbed the closest thing (it happening just to be a book) and hurled it at her. Laura screamed, and slipped past her, running down the hall and to the stairs.
Jin didn’t hear the scream and went into his dorm room to get ready.
Levi though… he had happened to forget a book from his dorm, so up the stairs he went, bumping into Laura on his way up
Laura was clearly panicked, and when she ran into Levi, that was ten times worse. She yelped and scurried back a few feet. Then she noticed who it was. "Levi! Thank the lord above!"
(It's only gonna drop from here!)
(Good >:)
He looked at her shocked. “Are you alright?”
Yeah, if she was interested in Jin, he was going to leave the romance aspect of it all out of it. But he was still going to be nice.
She shook her head panicked and ran over to him hugging him. "It's Eliza! She flipping hates me!" She cried.
“That b*tch. Where is she” He says a little frustrated. This girl was really getting on his nerves, and her first impression definitely wasn’t good either.
She lay a hand on his shoulder. "No- Levi- please," She softened. "I-I'm fine…" She said unsure.
"I asked you where she is. Not if you're fine" he says rather coldly.
She felt that sting a bit. She pulled her hand away and crossed her arms. "I-in the dorm…" she whispered not looking at him.
Without a blink of an eye he stormed past her and to the dorm.
He stood outside of her room and knocked on the door gently, though he wanted to break it down, he knew that wasn’t the way to go.
Laura watched him go, and was conflicted whether to follow him. She decided it best to go get Jin. She scurried to his dorm and knocked lightly. But panicked.
Eliza had gathered her cool, and her books. She answered the door and saw Levi and gave a sweet smile. "Levi! Wait- you're probably here for Laura." She said rolling her eyes. "Well she a already left- come back later."
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