forum Private Roleplay with @Calanthe // CLOSED
Started by @Fraust

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"I don't know. You tell me." Liese sighed. "You're the one who made yourself sick. How are you feeling, huh?" She asked softly. "Hopefully better than earlier, at least?"


"Much better, but that's not a big deal. I did what you told me to, and Ashton brought some chicken soup, even though I told him that I don't need it."


"Mm." Liese soon finished her soup and set her bowl on the coffee table. "And y'all didn't do anything while I was gone, did you?"


Elke raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? I told you that we just finished the game, if there was more, I would have told you." Her cheeks started growing a shade of red, "Are you trying to hint at something?"


"Yes, I'm hinting at something." Liese rolled her eyes a bit. "And you know what it is. I've been gone all day, you know. You could have easily done whatever you wanted."


"Seriously now? You really think that?" She glared at Liese still sitting in her corner of the couch, "We're just friends, it's not like I'd ever do anything like that with him, and plus, he's not into me that way either." She said crossing her arms and still glaring at the other female.


"Alright then." Liese curled back up on the couch and sighed softly. "You can watch TV or whatever, I don't care… I'm probably gonna go back to sleep…" She yawned a bit, shifting around to get more comfortable.


She groaned, standing up and walking away, "I'm going to my room, okay?" She was sort of annoyed with the other girl, especially for insinuating something like that. "I'll talk to you later."


"Mhmm." Liese seemed unconcerned with Elke's annoyance. She figured that her question was valid, and considering that she was exhausted from work, she was too tired to really care.


Elke closed the door behing her, still grumbling a little bit about Liese's questionsl Even if they had done anything, which they didn't, well not really, but she wasn't going to admit that to Liese, it wasn't her business. She flopped down on her bed, and turned on the TV in her room.


It took Liese a bit, but she eventually dozed back off on the couch, and this time seemed like she'd actually be sleeping until the morning. She huddled up under her blankets and hummed softly to herself, content for the moment.


Elke had already left for work for the day and had left Liese breakfast on the counter with a note saying that she would be going over to Asthon's place after work. She knew that Liese would find something to say about that when she got home, but she didn't care. She got to the library, and started to shelve the books that had been returned. Elke was exhausted, not having slept at all the night before, but she was functioning, somehow.


Liese rolled her eyes a bit as she read the note and ate her breakfast. Once she'd gotten ready, she headed to work again. She worked almost every day, so she wasn't at home all that much.


((Cool beans, I'm sorry if I seem out of it right now, I'm exhausted rn))

Elke seemed a bit better and a lot less tired when she walked back into the apartment. "Hey Liese, I'm baccccckkkk." She called out as she started walking over to the fridge, "Did you get my note?" She wasn't sure where the other woman was, but she was pretty sure that she was in the apartment somewhere and if she yelled loud enough the other woman would probably hear her.


"Welcome back, and yes. You've been gone a while." Liese said as she came out of her room. "I figured I'd wait to make dinner until you got back so we can decide together what we want to eat."


Elke nodded, "Yeah I know, and I ate at Ashton's, but thanks for waiting. I guess I should have let you know that I should've just texted you or something." She said with a sigh, "But I guess I'll eat something, whatever you make is good, I don't mind."


"Alright…" Liese headed into the kitchen and started making dinner quietly, still seeming pretty tired from working all day. She tossed some dry noodles into a pot of boiling water and busied herself with making a sauce.


Elke just placed her bag on the counter and sat down on the couch, or really just flopped down on it, "So, how was your day, Liese?"


Liese shrugged a bit. "Fine, I guess… just tiring…" She kept stirring the sauce, her movements a bit slower than usual. "You?"


"Mmm, okay? I'm just tired, work was hectic and stuff and I had to work with the kids and middle schoolers anymore." She said with a groan, then she looked up at Liese, "What's wrong, you don't seem like yourself right now."


"Just really tired… I'm fine." Liese coughed lightly and continued with the sauce. "Food should be done soon."


"Okay then." She stood up walking over to the woman and slipped her arms around her waist, hugging her, "You really don't seem like it, I know might be bothering you a little bit, but really, I'm sorta worried about you."


"Don't be… I'm fine." Liese insisted, finishing up the sauce and pulling the noodles off of the heat. "I just haven't been sleeping well. It's not a big deal."