Cas kissed Halm's cheek again and tucked his head under the other's chin. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep again at the moment…"
Cas kissed Halm's cheek again and tucked his head under the other's chin. "I don't think I'll be able to sleep again at the moment…"
"I understand," Halm said quietly. He liked this, just kissing each other and not addressing it yet. He wasn't sure he was ready to. He settled down with Cas, okay with just snuggling.
"You don't have to."
Cas definitely enjoyed the cuddling, and he still didn't want to admit that he liked Halm even though he was literally kissing his cheek every once in a while. "Do we have to do anything today?"
"No," Halm replied. "Nothing. If there's anything you want to do… just ask." He smiled a little.
Cas nodded and lay his head back down. "I can't think of anything at the moment… What do you usually do in your free time?"
"I usually just hang out around the house. There isn't really much…" Halm sighed a little.
"Don't you get bored?" He asked curiously.
"Sometimes, yeah," Halm said. He shrugged a little, careful not to jostle Cas.
"I'm used to it, though."
"That's sad, though… you don't have anything to do?" Cas seemed confused still. "Do you just like, lay in bed??"
"No," Halm said, smiling a little. "I usually try out new recipes, or head up to Earth. Though… we can't exactly do that right now. I… usually don't get a lot of downtime."
"True… maybe you could teach me how to cook?" Cas shrugged. "I dunno… I get bored pretty easily."
"Sure, if you want to," Halm said. "I… Sorry there isn't much. Maybe you could help me figure out things we could bring here to keep ourselves entertained later?"
Cas shrugged. "Exercise equipment? TV? I dunno… there's millions of options. I'd say books, but I can't really read."
Halm raised his eyebrows a little.
"You can't?" he asked, surprised.
Cas blushed a bit, embarrassed, and shook his head.
"Oh…" Halm was definitely surprised by this.
"Okay then. Do you… want to learn?"
"Um… I-I…" Cas hesitated a couple seconds. "I guess so…"
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Halm said quickly.
"No, no… it's okay. I probably should." Cas sighed softly. "How am I gonna read recipes if I can't read?"
Halm nodded a little.
"Okay then," he said. "How much do you know?"
"Um…" Cas thought for a couple seconds. "The alphabet?" He said weakly. "Uh… I recognize the letters and stuff, but I can't… um… put them together…"
Halm listened quietly.
"Okay," He said softly. "We can do this."
Cas nodded. "I'm sorry if I make it difficult, love…" He murmured.
"It's alright," Halm said gently. He shifted his hand to cup Cas's cheek, looking down at him with soft eyes. He loved it when Cas called him love.
Cas sighed quietly, leaning into Halm's hand. "I just… I feel so stupid…"
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