“Oooh some danger! Finally!” He grinned “I was hoping for literal Hell but a cliff works too.”
“Oooh some danger! Finally!” He grinned “I was hoping for literal Hell but a cliff works too.”
"Well, the griffin is the danger." He replied and laughed.
Brink shrugged "How bad can it be?" he grinned and threw his head back to laugh
"Well… we could possibly die, get maimed, come back with nothing, be hunted and eaten, fall off a clift, or maybe have fun. Soooooo not too bad." Vitalis said and nodded then walked off in a random direction, he had no idea where he was going overall. He was a bit lost, though he did know the way back which is all that matters.
“So basically a normal day, fun!” Brink started humming again, a dark melody as he cocked his head to the side and stared off into the distance.
“kitty cat scratch, nothing compared to those you can’t see… be careful dearie…. so very….careful~…”
Vitalis glanced at Brink, "You have a lovely voice and all sweetie, though it'd be better for both of us and my sanity if you shut your mouth and kept the sing song musicals in your head. We don't break into random song and dance around here." They sighed and glared a bit.
“First off, it’s not a song, it’s a warning. One you’d take to heart. And two, we both know you have as much sanity as I do.” Brink glared back back playfully “fine, if you want to be left alone with your thoughts, that’s alright with me.” He clasped his hands behind his back and glanced around the forest
Vitalis rolled their eyes, "What every you say psycho."
Brink only shrugged, determined to, as the other said, to ‘keep his mouth shut.’ The problem was he didn’t t need to open his mouth to hum
Vitalis after awhile gasped exasperatedly, "You could open your mouth…"
“Ah But can I make a sound?” Brink asked with a cheeky grin, shifting the accent of his voice so it had a British accent “miss my lovely voice old chap? Is that it?”
"You're already making sound, and…. No, because you don't have a lovely voice." Vitalis retorted.
Brink pouted but broke into a smile “so how are we supposed to find this griffin? Or are we supposed to let it find us?”
"Let it find us." He laughed and smiled.
"and how long do you think that'll take?" he asked with a sharp tilt of his head, fiddling with a knife behind his back
"Not too long hopefully." Vitalis replied.
As he said that a griffin swooped in behind them and grabbed Brink
"what in all Hell???!!!!! HEY LET ME DOWN!!!" he thrashed about in the griffin's hold, more worried about being eaten then falling. " I am way too skinny to be used for food!"
"BRINK JUST RELAX, MAYBE IT WON'T EAT YOU BUT IT'S CHILDREN WILL, YOU'LL BE FINE!" Vitalis yelled and watched him be carried away, "He's so dead." they then mumbled to themself
"THAT'S NOT HELPING VI!!!" he yelled, glaring up at the griffin "just soo you know, if you're planning to feed me to your children, I taste like ice cream and goldfish so I'm not sure I'm a suitable candidate for nutrition. But if you want your children to die, then i guess go ahead." he shrugged indifferently and crossed his arms over his chest. He started humming to himself, figuring the last day of his life he'd go out crazy as usual
Vitalis started following them from the ground.
The Griffin got tired of holding this loud meal and dropped brink. Who ended up landing on Vitalis.
(Change the name to Passing a kidney stone…..just a random thought)
Brink let out a yelp when he was dropped, groaning in pain when he landed on what seemed to be a rock. After recovering, Brink sat up ontop of the rock "you're comfy ," he glanced down at Vitalis
Vitalis was completely broken and unmoving, he was just a bit dead.
Brink just kept rambling on, knowing that the other would come back eventually "you would not believe how high that Griffin took me! Wonder where her nest is? think I could've made her my pet? of course i don't support animal cruelty, she'd still be with her babies and live here but she would be nice to me, kinda like a pokemon…..ooooh if griffins are real do you think Pokemon are too?!" Brink rested his head on his hand and looked up to the sky
After several minutes Vitalis gasped and sat up, then quickly laid back down on the ground, "oooooowwww." he groaned.
Brink bounced up when Vitalis woke "hey! that took longer than usual." He sat back down on the ground next to his head and gently poked his shoulder "you can't complain, i fell from a freaking griffin which you failed to mention ate people!"
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