forum Parisienne Romance [One-On-One // @TurtleOfFreedom]
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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I figured, just wasn’t sure :P

“Indeed, my valiant knight!” Addie laughed. “It’s… this way?” She started walking to the left, because they had magically left the Liberty Bell building.


//typos are always really annoying lol

“Well, unless someone stole it, no, I did not lose it. However, there are a lot of cars here, and my car is pretty nondescript, so it will be hard to find if I did, in fact, forget where we parked,” Addie muttered, twirling a strand of hair around her finger.


After looking at the many rows of cars for several minutes, Addie concluded that her car was not, in fact, by the red building, and was subsequently probably by the blue one.


“But the opposite of red on the color wheel is green,” Addie murmured absentmindedly, staring at a nondescript dark blue vehicle in the distance that could be her car but probably wasn’t.


Addie shook her head, as if coming out of a daze. “Sorry, I probably should’ve gotten that,” she smiled. “On a mildly unrelated note, there are so many hunks of metal and plastic all lined up in a row, and I have no idea where mine is. So yeah, I agree. To the blue building!”