forum (OxO with Froosty)
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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… when you realize Character A is just a twisted weeb. Crap.

Well, anywho. XD

Do we want to use a template or just wing it? We need to establish some more plotty-points before we go in swinging but that shouldn't take too long.


I'm fine to go blind if you are?
Maybe you could just give me some basic info about your guy and we should be good to go lol



Well I guess depending on how we want to go about this
I wanted him to be a fairly prominent person
Either in society or the criminal underworld, idrc
So maybe he's like a really wealthy guy or a criminal gang leader or both
I haven't decided what his name's gonna be yet but that won't take long lol
I imagine him to be in his mid twenties at least
idk how old Nix is soo uh
:' )

If you don't have any particular questions I might do just like a really vague short temp to give you an idea of his vibe if you want.


Sure! I'd say that Nix is probably around nineteen or twenty? He looks a bit younger though because b a b y f a c e


so smol
I should probably go to bed tonight but I'll try to get that temp up ASAP. I might not be online tmrw because I usually don't get on much on Sundays but if not we can def try to get this thing rolling Monday hopefully and I think it'll be a lotta fun.
Hope you have a super duper night mah friend. :) I'll talk to you next time hopefully!
Ciao for nowww


I'm backkkk!! I mean, it's 1:31 AM again so I'm later than I planned to be, but I've been brainstorming my character and have an idea of what his backstory is. It's depressing.
Here's a brief overview of him, but it's incoherent because I'm tired.
His name is Emrys Absalom Baird, and as of the current RP setting he's around twenty-sixish years old, give or take. Currently, he's quite wealthy, living on an estate. Most people don't know his backstory, or how he came to acquire his fortune at such a young age— except for those who live in the dark shadows of the criminal underworld.

Emrys's birth parents treated him well. He was a happy, fairly-normal, energetic kid when he lived under their roof. He showed no psychopathic tendencies or had any weird obsessions; he was just a kid. His parents loved him, and he loved them. He probably would've grown up to be a normalish person had not his life taken a weird turn for the worse.
His parents were killed in an accident when he was nine years old, and he had no other family members who could/would take him in— which meant he was going to be sent into foster care. But the idea of it freaked him out; he'd heard terrible stories about kids getting beaten and abused in situations like that, and he was already shaken by the sudden loss of both his mom and dad— so he acted on instinctual panic and ran away before he even got placed in a home. He had known foster kids, and from what he'd heard the homes were only temporary. He didn't want to live under a set of parents just to get yanked from them again. And he certainly didn't want to be hurt, physically or emotionally. He was too innocent at the time to fully realize the threat of being abused sexually.
But, looking back, maybe that choice would've at least held some possibility for hope, because the streets sure didn't. Within two days, he was already considering turning himself in to the police because he was so terrified and hungry— until he came across a group of thugs that decided to take him. Initially, his naive brain supposed that maybe they'd help him and be his friends, but it didn't take long at all for him to realize that wasn't the case.
I could go into more detail, because I have though a lot of this out, but I'm tired so let me make it brief. Emrys would spend the next ten years of his life being tormented and abused in a variety of ways. He has a nice physique and is considered attractive based off of society's standards, but this did him more harm than good. Over the years, he has been used as a male prostitute, a form of entertainment, and practically a sex-toy for people more powerful than him (both men and women). He has been intentionally harmed and humiliated in a thousand ways. He spent a decade being, more or less, a slave who served a variety of purposes through the years— but all were abusive purposes. This drove him to feelings of extreme worthlessness, loneliness, and confusion— as well as possibly mild (or extreme) insanity. He came to a point where he snapped, having almost nearly accepted (and sort of embraced) his role and becoming more or less addicted.
Shortly before he turned twenty years old, Emrys got fed up with a particular mafia boss, with whom he had been… um… involved with, I guess, and Emrys murdered the guy. He expected to be killed for it, but instead, he received a large sum of money from rivaling mafia groups who considered Emrys's act a great one. His seductive behavior (which developed due to his abuse) and twisted "charisma" (if it can be called that) helped him to gain followers, and he seemed to collect a lot of power in the criminal underworld.

Personality wise, Emrys is hard to describe. He comes across as cool and collected, though he doesn't do much to hide the fact that he is incredibly flirty and has little to no boundaries. I guess I'll let the RP describe most of it, though I do think it's worth mentioning that he's in a lot of unseen pain— particularly revolving around the fact that the abuse he suffered has left him with issues that are still unresolved. For example, he still feels worthless and is very afraid of many things; he's also very confused about love, because he thinks he knows what it is but he's not sure if he has actually experienced it or not. He's very controlling and obsessive and unhinged; he's not a safe person, really. He doesn't like to show a lot of weakness, though, so he mostly just behaves… well, the only word I can think of is kinky, tbh. He has major sadistic tendencies, but he's also surprisingly masochistic as well. Like, very, actually. He… Idk how to describe it so I'll leave it at that for now, I guess.


Appearance wise, he's about 6'0 even, with broad-ish shoulders and a smaller waist. He's very lean and considered attractive. His skin is very fair, and he has no freckles or facial scars— but he does have some various scars on his body that he has tried to undo because he doesn't like having blemishes on his person. (He's very obsessed with looking attractive.) His eyes are a medium green, but he wishes they were a much more vibrant green or blue— something that would stand out. He has very long, dark eyelashes and medium-lips. His hair is dark chocolaty brown. It's a bit wavy, and very thick. The style varies according to his mood. His clothing varies, depending on his mood and what he plans to do. He always puts a lot of thought into his clothes though. He wears black stud earrings and usually has a black choker necklace on as well, though the latter varies.


Ik I didn't go into as much detail as I could've on the backstory but maybe it'll come up in the RP and if not, oh well. It's mostly just sad though and I don't want to feel too bad for this guy since he's obviously crazy and weird and obsessive and very screwed up in the head. But… he did have it very rough :' )


I like him! And you put tons of detail, don't worry aha
It's way more than I'd have thought to give lol
Should we start soon? And where should we have it set?


We could do a cliche coffee shop if you want aha
Maybe your guy could see Nix there? And they could strike up a conversation? I'd say a bar, but Nix is underage


All stalkers are welcome, if they dare.

That sounds like a good plan to me. Or it could be like, one of those restaurants that has a bar in it but technically still lets underage people in the restaurant. I feel like Emrys is the kinda guy who likes himself some good wine so he'd go somewhere where he could find that.


Okiedokers. Lemme get right on that.


There was something off about the wine today— or maybe it was just Emrys.

He held the dainty little glass between his fingers, shaking it just enough so that the contents within sloshed about. His gaze flickered back and forth between the blood-colored liquid and the other people in the restaurant around him, his expression unreadable. He'd picked this corner specifically so that he could watch the whole place without being too conspicuous— unless, of course, he got in the mood to be. But he wasn't in the mood to be anything. He wasn't in any mood, except for an empty, bland mood. And as he languidly took another sip of wine, it was equally as tasteless.

(sorry it's short I have some things I gotta go do rly quick)


(No problem! I can't do a ton more than that anyway aha)
Nix adjusted his beanie before cautiously wandering into the restaurant. He tried his best not to go out in public much, but he was starving, and this place was close to the abandoned building he'd been sleeping in. He had gathered enough money to get himself done proper food if it was cheap enough, so he ordered some chicken beefier seating himself. He sipped idly on the water he had been provided and glanced around the restaurant nervously, his sparkling, icy blue eyes catching the light whenever he moved them. While looking around, he caught sight of a strange man with a glass of wine. He quickly looked away so that he wouldn't be noticed.


Oh, but Emrys did notice. It was the bright eyes that caught his attention right off. Beautiful, beautiful bright eyes. And quite a beautiful boy, as well.
Emrys lowered his wine glass and casually observed this strange boy from a distance. He looked young— maybe a little too young, really, but… that didn't really deter the initial intrigue that Emrys felt. It wasn't often that a stranger caught his attention so strongly, and when one did, he was inclined to at least act upon it.
He let a few seconds pass for before he slid gracefully out of his seat and approached the boy with the glistening eyes.
"Eating alone?" he inquired, his tone as smooth as his smile.


Nix flushed a bit when the stranger approached him, clearly rather nervous and taken aback. "I-I… um… yes, sir…" He replied softly, his voice quavering with nerves. All of his hopes of not having to speak to anyone besides the person taking his order crumbled to the ground. This wasn't something that he could avoid anymore. "Um… m-my name is Nix, sir… what's yours?" He asked, trying his best to make casual small talk so that he wouldn't seem so out of the ordinary.