forum OxO anyone???
Started by @CaseyJ group

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Nathaniel huddled up on the couch, wrapping his wings around himself as a makeshift blanket. "What do you like to watch?"


"I don't watch a lot of TV, to be honest. I'm fine with anything." Nathaniel yawned and curled up on the couch a bit. "You can throw it on the first thing you see for all I care."

@CaseyJ group

Carter held down the channel button so it quickly flipped through the channels. "round and round the channels go, where it stops, no body knows" He hummed then stopped the channel on a random show.


Nathaniel watched whatever had come on, paying attention despite not really knowing what was happening. He didn't typically have access to television at all, so it was a nice change.

@CaseyJ group

The tv was playing a cliche vampire show. After a few minutes Carter got up to open the door and get the pizza, he came back to the living room and set it on the table in front of the couch. "dinner is served" he flopped back on the couch.


Nathaniel looked up when Carter returned with the food, unable to keep his wings from fluttering with excitement. He hadn't really gotten to eat much in a while, to be honest, so he was eager to have something. He thanked Carter again as he grabbed a slice of pizza.


Nathaniel swallowed before he was able to respond, his wings still fluttering a bit. "Yes, thank you! Don't you want any? I can't eat the whole pizza…"

@CaseyJ group

Carter shook his head, "Nah, I'm fine. we can just save it for breakfast." He looked at Nathaniel's wings. "why do your wings do that?"


"Hm?" Nathaniel glanced back to his wings when Carter pointed out out and noticed that they were fluttering. He flushed and folded them close to his back so they would lie still. "O-Oh, um… I think they just do that when I'm happy or excited or something. I didn't notice…"


Nathaniel flushed more at the compliment and stared down at his lap for a moment, but was soon unable to keep from smiling, and he relaxed his wings so that they fluttered again. "Ah… t-thanks…" He replied softly.

@CaseyJ group

"mhm" carter nodded, "I could have guessed that's why they fluff, I watched a documentary on birds once, similar thing, the fluffing" He shrugged.


"Yeah, I think I have some… I dunno… bird mannerisms, I guess. With the wings, and I can kinda make bird noises sometimes too." Nathaniel laughed nervously.


"Hm? Oh, yeah. Thank you." Nathaniel finished his slice of pizza and then closed the box. It had been a while since he'd actually been able to eat anything other than little snacks at the Cafe.


"Um… we could keep watching TV if you want, go to bed, I dunno. Anything is fine. We could play a game or something." He shrugged.


"I mean, I dunno… I'm pretty much a hermit too, just not by choice." Nathaniel sighed. "What do you have here?"

@CaseyJ group

"no idea. my adoptive parents used to stay here, then they moved out. so.. eh, we can probably find something to do." he got up, going over to a cabinet that was in the living room.