forum OxO anyone???
Started by @CaseyJ group

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"But then you wouldn't have another car to drive, and you wouldn't wanna drive your fancy car around." Nathaniel replied, fidgeting with his hands.


"I dunno… I mean, I'll do it if you really want to, but I just don't wanna cause you any more trouble…" Nathaniel insisted.

@CaseyJ group

Carter shrugged, "I am just saying, I got nothing better to do, and it wouldn't be any trouble, but if you don't want to then its cool"


"It's fine, I can try… maybe not today, though. I think I've had enough excitement for today." Nathaniel laughed weakly.

@CaseyJ group

"just offering, whenever you want to, just ask" he shrugged, pulling into his parking spot and putting the car in park before turning it off.


"Alright…" Once the car was parked, Nathaniel got out and stretched, yawning. "Been a long day, huh? Do you want to get anything for dinner?" He asked.


"Yeah, me too." Nathaniel laughed softly as well. "I don't always eat dinner. Or breakfast… but you've been busy with your race and such, I'm sure you're hungry."


"Oh, I guess that makes sense… and yeah, I do have to eat pretty much normally." Nathaniel replied with a shrug.


"I… don't forget." Nathaniel flushed in embarrassment, fidgeting with his hands. "I just… I can't… afford it most of the time."

@CaseyJ group

"well, your in luck, cuz uh… I don't have to buy food often, so I can help with that…if that's ok with you" he shrugged, walking to his door. "we should go inside"


Nathaniel looked up at Carter with an expression that was difficult to decipher. After a bit, he smiled weakly, his wings fluffing up slightly. "Ah… t-thank you. It means a lot." He replied softly and followed Carter inside.

@CaseyJ group

Carter grinned at Nathaniel, "I am a helpful person…sometimes" he hummed, walking to the kitchen. "so what do you like to eat?" he asked, hopping on the counter.


"Beggars can't be choosers… I'm not really particular." Nathaniel replied softly, fidgeting nervously with his hands. "Whatever is the most convenient is fine."


"Ah?" Nathaniel managed to catch Carter's phone, but now seemed a bit stressed about having to make a decision. "Um…" Carter didn't really eat, so asking him for his opinion wouldn't be very helpful. "I-I dunno… how do you feel about pizza?"


"That's fine with me. Like I said, I'm really not particular." Nathaniel laughed nervously and handed Carter's phone back to him.


"Um… I guess we can sit and wait for it to show up? Watch TV or something?" Nathaniel shrugged, following Carter to the couch.