forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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saul was close to tears, " farahs in pain because of me. me! the one person who should be easing her pain but instead I caused it!"

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" alright i don't but the burned was because of me, if we hadn't been fighting she wouldn't have stormed off and it wouldn't have found her "

@emilyevewrites group

Luna shook her head. "Too many unnecessary factors. If Farah hadn't been so stupid as to leave the barrier with her guard down the Burned One wouldn't have snuck up on her. It was her own fault. She knows the dangers, probably better than any one of us."

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saul listened for the familiar growl, heading in its direction

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saul came across the struggling impaled burned "ready luna?"

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saul launched and buried his sword in its chest, watching it wither under his blade