forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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" im sorry for being a dick and not talking to you."

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" and im sorry, i was mad that you kept it from me in the first place. you of all people should know how I feel about that. you made my anxiety spike because I thought I lost you when I couldn't find you farah!"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah looked away from him, back at the Vessel. "I never wanted you to know because I knew you'd only worry more," she admitted, "and I didn't want that." She looked back at him with a fierce gaze. "Maybe I didn't want to be found right now."

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"farah.." he whined a bit, looking at her for warmth.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's eyes narrowed. "You brought this on yourself, Saul. I was only trying to talk to you, and you pushed me away. Now you know how it feels." The fairy turned sharply on her heel to face the Vessel instead of her Specialist.

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"..:" saul sighed and walked away before he heard the familiar growl "?!"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah didn't hear it, and she stormed into the woods. "Leave me alone, Saul," she snapped over her shoulder. "I just want to be left alone. And I swear to the gods if you try to follow me…" She trailed off, leaving the threat empty as she walked through the barrier.

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" farah! its.. Its not safe!" he called ignoring her warning

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saul saw it before farah, the shadowed figure racing after his girlfriend " FARAH!"

@emilyevewrites group

"Saul, step off it!" Farah turned around to tell him off and instead found herself facing an abnormally tall Burned One. Her eyes widened, and she brought up her hands to use her magic, but before she could, the Burned One snarled and lunged at her. Its claw slashed through her shirt and cut her upper right arm, and she cried out. Her magic blew it back with a powerful burst.

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saul was racing to her to her, having to jump back from the burned on. he watched it be impaled by a branch. " farah!"

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saul picked her up gently " zanbaq I know." he said and rushed her to ben

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" its not your fault Farah its mine," he said and rushed into the green house. not caring for the sight of luna there " ben!" he said through tears

@emilyevewrites group

Luna and Ben were talking in what appeared to be a pleasant conversation until Saul burst in. Ben's eyes widened. "Farah?" he asked before rushing to gather his supplies. "What happened? How did she get cut?"

@emilyevewrites group

"Well, obviously," Ben retorted, searching for a vial of Zanbaq. "I should've said was why was she outside the barrier?"

Farah winced. "Less talking, more helping, Ben," she countered, panting desperately.

@emilyevewrites group

"Well, obviously," Ben retorted, searching for a vial of Zanbaq. "I should've said was why was she outside the barrier?"

Farah winced. "Less talking, more helping, Ben," she countered, panting desperately.