forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

"Stop calling me that," Farah snapped, but she was smiling as she said it. Still, Rosalind's words echoed in her mind. She tried to forget them as she replied, "Well I'm hungry. So I'm not sure about you, but I'd like to eat the food we just took."

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" kay, lets go to my room this time hm? a lot darker in there." he said

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saul smiled " sure sure, what ever floats your boat." he said and kissed farah.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah kissed back, but once they both pulled away, she checked up and down the hallway to make sure no one saw. "We need to be careful," she murmured. "Someone could see."

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" and someone an suck it." he said as he opened the door to his bedroom.

@emilyevewrites group

The "someone" Farah was most worried about was Rosalind. Or Andreas, especially now that she'd turned down his proposal for seemingly no reason. Still, she slipped into Saul's room.

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saul relaxed on his bed "makes you feel better lock the door, andreas will just think im doing something. " he said bluntly like he always did

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saul chuckled, pulling farah into his lap after he finished eating, snuggling her and turning YouTube on his phone

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saul smiled and yawned. he loved being this close to farah " so, how long did you crush on me?"

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" why? i just wanna know how ong you stared at my face and thought all those little things. i know you had pint up emotions, specially when you could barely hold back from screaming my name." he joked

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" awe come on? " he said and nipped her softly " tell me."