forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@emilyevewrites group

"Andreas, I can't marry someone I don't have feelings for," Farah explained carefully. She didn't want Andreas to get angry. She'd witnessed his anger before. "And I don't have those kinds of feelings for you."

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"… i understand "he said and made his way out,
saul came out the bathroom, grabbing his shirt.

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saul smiled softy and kissed her head " you did" he said and chuckled

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" more like thought hed need a bathroom break" saul said and nuzzled her gently

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" ah hell!" he yelped and made it to the kitchen to see rosalind " um hello ma'am!"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah jolted to a stop, catching her breath quickly.

Rosalind arched her eyebrows with an intrigued look. "You two are in a hurry," she remarked, cutting her eyes to Farah.

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saul chuckled " something like that" he said an moved to grab a drink and some snacks.

@emilyevewrites group

"Tomorrow," Rosalind replied. "There were several Burned One sightings along the Vanya River leading to Maravet Falls. We'll be heading there."

Farah listened, already having heard this the night before, and reached up to grab a glass from a higher shelf. As she reached, the bottom of her shirt lifted up a bit to expose a strip of skin on her lower back.

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saul looked over, seeing his mark and smiled a bit. hey spots, got skin showing he teased farah.

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saul nudged farah and winked so only she seen it. saul left as he got his snacks and drink

@emilyevewrites group

Farah selected a few fruits and a granola bar. As she moved to leave, Rosalind intercepted her.

"Don't think you can go running around with Silva like you're wild teenagers again," she muttered. "Think about your image, Farah." Just before Rosalind walked away, Farah thought she sensed some strange emotion in her mentor. She shook it off and followed Saul, trying not to think about it.