forum Our Fate [Farah Dowling x Saul Silva] Fate: The Winx Saga (O/O Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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" i do somtimes." he said and gave a smirk. " specially when i let my mop grow out"

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saul laid on his back " come back to me, alright? i might give ya a good time for your effort" he teased on the second part

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's lip curled up, and she placed her hand on top of his. "You can count on it," she murmured before standing and walking toward the door. Before she went out, she pulled her hair up into a long ponytail.

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saul smiled, curling into his blanket and snuggling her pillow

@emilyevewrites group

Farah strode through the halls, meeting Rosalind on her way to Farah's bedroom.

"I was just looking for you," Rosalind remarked.

"As was I," Farah said. "I'd like to organize a search party for the Burned One who injured Specialist Silva."

@emilyevewrites group

(time skip)

Farah crept through the woods stealthily. She heard the Burned One's growls, and she sneered back. This Burned One would stand no chance against her now. Not when Saul's life was on the line. Ben was behind her, mirroring her movements.

"Farah…" he whispered, but she waved her hand to silence him.

@emilyevewrites group

"Hang on, Saul," Luna murmured, trying to remember what Ben had told her about the Zanbaq application. "Farah and Ben will kill the Burned One."

Suddenly, the creature caught sight of them and lunged. Farah used a bit of fire and water magic combined to make steam so the Burned One was temporarily blinded. "Ben, hold it down!" she instructed. The earth fairy complied readily, using vines to pull the Burned One down to the ground.

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saul yelped when she touched his wound, " gah! d..dont touch it!"

@emilyevewrites group

"I have to!" Luna insisted. "The Zanbaq helps!"

Farah's fingers curled into fists. As much as she hated drawing on negative emotions, she couldn't deny how powerful she felt as she summoned them at that moment. "This is for Saul," she snarled, using her magic to incinerate the Burned One's core and fling it through the trees, killing it for good.