Will watched the stars, staying somewhat silent. All that could be heard was the soft wind, brushing against his hair. The moon was bright, looking down at the earth. Some airplanes flew across the sky, stars drawing constellations. It was amazing. Will could stay like this forever.
Sorrel finally put his finger on it. He's forgotten to actually tip Will for his exquisite services. 'Oh well,' he thought to himself. 'I'll leave double next time, to make up for it.' He added, in his mind. He lost his train of thought, as he noticed a star. He liked this one, it twinkled a lot more than the others. He smiled at it, as if it meant the world to him.
Will took in the fresh air outside, some remaining smells of the café lingered around in the air. The wind pushed Will’s hair back a bit, letting it calmly flow in rhythm to the wind. Will met eyes with the same star Sorrel saw, taking in small details. The star was slightly blue, it looked wonderful, it stuck out a lot more then the others.
"Such a pretty individual, one that appears different than all others." He said. Before he became a cubicle-type office worker, he'd wanted to be an astronomer. "I wonder what it's made of." He added. A sudden yawn. He was getting awfully tired, and it could mean one of two things. Either he was just tired, or he was about to go out, big time. "Will-" He said, sharply.
( Small reminder, this guy has some Narcolepsy, causes the bearer to fall asleep at random- )
“Is something wrong?” Will jerked his head, his posture tense. He was looking at Sorrel now, ready to grab a hold of him if something happened. Will didn’t know why but he felt slightly protective. It was an unfamiliar feeling. He hasn’t felt this way since his first relationship back in high school, which ended after a year. He hasn’t had one since. “Do you need help?”
Sorrel kind of hobbled towards Will. "It's a Narcolepsy thing, I'm about to completely pass out, Will, I'm not dying, so don't worry, just make sure I don't hit the ground." He said, instinctively. He had his little speech ready as usual, oh, but why did he have to use it then? He hoped Will wouldn't be frustrated with him, sometimes people got that way about it. Slowly, but as expected, his vision went hazy. "Here it comes…" He said, as he completely blacked out.
Will caught Sorrel, Will wasn’t that strong, so he struggled to hold him up. Will took a deep breath and picked Sorrel up bridal style, and although it hurt his arms, he went through the pain. Will started to run towards his apartment, which wasn’t that far away. It was about a block away from the café, but it was still a distance. Will kept his pace steady, trying his hardest not to faint, or worse, drop Sorrel. Will had a roommate who always had the room unlocked when he was home, so Will prayed he was at home. Will arrived at the door, but realized he couldn’t open the door. Oh no… what do I do? Will looked around, and sat Sorrel on the ground, then proceeded to open the door.
Ryan(Will’s roommate)waved. “Yo. How’s it-“
Ryan walked over, looking at the asleep guy on the ground, sitting. “Um, did something happen at work…?”
Will panted a bit, sweat rolled down his face, he looked paler then usual. “H-He.. he has… Narcolepsy… He… fell asleep… help…”
Ryan nodded and easily picked up Sorrel, Ryan was much stronger then Will. Ryan put Sorrel down on the couch, then looked back at Will who came in and shut the door.
Ryan sighed. “You know, you could have called me.”
Will fell over, fainting on the ground.
Ryan sighed annoyed. “Really?”
Ryan picked Will up and place him on the left recliner beside the couch.
(Wow that was a big one… oof.)
( It's nothing, don't worry! Actually astonishing! )
Sorrel felt himself being carried, and he felt wind brushing against his skin. "What's this?" He thought in the darkness of his own blackout. He heard Will, panting, maybe. "Oh goodness, I got the guy to carry me-" He said in his mind, with a little frustration. The wind stopped suddenly. He wondered if he was inside of a place or not. Floor, then. He felt some floor. And the sound of a door. Then, it hit him. "Am I at Will's place?" He asked himself, again, in his mind. Seconds later, he felt a couch, and some conversation between Will and another. "Nngh-" He said, aloud, very softly.
Ryan looked over at the couch. “Oh, you’re awake. Will carried you in a hurry and… that happened.”
Ryan pointed to the couch, a pale, sweaty Will with messy hair was drinking water from a 2 liter bottle.
Will stopped drinking his water and looked at Sorrel. “You’re ok… good…”
"I think, mmm, you sound exhausted." Sorrel said, quietly. He noticed Will's tiredness, his sweat, his ghastliness. "But are you okay?" He asked. "And who are you?" He said, looking a little towards Ryan.
Ryan groaned. “I’m Ryan… I’m Will’s roommate. He promised to bring home food, not a guy.”
Will blushed a bit. “No! No! Not like that! I told you he fainted.”
Will whipped the sweat off his face and fixed his hair, his skin tone slowly returned to normal. “Well… more like blacked out… and I’m fine…”
Ryan sighed. “Will you have my number on speed dial, you could have called me and I could have driver down. Just feel lucky that you didn’t pass out for a long time. It was only a little bit.”
Will managed a smile. “As long as everyone’s alright, that fine.”
(Yeah so a Ryan is a protective prick, Will and Ryan are cousins and Ryan has trust issues so rip.)
( Aww! That's honestly so alright- I love that. )
"Roomate…" Sorrel muttered. "That's cool, I bet it's nice to have company like, all the time." He said. He saw how Will and Ryan interacted, and directly assumed they'd known each other for a while. "Mind if I stay for a little? Maybe an hour or something? I know I've woken up but my senses aren't as quick…" He said, with a laugh.
(My response didn’t post… oof)
Ryan sighed. “Whatever. Just don’t try anything funny.”
Will smiled. “I would have said yes anyways, but he pays rent so…”
Ryan gives an annoyed sigh before going into the kitchen, he sat on a bar stool and began eating a bowl of noodles.
( R.I.P. It's fine, no worries at all! )
Sorrel half-smiled. "It's all good, I'm used to this kind of thing. I've got a friend who'd say the same as you." He said, with a mute laugh. He got himself up, and looked around. "It's not actually that bad here, it's nice." He said. He stood for maybe a few more observational minutes before having to sit himself back down.
“Ryan makes money off of streaming games he plays on his Xbox. I pay most of the bills because I make more then he does, but his money income is inconsistent. If he isn’t streaming he’s either out at the gym, or getting food.” Will said calmly.
Will got up and went over to the kitchen, grabbing food from the fridge, it wasn’t much, just a medium sized bowl of spaghetti. He didn’t bother warming it up, he just grabbed a fork and went back to the living room.
(Bruh this girl really asked where is Earth on a world map. Bruh. My brain. Help.)
( Haha! Sounds like something I'd have done about this time last year! )
"Oh wow." Sorrel marveled. The two seemed like they at least had their lives in order, and Sorrel (in all honesty) aspired to be that put-together. He noticed Will, and the spaghetti. He then noticed Ryan and his noodles. "You two seem like you ear a lot of Italian food. Is that just tonight's menu or am I actually right about something?" He asked.
“Eh, not really. I just eat mostly baked stuff… but if I don’t make anything baked I make easy food like Ramen or easy to make packs of noodles.” Will said.
Will looked over at Sorrel, putting the spaghetti on the glass table in front of the couch and recliners. “But we do eat a lot, yes. Mostly Ryan. He has to have a lot of calories with healthy food because of him working out so much. I just love food.”
"I'll admit, food really is great." He said, with an awkward laugh. He loved food, mostly pastries and whatnot. "Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are always my go-to." He added to the original thought. He couldn't cook anything that well, but he definitely had the money to eat out frequently.