So far, Life has not found anyone, which, she supposed could be a good thing. Why? She asked herself over and over. Why would someone do this? Why now? Why ever? Because of this unknown entity the entire world was going to end and Death and herself would have to fix and save it.
Death found a few wounded animals, but no people. He figured that meant that no one was dead or dying; he would know. He set out to find Life after tending to the animals.
She picked up a few baby ravens off the ground. Their parents had most likely fled, the nest was still burning up. “You poor things.” She whispered to them and ran off to get them out of the flaming woods.
Death saw just a flash of blue hair as he searched through the burning foliage. He sprinted after it, yet it almost seemed to purposefully avoid his vicinity. He called out for Life, feeling his voice get lost in the crackling of trees and the roar of the fire.
She turned sharply on her heel, thinking she heard someone call for her. “Death?!” She shouted. She looked around, but did not see him. Life looked down at the birds in her hands. “You’ll be alright.” She whispered.
Death continued to walk, calling out her name. He thought he heard her talking. He took a few steps more, catching sight of her brilliant blue hair as she nestled little birds in her arms. “Oh thank Luck.” He breathed so quiet only he could hear. “Are you all right?”
She nodded. “I found these little guys further on in the woods. Parents had probably fled and the nest was burnt, so I picked them up and started to get them out of here. We need to get the fire out quickly, I believe we have helped anyone or thing that needed to be.” She said and continued her run, not waiting for Death.
Death took a moment to process that before running after her, trying to match her pace. Her hair billowed behind her, twinkling and shining in such contrast to the burning wreckage all around them. He knew there were more important matters at hand, but he couldn’t help but notice her radiance.
“What-“ She paused to take a breath. “-do you think we should do to put the fire out? We . . . need something to get water, to put it out.” She stumbled out of the woods and slowed to a stop. The birds looked unharmed, thankfully, but she would need to check them properly, later.
Only Death’s panting could be heard while he thought. “All I can think of is either—stealing a plane or asking—our favorite water god/goddess to give us a hand.” He suggested.
(I should be heading off to bed now, Now that I have most of the large projects finished and I’m about to go on vacation, I should be more active)
“Let’s try the second option first, because I don’t . . . know where we’d steal a plane from.” She sat down on the grass and placed the birds down gently. Life sighed and released some of the tension from her body. You still have more to do Life, You need to get up now.
Death agreed, “Who do you think is most available to help?”
(Cool. There’s no pressure, or anything tho.)
(I’m officially back from vacation)
“I don’t know! I haven’t spoken to a lot of people for a long time.” Life said, clenching her fist in frustration.
(Was it good?)
Death touched her arm, trying to be a reassuring force, “It’s okay. I believe Ms. Rain Goddess owes me a little favor. I will ask her.” He stepped aside, looking up at the sky. He closed his eyes, thinking deeply about connecting to Rain. A few moments later, the skies darkened and it began to pour. He opened his eyes. It was only a matter of seconds before he and Life were completely drenched.
(Of course, but now I’ve got a worldwide scavenger hunt to do)
Life sighed. “Now we need to fix more problems,” She stood up and closed her eyes. We can do this.
(What does that mean? Sounds intriguing)
Death turned, looking at her. “You have fixed mankind’s messes before. I know you have every bit of strength to do it again, now. I know you can. We can,” he gently touched her arm with his hand, only for a moment, so lightly that you could convince the both of them it had never happened at all. An insignificant, single touch. Nothing more, and yet it held a weight from him that one would not expect from such a gesture.
(, this is what it is)
“You’re right Death,” She opened her eyes. “Now let us check on the mortals, we do not know how they are faring, and only one can know so much about what they might do with the Scales in play.”
Death nodded, “I fear they have already begun.” He could feel the bubbling unrest of human kind; the first to act were revenge seekers. “Best to hurry.”