forum One on One g/g (OPEN)
Started by @Spider-man

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@PaperHats business

“Okay,” Ry responded innocently. She paused for a moment before breaking the silence again.
“What are you getting? Or have you designed it yet?”

@PaperHats business

“Oh,” she replied, shifting her weight yet again. “What are your ideas?”
Ryan tilted her head slightly, eyes wandering among Cat’s figure. Her voice was slightly more melodic than before.


Cat shrugged. "Might get a tiny butterfly or a planet. My whole plant theme is getting tiring," She joked playing with her hands slightly.

@PaperHats business

“I don’t know,” Ry mumbled. “I like them.”
Too tame for my taste, though, she thought. Not that she was troublesome or a mischievous person— more that she felt like she suited some kind of predator. With her eyes locked on Cat’s features, that seemed like the case.


Cat noticed Ryan's stares and smirking slightly. She stood up. "Thanks," She said setting her sketchbook on the desk. She looked Ryan over again.

@PaperHats business

Ryan followed Cat’s eyes down herself, noting her heavy black boots and moderately baggy pants. She still had her arms crossed, her leather jacket bunched up around her elbows. Ryan certainly wasn’t the most cleanly-looking when it came to womanly standards, but then again, she had never had the chance to wear anything fancier. Even if she did, she doubted she could comply.


Cat was in pretty casual clothes. A slight crop top nad shorts. She went through fazes quite fast and liked to change up her style and appearance. Spice things up. It was usually to fit into whatever town she was in and whatever friends she was trying to make but now she wore whatever whenever. Cat walked over to her bed and went through her bag that was still on it.