forum One on One g/g (OPEN)
Started by @Spider-man

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@PaperHats business

Ryan nodded, but her thoughts were clearly elsewhere. She let a brief moment pass before she asked, “Do you have any idea of why Alex keeps you here?” This time, her voice actually held a tinge of inquisition.


Cat walked past her and shrugged. She thought for a second thinking about her response carefully. “I don’t know he’s a dick. He likes to say it’s because I’m useful and shit but I know that’s a lie. I’ve definitely cost him more than I’ve made him,” she said half lying. There where other reason and she was pretty sure she knew the real one.

@PaperHats business

“Hmm,” Ryan said with a nod, lingering for a moment before she followed the girl. For Ryan, it seemed like Alex wanting her around would be nice, as opposed to the alternative of him pushing her off. But then again, Ry didn’t know the details, so she couldn’t really make an assumption.


Cat walked downstairs and into the kitchen. There where some members lingering around but they just ignored her. She opened the fridge and took out a beer and a box of pizza.

@PaperHats business

Ryan followed her down, her footsteps light. Once there, she leaned on one of the counters, doing the least to fulfill what orders she had been given.
The other members payed the both of them no mind, and honestly, Ryan wasn’t a stranger to it. The only person in the gang that had actually payed attention to her was Alex, and it was only because she had been chosen by him to watch his little sister. Other than that, she seemed to have no affiliations at all.

@PaperHats business

Ryan was about to say no but paused, then nodded. She often didn’t accept offerings from others, but at the moment, she didn’t see why not.
“I’ll take a drink, thank you,” she mumbled.


She took out a beer and tossed it to her before walking back to the table. She sat down and grabbed a cold slice of pizza.

@PaperHats business

“Thank you,” she repeated.
Ryan took the bottle, pressing the rim up against the counter and bashing it so the cap popped off. She didn’t normally drink, but she knew the few tricks. Slowly she took a swig, feeling the cold burn seep down her throat.


Cat smiled to herself when she saw Ryan open it. she opened it easily with one of her rings. it was just a thick silver band. She took a deep sip. "I like your style"

@PaperHats business

“Thanks,” she said almost innocently. To her, her gestures seemed normal, to be taken without a second thought. In an effort to return the feeling, she mumbled, “Yours too.”

@PaperHats business

With that, Ryan fell silent once more. She took a few more sips of the beer, not bothering to down it hastily. She wasn’t the kind to get drunk for the sake of it, or drink alcohol just for the buzz. She held it loosely in one of her hands, letting it fall limp at her side as she leaned on the counter.


Cat downed her beer and ate her pizza. She always felt slightly looser but not close to drunk. She looked over at Ryan.

@PaperHats business

Ryan kept her gaze wandering around the room, never looking at one thing for too long. She looked relatively relaxed— a demeanor she hadn’t usually held. With a slow hand, she took another drink, just enjoying the quieter house.


Cat finished her slice of pizza openly studying the other girl. “Hmm so other than this what do you usually do?” She asked.

@PaperHats business

“Not… really,” she mumbled, turning to Cat. “It depends on your idea of fun. But, then again, I don’t have much time for it anyway.”


Cat nodded. “Well you’ll have plenty of down time for the next few days while you watch me. Nothing really to do,” she said shrugging.


Cat thought for a second. “I draw, and drink , and go to clubs when j can sneak away.” She said leaning back in her chair.

@PaperHats business

Trouble, now, is she? Ryan thought to herself. But she couldn’t judge. She’d never been to a club, and rarely been drunk. Maybe it was fun.
“You draw?” she asked.