forum One More War (Mature, One-on-One, Closed)
Started by @Serpentess health_and_safety language

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Semi-stunned expression. I seem to naturally write long posts. And, I’ve been on full improv the entire time, so yeah, lol)

Luna looked at E’si and shrugged helplessly again.

“I do not know why Avialel brought two warriors, and there is only one line written in Avialel’s holy text that even mentions it. ‘When a second is summoned, Avialel has been challenged by Avertael’. Avialel is the Moon, while Avertael is the Sun. But, I’ve never understood what the line means, at least, in regard to the mortal realms,”Luna said with a sigh.

De Tearion rolled his eyes, turning back to Luna with an annoyed expression. Luna held up his hands, completely at a loss. He then sighed again at E’si’s next question.

“Besides the adoration and gifts of the Elven Monarchy for helping us, I don’t know. That is Avialel’s choice.”

“You realize I am no servant, aye? I have never served another, and never shall. Thus, there must be something in exchange for my skills,”De Tearion hissed.

“I understand both of you, but I can only do so much, and Avialel is mysterious in her ways,”Luna said.

De Tearion snorted.

“What of this? Will we return to our homes when this be done?”De Tearion asked.

Luna hesitated, noticing the dark gleam in De Tearion’s eyes. He sputtered for a moment, then cleared his throat.

“I… honestly don’t know.”

De Tearion stepped forward, scowling, and Luna took a step back, whimpering a bit. De Tearion chirped and snorted disdainfully.

“If incompetence be what your goddess considers strength, then you can return me home now. I will waste not energy fighting worthless battles!”he growled.

De Tearion then grabbed the scroll and tossed it to Luna before walking away. As he walked, one of the blood beads changed into a needle-like object and detached from the thread with a faint crack. It shot toward his thigh, stabbing deep, piercing the thick armor plate.

De Tearion yelped, stumbling. He looked at his thigh and saw the shard in his leg. Closing his eyes momentarily, he took a deep breath, then grabbed the shard and gently pulled it out. He gritted his teeth through the pain, inspecting the shard afterward and noting the black blood on it.

“Your goddess be persis…”De Tearion trailed off as his vision blurred. His knees buckled and he collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

Luna stared in shock at the sight of De Tearion on the ground. He then looked at the scroll. A streak of dark blood marked the blank page.

“It seems that Avialel will not allow refusals,”Luna said cautiously. He looked back at De Tearion, stunned.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(It's actually awesome. This is really cool, and very well thought out. :)
"Useless." E'Si let out a slow, measured breath. A fight between the moon and the sun? Even the person who was supposed to know all these things didn't know a thing about why he was here. "I don't need gifts, I need to return home," E'Si snapped, glancing over at De Tearion and nodding in agreement. He too wasn't someone whose skill could simply be bought with promises of wealth and thanks. E'Si was about to agree with him when his companion asked the most important question about them all. And Luna didn't even know that. Had he been brought here forever?

E'Si should have been stalking towards Luna like De Tearion was, he should have been making him find an answer–not knowing wasn't allowed, it couldn't be–but the idea of never returning home had shaken him to his core. He could only stand there, suddenly aware of his absolute powerlessness. He might never see his forest again. He might never get the chance to search for Lan'E'yn. He–a yelp broke through his thoughts, the pain and surprise in it cutting away the clouds until E'Si could focus again on the present. E'Si sank into a defensive position, eyes landing on De Tearion. His companion was holding something in his hand, stained in something dark. Was that his blood? E'Si didn't know, but he was pretty sure it was. "What did you do?" E'Si asked, whirling towards Luna. The sound of De Tearion hitting the ground made his heart skip a beat. His expression mirrored Luna's for a second.

"You…" E'Si trailed off, slowly looking up at Luna. "What did you do?" This time, his words were full of anger. He'd just met De Tearion, but this was the one person who hadn't seemed to want something of him. He sprang at Luna, pressing a blade against his throat before he could move.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Thank you! I’m really glad that this rp has turned out as well as it has so far)

Luna didn’t hear E’si’s question the first time. His attention had fully been on De Tearion, at the bead that had turned into a blood siphoning needle. He had never witnessed such a thing before.

However, he heard the anger in E’si’s tone when he repeated the question, immediately realizing that De Tearion was not the only one to be frightened of. When E’si lunged, Luna tossed the scroll away, yelping as the blade met his neck.

“I did nothing! I…”

Luna froze, his eyes flashing silver. The fear from his expression melted away, being replaced by calm, and his hand reached down to unsheathe a dagger on his hip. The blade was made of the same glassy material as the blood beads.

He abruptly lunged at E’si, the dagger aimed for the man’s waist as his other hand shoved away the blade against his throat. As Luna moved, bright red flames burst to life in every lantern, illuminating the town center with a hellish glow.

The horde of clergy still watching in the background burst into action. Most of them ran inside the cathedral, while four ran toward Luna and E’si, and four more to De Tearion.

The four heading for Luna and E’si surrounded the pair, staying well out of the way. One of them picked up the scroll, glancing toward De Tearion and the four waiting next to his body. He then looked at Esi, watching him and the scroll patiently.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

E'Si hadn't been expecting Luna to fight back in any way. He'd proved that he wasn't a fighter in the past. But the sudden change in his eyes and expression made him think that maybe this wasn't fully Luna anymore. Years of training kicked in at once. He dodged most of the way out of the path of the blade, though he wasn't fast enough to avoid it all the way. His tattoos did the rest of the work, keeping the sharp point from cutting skin. He'd have some nasty bruises later, but it was preferable to an open wound. E'Si hissed in annoyance, glancing around quickly. There were four people around him, plus the suddenly calm Luna. The red flames, though much less ghostly than the blue they used to be, made E'Si feel very unsettled. He probably wouldn't be able to fight them all off unless he used his D'ae'Huw. Would he even be able to? The gods were so far away, and they weren't even in a forest. Well, it was either that or defeat. He might as well try. "Tif’Tr’Min, K’X’Hew." The prayer wasn't necessary, but he felt as though it might help. And help it did. E'Si felt a surge of power rush through him, making him feel lighter and stronger. A grainy magic started coalescing around his hands, looking similar to rich soil. He turned towards Luna, face set in determination. Either he would kill him or he would suffer the same fate as De Tearion. It was up to the gods now.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Luna scowled when his blade didn’t pierce E’si’s skin. He backed away, holding the dagger defensively. However, his scowl faded when he heard E’si’s prayer and saw his hands.

“Alvaena, the gift of Moon-Scale. You already have it. Your companion does as well, but it is not by prayer like yours,”Luna said, intrigued.

He flipped his dagger over, hilt facing E’si.

“The scroll needs only a drop of blood. Please, Moon-Gale, for your sake. Avialel does not take refusal well, as you have seen with your companion. Though, to clear the air regarding him, your companion was only knocked unconscious. His wound will heal without trouble, and leave no scar,”he said, his voice calm.

Luna turned away, nodding at the four around the pair. They kneeled, bowing their heads in reverence. The one holding the scroll set it on the ground in front of him, staring at it. Luna looked back at E’si.

“And, I promise you, there will be rewards worthy of your skill. You, in truth, seem more worthy of those rewards than your companion. And… while we are speaking, what is your name? And what is his, if you know it?”Luna added.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"What?" E'Si paused, face twisting into one of outrage. "This is not… what you say. Moon-scale. This is D'ae'Huw, Tr’Min Zi’Hew. It comes from gods, not N'moon." He tensed at Luna's movement, frowning at the knife offered to him. E'Si gave Luna a guarded stare, not moving to take the knife. "I am X’E Zi’E’yn, not Moon-Gale. I refuse to bind to something unless I know what I do! You don't say what we do, I don't give blood." Even though De Tearion was already bound to whatever that scroll represented, E'Si wanted to avoid that fate for as long as possible. And even if it couldn't be helped, which was how it looked at the moment, he at least wanted to know what he was being tasked to do. Even having a little control over the situation would be nice. So when Luna asked for their names, E'Si decided there was no way he was giving real ones. "I am Po’Si, and he is Po'Min." The corners of E'Si's mouth pulled up in a slight smirk. He'd called himself 'aggressive', and De Tearion 'a threat'. It seemed appropriate, given how angry he felt at the moment. And even though De Tearion was currently unconscious, he was definitely a threat when awake.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Luna chuckled.

“What do you think the moon is? The moon is Avialel. She has allowed you to use your Moon-Scale, your divine armor, even though you do not worship her. That is a rare gift, and means she appreciates you, or, even likes you,”he replied.

He listened to E’si’s next words and nodded in understanding.

“You may not be a Moon-Gale in your world, but in this one, you are. And, I completely understand. At least take this dagger. Then I shall explain more of your task, and of myself,”Luna said.

As E’si said the names, Luna looked between the two in confusion. He suspected that E’si was lying, as he and De Tearion seemed to be from two completely different worlds, but he wasn’t sure yet. Luna then noticed E’si’s smirk, becoming a bit more convinced that he was lying.

Luna looked back at De Tearion, curious if he, despite his inevitable hostility, would be more honest. He waved for the four next to De Tearion to wake him. His eyes widened in surprise at the result.

One of the four moved to shake De Tearion’s shoulder, but the moment the elf touched him, De Tearion’s hand launched upward and snatched him by the throat, almost immediately crushing his windpipe. De Tearion’s eyes shot open and he threw the elf, the poor man slamming into the side of a building on the far side of the town center. His legs then kicked out, hitting two of the other three clergy and throwing them back several feet, knocking the wind out of them.

De Tearion’s hand snatched the ankle of the fourth elf, tripping the frightened clergyman. He then rolled over and pulled the elf to him. Opening his mouth, a proboscis slithered out of De Tearion’s maw and struck at the elf’s eye in one deft move. De Tearion swallowed the eye as its owner screamed, chuckling a moment. Then, he grabbed the elf’s throat, the scream becoming a hoarse squeak.

De Tearion’s other hand morphed into claws, slowly, torturously, carving a pair of lines in the poor elf’s side. He then tasted the blood on his claws, discovering the strange taste to be quite pleasant. Chirping and grinning cruelly, De Tearion vanished in a cloud of black smoke, the elf disappearing with him.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(here it is, sorry again for the wait! :)
"Ov'Ri," E'Si grumbled, giving the knife another wary glance. He really didn't want to take it, but if meant he'd get answers, then he might as well. E'Si carefully sheathed one of his Si's, then reached out and took the knife. "Tell now." Unfortunately, E'Si didn't get an answer. Instead, he got to watch De Tearion utterly decimate the elves. He wasn't particularly shocked after he realized what was happening. It was thrilling to watch De Tearion move. He was quite a force to be reckoned with. Well, he might as well help out. There were still the four elves who'd surrounded him and Luna. As much as he hated Luna, he would have to live because E'Si wanted answers and Luna seemed like the best source. But the other elves didn't have that protection.

E'Si lept at the nearest elf faster than someone should be able to move, stabbing the knife Luna had given him into their chest. He pulled his other Si from its sheath, sprinting at the next elf. They'd been staring in horror at the destruction De Tearion was reaping on their fellow clergymen, though their horror quickly turned towards E'Si. Before any of them could scream, E'Si had already slit the next elf's throat. The final two elves received the same fate soon after. Not as creative as De Tearion's approach, but E'Si was going for speed, not variety. E'Si turned to where he'd last seen De Tearion, but he wasn't there. That was probably fine. E'Si grabbed the knife out of the elf's chest and turned towards Luna.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(You’re good. It happens)

Avri’aselōn Evki’alel!”Luna cried out as De Tearion and E’si attacked his followers.

He watched helplessly as five clergy were killed and one taken. Though, what horrified him the most was seeing his own dagger, a sacred instrument never intended to kill, murder one of his own people. His knees gave out at the sight and he prayed for Avialel’s guidance and forgiveness for such horrid sacrilege.

After a moment, Luna stopped praying and looked up at the sky, where dark clouds swirled around the eclipse. Avialel was never merciful when angered.

Luna looked down, his eyes locking on his bloodstained dagger, held in the hands of someone who’s cruelty he had drastically underestimated. Was this creature, who had called himself Po’Si, Avertael’s champion?

“I never meant for this t…”Luna trailed off as a fire abruptly started nearby.

He turned, watching as red flames slowly destroyed the scroll. Gasping in horror, Luna looked up toward the sky. A red lightning bolt shot forth from the clouds and struck the cathedral, splitting the building in half. Luna screamed in agony as the bolt struck, a long scar appearing on him, starting at his forehead and stretching down the left side of his face to beneath the collar of his robe. His left eye was instantly blinded, bloody tears already beginning to stream down his face.

Luna fell on his side, his dazed mind barely registering that all of the lanterns in the town center had shattered when the bolt struck. The darkness seemed fitting, as it described everything that was happening in the world of elves.

Instead of trying to sit up, Luna simply rolled onto his back, forcing himself to stay awake long enough to say something to E’si, the false Moon-Gale.

“War comes. The Elven Monarchy… is dying. Without unity… the humans will destroy… all of us.”

Luna’s eyes flickered then closed, and the black depths of sleep stole him away.

The two elves that De Tearion had kicked sat up just as the lightning bolt struck. They watched in horror as the cathedral was ruined and their High Priest wounded. Then, in the dark gloom of the eclipse, the pair stood and cautiously approached Luna, giving E’si a wide berth.

At Luna’s words, they looked at each other helplessly. This was what the clergy had been waiting to hear from Luna, and it was worse than they had thought.

When they recovered from the shock of Luna’s words, they kneeled down next to him. One of them conjured a small ball of blue fire for light while the other inspected the fresh scar.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

E'Si narrowed his eyes at Luna. The elf appeared to be praying, which E'Si found very funny. He seemed to find the dagger in E'Si's hand to be very horrifying, but that was his own fault for giving it to E'Si in the first place. Blades were meant to be used. The fire also caught E'Si's attention, though he was probably much happier about it than Luna was. He didn't really know why it had burst into flames, but he approved of that terrible thing being destroyed. Maybe that had even released De Tearion from whatever he'd agreed to. E'Si was a little less excited about the strange lightning, though it was very interesting how it seemed to also strike Luna, leaving a scar all the way down his face. E'Si opened his eyes to make a snarky comment at Luna, but Luna spoke before he could say anything. "What?" None of what Luna had just said made much sense, though he did get that humans would be destroying something. People. The elves? Well, he didn't expect anything else from the humans. E'Si shot a glare at the two elves as they came over to Luna, but he let them be. It didn't seem like they would be doing anything too threatening at the moment. Instead, E'Si started to look around for De Tearion. He sheathed his Si, keeping the knife Luna had gifted him in his hand.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

The elves finished their inspection of Luna, understanding that no amount of prayer or atoning would remove the scar. They then looked at E’si warily, noticing Luna’s dagger in his hand, and they realized why Luna was now marked.

They looked at each other, grimacing, then one nodded to the cathedral. The other nodded and they stood, slowly heading to check on their fellow clergymen.

Several quiet minutes later, De Tearion appeared a few feet behind the elves, just as they neared the cathedral’s crooked doors. He chirped loudly, spooking the pair.

“I need not your holy blood,”he said, tossing the glass beads of blood at them.

One of the elves caught the beads, staring at De Tearion with surprise and horror. Immediately after that, a loud crash echoed through the town and the elves looked back at the cathedral to see it collapsing.

The elf without the beads yelped and bolted, grabbing his companion. The tower of the cathedral snapped, falling toward the three. De Tearion teleported away, watching the elves from the other side of the town center.

The two ran for their lives, but the one with the beads was still trying to keep up with the other and he stumbled, knocking both of them over. The tower then crashed down, disintegrating into rubble and dust.

De Tearion chirped, waiting until everything had settled before teleporting to the edge of the rubble. He noticed the moaning top half of the elf that hadn’t been holding the beads, his lower half crushed beneath a massive piece of stone. Sounds also erupted from all over the village as people woke to investigate.

With a sigh and a few chirps, De Tearion crouched down next to the tormented elf, appraising the tears that streaked his pleading face. He then morphed his hand and deftly cut the elf’s throat, watching him gasp and gurgle until he stilled. De Tearion sucked the blood off of his claw before morphing his hand back and standing. He walked toward E’si and Luna with long strides as lanterns approached from every street.

When De Tearion reached the two, he bent down and snatched Luna, throwing him over his shoulder. He then moved over to E’si.

“‘Tis best we leave,”De Tearion said.

He grabbed E’si’s shoulder and teleported. They appeared at the forest’s edge, where they had been before going into the town. De Tearion glanced at the town, then headed north toward the road he had seen earlier.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

E'Si's search for De Tearion wasn't very fruitful at first. Granted, he wasn't doing more than looking around, but that was because he wanted to make sure no one took Luna away. The elves finished their search and thankfully left without trying to bring Luna anywhere. If they'd tried, they would have had to die as well. Although he was supposed to be looking for his companion, E'Si's attention got pulled towards the elves. And it was a good thing, as De Tearion ended up reappearing right behind them. At least E'Si hadn't been left. He wouldn't have minded too much, but it would have been very annoying to have been abandoned. Made things harder, that was for sure.
E'Si flinched at the sound of the collapsing building, tensing for a second before he realized it was the cathedral. It wasn't close enough to worry him, so he stayed put. E'Si glanced down at Luna for a second, checking to make sure he was still there and alive. He couldn't answer questions if he was dead. By the time he looked back up, De Tearion was walking towards them and the town was waking up around them.
"Agree." E'Si nodded, his lip curling up at the sight of the fast-approaching light. The humans were coming and he really wasn't feeling like fighting them at the moment. He'd used his D'ae'Huw already and though he could use it again, it was safer if he rested a little before then. E'Si was expecting to run out of there, but De Tearion laid a hand on his shoulder and the next thing he knew, they were at the edge of the forest. "What was that?" He glanced around, then started after De Tearion. "How are we here now?"

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

De Tearion glanced back at E’si as he spoke.

“Define your question. And we are here because of my natural ability to teleport. Teleportation, if you know not, be a magic way to near instantly travel to places previously visited.”

De Tearion shifted Luna a bit, noting how light he was compared to most of the humans he had ever carried. Were all elves as light as Luna and the clergyman he had snatched earlier?

He still pondered that question as they neared the road heading north out of the town. De Tearion didn’t step onto it, instead going into the trees and following the road. There would likely be search parties after Luna, and he wanted to avoid them at all costs.

A little while later, De Tearion’s suspicions were confirmed when a group of mounted men raced down the road. However, they didn’t stop. That confused De Tearion a bit. Were they a search party, or something else? Messengers?

A small sigh escaped De Tearion. He suspected they would find out eventually.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I was out of data range for a few days but I'm visiting family and probably won't be able to answer until sometime next week. :)

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"All of it. I don't know what happened, to building and him." E'Si nodded to the elf slung over De Tearion's shoulder. "Ah, I see," he continued, though he didn't really understand. He supposed this teleportation could be a bit like using D'ae'Huw to move great distances quickly, but even faster. E'Si let out a slight breath of relief as they entered the trees. It was safer in there, especially since they had Luna with them. The elves would be after them, and… humans would too, according to Luna. He would have to let De Tearion know what the elf said before he passed out once they got somewhere more secure.
E'si slipped behind a tree as the horses drew closer, expecting to have to hide or even fight them off. But they thundered past without pause. E'Si waited until he couldn't see or hear them before turning to De Tearion.
"They're warning someone," He guessed, peeking up and down the road. "You have a plan?"

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

De Tearion chirped, understanding now what E’si had been asking about.

“I know not, as I missed much of it, yet I suspect it be related to this Avialel goddess. Or, alternatively, to the eclipse itself,”he answered.

De Tearion noted E’si’s tone in his next words, recognizing that E’si still didn’t understand teleportation. He kept quiet though, since he really had no better explanation anyway.

When they entered the trees, De Tearion heard E’si and a small, thoughtful smile appeared on his face. He was glad that his companion also favored trees. It made things so much simpler, and it was nice to have someone else to talk to about the beauty of the forest.

After the horse riders left, De Tearion turned to listen to E’si. He nodded in agreement, sighing again.

“For now, we keep to the shadows and observe. ‘Tis likely a good idea to also acquire a map of this land,”De Tearion replied.

After checking the road a few times, De Tearion resumed walking. He became lost in thought as they traveled, his mind drifting to Mileena, his beloved wife, and their son, Kierthēl. It had barely been a few hours since he had appeared in this strange world, and yet it already seemed like an eternity.

De Tearion sighed mournfully, and spoke a vow in the chirps and clicks of his birth tongue. I will return to you, dear Mileena, even if I must battle Mercy herself. He never broke a vow.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

(Ah, yeah, sorry for the wait! Life is happening and I'm not enjoying it. :)
E'Si nodded in agreement at De Tearion's plan. He was in favor of gathering information about the area they were in. Though he didn't know how De Tearion was going to get a map of the land they were in. Their last visit into town hadn't gone so well, and it would likely go far worse in the future. Especially if those riders who'd passed them were messengers. E'Si would've been happy to stay out of towns if they weren't so important to figuring out his situation and getting back home. He followed after De Tearion, keeping slightly behind his companion. If they were to go into human towns, he supposed he'd have to disguise himself as a human. He'd done it before, and though he hadn't enjoyed it and would likely not enjoy it this time either, it could be done. All he needed were clothes that covered his tattoos and he'd be fine. As long as people didn't notice the slightly reflective eyes or the unusually sharp teeth. Actually, it would probably be easier to disguise himself here than at home. They had those elves, after all, so beings that weren't human were probably a little less unexpected than they were in his home. His home… E'Si quickly pushed his feelings of longing aside. They would only distract him and he could not afford to be distracted in this unfamiliar environment.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(You’re good. It happens)

As they walked, De Tearion kept an eye on their surroundings. Though, for the most part, the road remained quiet and the forest peaceful. It was quite a contrast to his home, where the days were deadly and the nights far worse.

For the next few hours, the walk was uneventful, more like a tranquil stroll than a journey in an unknown world. As dawn neared, De Tearion started searching for a place to make camp.

He eventually found a small meadow a bit deeper in the forest and set Luna on the ground. The elf moaned, but didn’t stir. De Tearion watched him a moment, then checked the entire meadow for possible dangers.

After a few minutes, De Tearion discovered a squirrel staring down at him. He smiled lightly at it. The squirrel stared a bit longer, then turned away and climbed up the tree. De Tearion made a mental note of the creature’s presence, but otherwise didn’t move to go after it.

De Tearion finished his survey of the area, then looked to E’si. In the back of his mind, he pondered if the man had eaten anything. It would be rude of him to rest while the other starved.

“Who shall keep watch? It matters not to me, yet I must admit I am exhausted. It had been nearing the end of my day when I appeared here. And have you eaten?”he asked.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

This forest reminded E'Si of home. Specifically, home before the humans had decided that they weren't satisfied with the land they had and started looking towards D'ae'Min land. Gods, he missed those days. He'd only been a child then. Things had been simpler. He hadn't been burdened with the loss of friends and family. After the war had been won the forest had gone back to the way it had been, but there'd always been that shadow of death hanging over it. The knowledge that the peace was shaky and could collapse at any time. He could never really relax, not until… no, he'd already thought about home too much. He couldn't think about them.

E'Si was glad when De Tearion stopped. He'd never admit it to anyone else, but he was tired. Before he'd gotten taken here, he'd spent almost a full day patrolling the forest for humans and it was starting to weigh on him. E'Si did his own investigation of the spot, then sat down in the grass in the near-center of the meadow. He glanced up at De Tearon when his companion spoke, quickly clearing the weariness from his eyes. "I can. You sleep." E'Si blinked at De Tearion's next question. He hadn't expected it, though now that he thought about it, he was a bit hungry. It was bearable, however. "Yes," E'Si said. It wasn't a total lie. He and the other warriors had taken a break right before the last encounter of the day and had a snack. "I'll be fine. You sleep." E'Si offered De Tearion something like a smile, then glanced towards Luna. He really wanted the elf to stay asleep, though he wouldn't be against knocking him out again. It would serve him right for everything he'd done.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

De Tearion noticed E’si scouting the area as well, but he didn’t mind. After all, two sets of eyes were better at sighting danger than one. He watched E’si sit down, finding the sight a strange combination of soothing and amusing. He wasn’t sure why, though the amusing part was likely because the grass was as tall as his lap.

De Tearion nodded at E’si’s response, though he knew the man was likely as tired as he. Not only could he hear it in the sound of his heartbeat, but he had seen that flash of weariness.

At E’si’s answer, he chirped. He knew a lie when he heard one, even a partial one. De Tearion grew concerned, but didn’t let it show. Instead, he gazed at E’si with an inquisitive look, even after his attempt to reassure De Tearion.

“Are you certain? It would be no trouble for me to hunt. I am rather used to rare sleep,”he asked.

A sense of brotherly protectiveness rose in him, replacing the concern. It was a familiar sensation, one he had always felt for Agatha, always did for Mileena, and also had while leading soldiers to a battle. De Tearion respected E’si, and he wasn’t about to let him needlessly suffer.

He glanced at Luna as well, but he had few concerns about the elf. De Tearion, with his keen senses, could hear Luna wake up before he fully stirred. And, Luna was not likely as fast as De Tearion was, particularly in trees.