@Serpentess health_and_safety language
I probably shouldn’t be making another rp, but hell with it. I have a highly developed character that I have not rped with much, and I want something with him.
Please read below
A sort of AU where the characters are dropped in a different world with no context of where they’re at whatsoever. Unknown to them, they have been summoned by an unknown entity to prevent/participate in a coming war.
Begins near a big town (name currently undecided) against a river in grasslands. There is a large forest to the east and the river to the west. Three roads go through the town from the north, south, and west. It houses both humans and moon elves.
The Elven Monarchy-
A court built from the alliance of all the elves. There are five primary elven nations in the kingdom, the royal High Elves, the devout Moon Elves, the elusive Wood Elves, the intellectual Snow Elves, and the warmongering Dark Elves.
—Dissension is spreading, and it is only a matter of time before civil war breaks out.
High Elf: King Balathiel
Moon Elf: Elder Priest Galien
Wood Elf: ?
Snow Elf: ?
Dark Elf: ?
Kingdom of Zavren-
—The humans have been hounding King Balathiel about something, and it is quickly escalating toward war.
King: ?
Avialel the Mother Moon: Goddess of the moon, blood, and mystery. Her sacred weapon is the dagger. Her symbol is the Alriva (see Terms). Hated rival of Avertael.
—She is fickle and mysterious, but always has a reason for deeds.
—She has several avatars. One of the most notable is a fiery feline often called the Tracker.
Avertael: God of the sun. Hated rival of Avialel.
Other Details
Notable Individuals
Luna: Male Moon Elf. A particularly special High Priest of Avialel. Younger brother to Elder Priest Galien.
—Left eye becomes scarred and blind.
Notable Scripture
From a holy text of Avialel-
‘When a second is summoned, Avialel has been challenged by Avertael.’
Terms (alphabetical)
Alriva: A unique eclipse that is sacred to Avialel. Easily recognized by the two red rings that appear around the full moon.
Alvaena: Elvish word, translates to ‘Moon-Scale’. A rare gift from Avialel, given only to those she favors. Basically divine armor.
Avrienel: Elvish word, translates to ‘High Priest’. Typically only High Priests of Avialel are called this.
Blood-Seeker: A rarely summoned type of Avialel’s Chosen, typically because they are too wild to contain. They are often nocturnal predators with an affinity for blood. Most are trackers, but some are also leaders.
Moon-Gale: A type of Avialel’s Chosen. They are favored warriors and assassins, capable of both stealth and brutality.
Other Notes
A typical high fantasy situation (magic, fantasy creatures, medieval technology), but most metal weapons are made of pre-steel material (iron, most likely). Steel is rare and highly valued.
• andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules
• Must have good grammer/spelling
• No one-liners. A paragraph or two is preferred, at the least.
• There will be cursing, graphic violence, and death.
• Romance is optional. Anything explicit goes to PMs (I write m/w pairs, but mostly not explicit. Ask, in case)
• Let me know how active you are (the more active, the better)
• Let me know what your triggers are. Though, I would honestly prefer someone with no triggers for this one, just to be on the safe side. My character has a very dark/messed up backstory, and I don’t know how dark this will get.
• Ask before you join
• I reserve the right to say no.
• You can play either as an OC or an rp-specific character. Nothing too overpowered though, and preferably mortal.
• Ideas are welcomed
Character Template
Aliases/Nicknames, if any:
Notable Powers/Skills: