forum OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT....... i kinda want a new role play

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Nich shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's stupid… we should be able to live normally." He mumbled, still looking a bit out of it. "I try my best to just go about my life, but they don't even like me being in the same room."


"Yeah. Nothing we can do about it, then." Nich tried to pull himself to his feet, but he staggered and fell back to the ground. Guess I'll be staying here for a bit. He sighed softly and rested his head against the tree. "What are you doing out here?"


"Mm? Yeah, sure…" Nich pushed himself up again, leaning against the tree to keep himself stable. "I'm probably fine… just bleeding or something, dunno…"


"A wolf? I can't turn into a wolf…" Nich mumbled in reply, doing his best to follow Ember without further injuring himself. He kept one hand on his head, seemingly to slow the bleeding.


"I can turn into a fox? I think… I haven't done that in a while. I'm not a werewolf, though." Nich stumbled and narrowly avoided falling to the ground again. "Is that helpful? I can't remember if wolves hate foxes or not…"


"Oh… okay." Nich fell quiet as well, focusing on staying upright for now. He kept his hand where it was, feeling cold and dizzy as he made his way forward on false legs. His prosthetics definitely didn't make it any easier to keep his balance.


Nich tried his best to keep up with Ember, and his gaze was distant. He only looked up when they seemed to be arriving somewhere. "Mm… did we make it…?"

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember nodded again "yes we're here be silent just follow me and keep your head down and you'll be fine I assure you. " as they continued to walk they reach a open area surrounded by trees and a huge cave in the middle back protected by the pack members that were spread out around the the area and a few smaller caves on each side of the larger one that's where they were heading to talk to the alpha embers father, a few pack members sat up looking over at the two walking a few growling at the new character following the alpha's daughter she snapped at them her amber eyes glowing as they reached the entrance "here go inside don't get to close to anyone. "


"Alright…" Nich followed Ember quietly, glancing around at the werewolves as he walked. He kept his ears flattened back against his head and his posture submissive so that he wouldn't be seen as a threat. He clearly didn't belong here, and his prosthetics made a dull, metallic clunking sound as he walked that wasn't natural. Even without trying to, he drew attention.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

Ember shifted as soon as they entered the cave she was rather large and looked very intimidating her coat was black and shiny, looking back at nich she gave him a side eye and Continued into the cave quietly they eventually made it into the inner sanctum that was filled with wolves one among them looked similar to ember he was the alpha his sleek black coat stood up as he glared at nich as soon as he entered


After a bit of hesitation, Nich shifted as well, figuring his presence would be marginally more welcomed if he wasn't in a humanoid form. He seemed very small next to the large werewolves since he really wasn't much larger than the average fox, but he was lighter in color and had three tails. The injury to the back of his head and his unsteadiness remained, however. He followed along, keeping close to Ember's side as he stumbled. Once they were closer, he attempted a bow, but wasn't really in much of a state to do so.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

A loud booming voice rang through the air "why have you brought this thing here ember? " the alpha was now standing along with a few other wolves which where now snarling at nich

"he was caught in one of our traps he's injured I would rather not hide a body I brought him here to save him. " ember stood her ground staring at her father growling at a few wolves that started towards her


Nich winced at the loud sound and turned his ears back, straightening up as well as he could with how disoriented he was. He still had false hind legs as a fox, and with his injury, he was at a very clear disadvantage if Ember's father decided he didn't like Nich. He stayed low to the ground so he wouldn't be seen as a threat, although he wasn't particularly intimidating compared to the wolves anyway.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(I might make ember and alpha for this one… Instead of an omega…Maybe)

"We have no use for him you should have left him there or killed him. " embers father wasn't one for outsiders especially outsiders that weren't wolves

"father it would be easier that killing him and less hassle! " a low growl escaped the alpha's throat at ember raised her voice

"QUIET PUP! or I will not hesitate to-" he took a breath and looked at the wolf standing next to the odd fox and he sighed "take him to Samuel he should be able to help. " and with the the alpha walked back to his area where he slept and laid down again as did a few others ember turned to look a nich

"Come along, Samuel will help you heal that wound in a matter of minutes head just outside. "


(Yeah it would probably make more sense since her father is the alpha lol)

Nich definitely didn't like the suggestion of killing him, but he didn't say anything for fear of hastening that fate. He swallowed nervously and glanced up at Ember, shivering at the feeling of his blood coating his fur. He seemed more at ease when the alpha had seemingly decided not to kill him, but still not in any better condition.

"Uh… right…" Nich hesitated before turning around and following Ember back outside of the den. He had no idea who Samuel was, of course, and couldn't think especially clearly while concussed anyways.

@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7

(Well alpha's have Omega children too lol)

Ember looked down and smiled a little "don't worry everything is under control, Samuel is our healer he'll have you fixed up in no time I promise. " she lead him out of the bigger den (also that you for calling it a den I forgot what they were call XD) and into the smaller one next to it " this is where he stays it's probably best to prepare for him to yell…. He's going deaf " she chuckled a little as they headed inside


"Right…" Nich followed Ember as well as he could, still dizzy and in pain. He was very small compared to the dens intended for large wolves, and it made him a little uneasy. At the warning of Samuel being loud, Nich turned his ears back and kept them flat, hoping that would muffle some of the sound. He looked around for Samuel, not sure whether he would be in wolf or humanoid form.