(dude that'd be hilarious. like everyone's like 'it didn't work' and then boom there's Sebastian)
(dude that'd be hilarious. like everyone's like 'it didn't work' and then boom there's Sebastian)
(yes do it)
Sebastian opened his eyes to bright sunlight. He was squinting, his eyes watering up.
Where am I?
He shifted and realized there were sticks and leaves all around him, poking up against his skin. Sebastian laid there for a few minutes, trying to figure out what was going on before getting up. Was he okay?
Sebastian climbed out of the foliage and into the grass. He picked a few leaves out of his hair and clothes, and dizzily stumbled forwards.
Oh God, I'm in a bathrobe. What happened? What the hell?
He skirted the edge of the house he'd appeared near- or apartment? He was too disoriented to pin it down at the second. He made it to the first door he could find, tightened the robe, and knocked on the door, panic rising in his throat.
Kye squeaked when someone knocked and seemingly involuntarily grabbed Jax's arm. "Sorry sorry sorry…" He whispered to him as his face went red.
"It's okay, Kye." Jax assured. He was a little pissed off that someone decided to pay them a visit now. I mean, they were probably just about to meet Sebastian Levick! "I'll get it." He told the others, getting up from his spot. "I don't know why they had to come now of all times, they ruined it. Now I'll never get to meet Sebastian Levick and–" Jax cut off his own mumblings when he finally opened the door. Sebastian Levick was there. In a bathrobe. So, Jax did the only logical thing. Screamed and slammed the door shut.
Sebastian froze, completely shocked by the reaction. His hands were shaking.
“I-I… I’m sorry, I just needed some help!” he called through the closed door.
He waited for a couple more moments. If there was no more response, he would leave.
Aza looked up, pushing some hair from her face. "Who was it, Jax?" She asked, getting up. "Was it another Missionary? Ya know you could just say we worship Satan and they'll leave, right? Those two still haven't knocked on our door again!"
Jax just stared at the door, eyes wide and jaw on the floor. He raised a shaking hand to point at it. "Th-that was– ohmygod I just slammed the door on–" He turned a head towards Aza and then back to the door, then to Aza, then back. He scrambled for the doorknob and flung it open. Sebastian was still there. "It's him…" He whispered before finally steeling his expression enough to seem normal. "Uh, hi. Sorry for, uh, slamming the door in your face. Do-do you want to come in?" He was semi-panicking as he looked at his idol, but he tried to work through it.
"What the actual frick did you guys do???" Elara sighed. "Now what are we supposed to do with a famous rockstar who's supposed to be dead but he's not?"
This isn't good, is it? she thought to herself. As much as she tried to think of something, for the life of her she couldn't think of anything at all! C'mon Elara, you've got to think of something. At least you actually have brains here-
"Y-yes please…" Sebastian stammered, "I don't know what's going on. I don't know how I got here. I'm scared. Sh-should we call the police or something?"
He came in when invited, hugging himself tightly for comfort.
Aza blinked. "Holy shit- GUYS IT WORKED!" She said excitedly, bouncing slightly. "Guys! Guys the summoning worked!"
Jax felt lost and unsure of what to tell the star. He turned to the others with a look like 'help-what-do-i- do'.
"Summoning? Hey, excuse me? What's happening? I just need some help?" Sebastian managed, "Can I sit down? I'm feeling faint."
"…what the hell? You're supposed to be freaking dead! Remind me again why I'm friends with you guys?" Elara said as she groaned out loud, visibly annoyed by what had just happened. "Now we've- pardon me, I've got to figure out how to unsummon him now because we're not supposed to mess with life and death like this."
Aza held up a finger, going back to her room, running to grab the old book of magic she had found so long along. "Okay okay, so, to be honest- oh, shit, manners are a thing, my name's Aza- this did kinda end up being a little to the left of what was supposed to happen-sit down, would ya?- it was just supposed to be a ghost that appeared to us-" She kept flipping through, finding the spell.
Kye got up out of the chair so fast he fell over. When he got back up again, he went over to Sebastian and said very quietly, "Do you need anything? Like tea or just water or even coffee?" Kye liked making tea, it helped him calm down. He figured he could use an excuse to get some time in the kitchen.
"Oh my god, thank you," Sebastian muttered, "Tea, if it's not too much trouble?"
He sat down on the couch.
"I'm sorry for my uh… appearance," he said, gesturing at his bathrobe.
"Hey, you've been dead for a while. I look worse when I wake up in the morning." Aza said, shrugging, reading through the book.
Kye nodded and basically ran to the kitchen to make tea.
Jax had been silent this whole time, still in awe that his idol was currently on their couch. He hadn't moved from beside the door, and he kinda felt stuck to the floor as he processed what was happening.
"Thank you, I uh…"
Sebastian blinked a bit, trying to swallow back the panic.
"Can someone give me a better explanation than 'summoning'?" he pleaded.
(What do y'all think about cause of death? I was thinking suicide, but if that bothers anyone, I'll make it murder.)
((He's your dude, so I'm fine with whatever))
Aza bit her lip. "Basically, we were trying to summon a ghost-your ghost, specifically- but I seems like it went a little off-"
(yea im fine with that)
"We?" Elara retorted. She didn't mean to seem rude, but she'd had enough of her friends' shenanigans. "More like, you three, while I tried to stop you. Now look what happened! We've got a dead guy reanimated-"
Yes, she did want to live her life to the fullest, but that didn't mean that she liked obscure things like summoning and sorcery any more than she had before her diagnosis
"Okay, but how the hell do you accidentally summon a whole person?" he asked, "I'm flattered you wanted to meet me- er- my ghost, but… what're we gonna do now?"
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