Alright, just gimme a bit to whip up a starter!
(it's been 9 hours yall this starter is gonna be legendary)
Aza grinned, hands on the Ouija board as she looked at her band mates. "Alrighty, who are we going to call upon tonight?" She asked, voice in a low, dramatic whisper. She blew a stray curl out of her face, looking around the loose circle. "Kye? You haven't picked anyone in a while."
Kye looked up, almost surprised. "How about that one guy, Sebastian Levick?" He shrugged and glanced around the table.
"Sounds good to me!" Aza said, smiling. "Rest of y'all?"
(that one guy, he says, as if the man isn't a gOD)
"Oh, come on, this again? You know none of these things are actually gonna work, right?" Elara sighed, and ran a hand through her hair and gave up halfway through when she realised her hair had gotten tangled again. "Ugh, when is my hair gonna actually cooperate?" she complained, moving on from the subject.
Jax smiled wide, looking like a happy puppy. "Uh, yes?!" He said as if it was obvious. "Dude is an actual legend." The singer gushed like a kid talking about their favorite power ranger. "If I get to meet him," Jax stopped a moment, shaking his head, "I will actually die. My life will be complete."
"Then we'll have to summon you!" Kye joked, flashing a smile.
(Oh that was really weird, I unfollowed this for some reason)
Aza looked up. "Now, to start… Sebastian Levick, we call upon your departed spirit on this dark night! We welcome you back to the mortal realm, we grant thee the freedom to show yourself-"
Jax could barely sit still as he waited. He was hardly a patient person, but he found himself staying silent for the sake of the summoning.
Sebastian heard someone calling his name. He tried to cry out, and through the air of the room cut a few words, ghastly and almost fearful:
"Hello? Who's called me?"
The summoning hadn't quite brought him back, but he slowly became aware of the band, circled around the ouija board, as his vision lightened up a bit.
Jax was smiling wide, giddy with excitement and astonishment. He didn't say anything for fear of messing everything up, but he had heard the star's voice and almost cried. He'd finally get to meet Sebastian Levick, wow.
"Holy shit…" Aza whispered, grinning. "Elara! You seeing this?"
"What the-" Elara's eyes widened. "Seriously, what the heck did you do Aza? This isn't our place, to summon the dead-"
Jax interrupted her, squealing. "Who cares?! It's Sebastian Levick, Elara!" Jax cried out in joy.
"But- like I said! Why are we messing around with life and death in the first place???" Elara shook her head, sighing. "You will never learn, will you. Who cares, if it's Sebastian Levick? We're practically raising the dead! Who gave us the right to do that?"
"Why give us the ability and not the right?" Aza asked, shrugging.
(How should he appear to them? I’m thinking either they do some more summoning stuff, or he comes back outside and just appears in a bush or something, having no idea what’s going on)
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