forum Oh My God They Were Roommates (4/4)
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Deleted user

"Need help?" Lillian tilted her head to the side, looking at Kyo. "Y'know, I was a straight A student for my last year of high school." It was something Lillian tried to take pride in, but she didn't brag about it.

Deleted user

"I'm good. I'm just not used to human emotions." Kyo muttered, not realizing he had said human instead of just emotions. "Plus, I'm not supposed to get help with this, can't get help on the exam, anyhow."

Deleted user

Lillian pondered for a minute. Weird, he said 'human emotions', right? He must be one of those social outcasts into nerdy stuff. That explains it.
"Well then, I'd help if I could."

Deleted user

Yeah, sorry. Let me finish up some work then I can write up something./

Deleted user

Kyo scratched at his neck a bit, adding another scratch to the redness that was almost always there. He sighed and shut his laptop, deciding to take a quick break from the screen and maybe get some food or something. Kyo stood up with a cat-like arch of his back, padding into the kitchen quietly.

Deleted user

"How's the exam going?" Lillian asked, rapping her fingers against the relatively small table that she sat at. She had a bored look to her-something she wasn't used to feeling. Normally, she would just run around turning creatures to stone, but after wanting to learn more about human culture…she had to find out how humans dealt with boredom.

Deleted user

"Everything is going to hell and the world is full of pain." Kyo said plainly, grabbing a Redbull and some cookies from the fridge and starting to brew a coffee. "As per usual." He added, taking a bit of cookies and when the coffee was done, he poured the redbull into it.

Deleted user

Lillian raised an eyebrow. "Got caffeine? I swear, it addicts you guys or something. I don't get it. Why put caffeine in more caffeine? I mean, sure, if you haven't gotten days of sleep, maybe, but humans are supposed to have a regulated sleep cycle!" Lilly sighs. "I ranted again…dammit."

Deleted user

Kyo raised an eyebrow at the two mentions of humans, but he didn't say anything, better to be wary. "Becuase you're in pain, why not add more for the hell of it." He looked her straight in the eyes, then took a swig of his caffeine, eyes dead.

Deleted user

(Ahhhh….I don't know if I should start revealing that she's not human or not because it might be too early…(what happened to everyone else?))

Deleted user

(Not sure, I know Eris is alive, but she might not want to be part of this…)

Deleted user

(Mmmm…Okay. I'll try and hint that she isn't human…but only a bit.)
The smallest hiss of annoyance was in Lillian's ear, and she gave empty space a side glare.
"Okay, cool." She managed, her tone tight.

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Kyo nodded and set his mug and plate down to pull his jacket around himself tighter. Still not like my skin. He thought a bit angrily.

Deleted user

After patting her hair down, Lillian pushed her sunglasses to the bridge of her nose, smiling wistfully. "You got any plans for today? Excluding the dumb-ass exam."

Deleted user

"Probably going to stay home. There's not much use to do anything else." Kyo shrugged, moving the food and mug to his desk.