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A gorgon, a djin, an incubus, and a selkie all live in the same apartment, but they all think each of their roommates are human.
(I'm the Selkie, sorry babes)
A gorgon, a djin, an incubus, and a selkie all live in the same apartment, but they all think each of their roommates are human.
(I'm the Selkie, sorry babes)
Bro this sounds lit
Whomst do you want to be bro!
Definitely an incubus. But he's gonna be one who isn't a violent dick lmao
Aw, a shame, truly.
slides in for the djin
Could I join as the selkie?
(I'm the Selkie, sorry babes)
(Ah! I meant Gorgon!)
Ah! Of course you can join then!
Do we have a template, or are we going in blind?
We're going in blind!
…Should I start, or did someone else want to?
I'll start, I have an idea!
Kyo entered the apartment he shared with three other people, his heavy jacket still not quite the correct feel to match his skin. He sat down at the desk they had in the living room, amber eyes turned towards the ocean facing window as he booted up his laptop. He shook his head, dispersing the thoughts of going back to the ocean without his skin, he would crumble into sand and sea mist. Anyhow, he needed to get to his classwork, his class had let out early but he still needed to work on it.
Lillian frowned at herself, laying in her bed. She had wished that she could pay for her own apartment-she was lucky to even be in one, but she'd rather live with strangers than her parents. Lillian was reminded of the harsh glare they would give people who wandered close enough to their home, watching over her like hawks. When she was finally old enough, she decided to move to an apartment. So what if they were mortal? It can't be worse than her parents, right?
Lillian sighed, hearing the door open.
"This bedroom's mine," she said to no one in particular, letting her pale grey eyes rest on the door for a second before idly playing with her fingers. Her black snakes somewhat resembled hair, but, just in case, Lillian hid them in a baseball cap.
"I know." Kyo said blankly, motioning towards the door. "I moved in about a month ago, the room nearest to the ocean is mine." He yawned, typing out some more things onto his laptop, he was studying to be a therapist and he honestly didn't think that it required this much homework.
"Just making sure. Don't want anybody barging in," Lillian yawned, tucked a 'strand of hair' behind her ear, and walked out, only to sit on the couch comfortably. She looks at the ceiling, bored, finding and tracing nonexistent shapes with her eyes, shielded by her sunglasses. She had received complaints about it, but she ignored them. It was the only way she could be normal without turning an innocent person to stone.
@FaeEris @A-n-x-i-e-t-y you guys are still in, right?//
Sorcha quietly meditated in her room. Surrounded only by candlelight, it was truly relaxing. She could pass easily for a mortal, which made having mortal roommates easy, with her wild waves of rosy black hair and smooth deep honey tanned skin. Her eyes were the only thing she had to hide with contacts, their alarmingly bright fiery orange color was enough to give any mortal a minor heart attack.
She sighed, trying to refocus on realigning her chakras, her third eye was proving difficult today, generally meaning that someone close to her was hiding something important. Sighing once more, Sorcha released the magic of her meditation and descended back to the floor. She hated not being able to fly everywhere, being grounded just felt so heavy, but to pass as mortal she had to keep her magic hidden.
Kyo groaned, slumping his head against his desk as the smell of salt water and lilacs drifted through the air. Sometimes, that happened, just certain smells that reminded people of the ocean would drift off him when he was stressed. I have to stop thinking of my Selkie status, I'm living as a mortal now. Right now, all I have to focus on is studying for this damn exam. He thought, typing some more things onto his laptop.
@FaeEris @A-n-x-i-e-t-y you guys are still in, right?//
(Yeah, sorry)
It's fine.//
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