"Mm… if anyone should be here, it's probably him. I've met a lot of insane people, and he doesn't seem to be in his right mind."
"Mm… if anyone should be here, it's probably him. I've met a lot of insane people, and he doesn't seem to be in his right mind."
((You can add it if you want to))
"I…he was mad a lot. He was even mad at my mom. And she was…she was dead," Bridge told him.
(We might want to wait a little bit)
"How could you be mad at a dead person? They can't do anything."
"I don't…I don't know. But he was. He was also sad…at the same time. He was mad at her, but sad she died." He explained carefully, looking down to Scipio to see his reaction.
Scipio nodded, but didn't really seem to understand the concept of being sad when someone died.
Bridge looked back at the ceiling, leaning against the wall again. He was getting somewhat used to Scipio's emotions.
"Did you know your mother or was she dead before you were old enough to remember?"
"No…she died when I was three or…maybe four." He answered, looking back down at the other boy.
Scipio nodded. "Like I said, I don't remember my parents much at all. They might even be back in Italy by now."
"Would you…want them to be?" He asked curiously, but again in a small voice.
"I guess. I mean, I don't really care that much. We didn't know each other all that well. Italy's a nice place, though."
"Yeah…you keep saying that," Bridge mused quietly, looking down at him.
"Mhmm. If I got out of here, I'd probably go back to Italy."
Bridge had never been out of his own town before, unless being here counted. "It sounds…very nice."
"Yeah. You could come too, I guess. I mean, if I got released, you probably would too."
"Oh…thank you," Bridge replied with a small smile.
Scipio nodded. "We can stowaway on a ship or something since I haven't any money."
"Neither do I," Bridge said, looking to the ceiling and then back at Scipio. "That…that would be good."
"I think you'd like Italy. You'd have to learn Italian, though."
"Oh. I…I remember some things you told me before," He told him.
"Alright, go ahead. What do you remember?" Scipio looked up at Bridge expectantly.
"Um…mi…mi piaci?" Bridge repeated, looking down to him with a small blush.
Scipio blushed a bit. "I… Uh, what do you think that means?"
"I think…I think it means I like you," He recalled, glancing to the wall for a moment before looking back to Scipio.
Scipio nodded. "But I… I don't remember teaching you that one…"
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