Hearing a knock on the door, she was lucky that she had finished and was now drying off her hair when she heard the knock. Slipping her clothes on, simple black high waisted jean shorts, fishnet leggings with more than enough buttons and a long sleeved crop top.
https://pin.it/x7threawiifvsu (Something like this but with black shorts and the shirt just as i described)
Opening the door, she saw her friend, Karia and offered a welcoming, yet exhausted smile. Her hair damp and dirty blonde, as it got whenever it was wet. No makeup, though she never really needed it much.
"Hey! Are you in the middle of something?" Karia asked. "Can I come in?" He hovered in the doorway, suddenly wondering if asking her to come along was such a good idea. She looked kinda tired. .. Though that was nothing a little sleep couldn't fix, right?
“No, i just got out of the shower. Thanks for the compliment through” she says sarcastically, a kind of annoyed look on her face.
“Come on it” she waved him over.
“man, does not having makeup on really make that much of a difference?” she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her freckled rosy cheek
"Oh, okay." Karia walked inside, his honey-colored eyes darting around the room before landing on her face again. "So… are you doing anything right now? Or, a little farther in the future?" He asked, hoping to find out if he really could ask her, or if he would just say that he'd stopped by just to say hello.
“Nope, notta thing goin on” she says honestly as she leaned against the wall.
“oh no… hes going to ask me to do something with him isn’t he! Oh goodness, i hate everything” she mumbled, quiet enough to hear.
"Oh, really? That's wonderful news." Karia grinned widely. " So… would you object to going on a quest with me? It would be super fun to have you along with me." He gave her a pleading look. "Please come!"
“You know what..” she says taking a step towards him with a laugh.
“I’m starting to think you know you’re cute so you can get your way” she ruffled his hair playfully.
“You know i cant say no to you. Just let me get ready” she sighed heading to the bathroom to clean up her face. As in do her makeup so she doesn’t look like she just got over a breakup.
About two minutes later, she came out, looking decent. Her eyes bigger and her dark circles gone. Everything else was the same, though her lips glossed over slightly with the softest look, as if begging to be kissed constantly. Sometimes her flirting even made it even more so to seem that she wanted to be kissed, but you never knew what she actually wanted.
"Well, it sure does help." Karia grinned at her. "Thanks for agreeing to come, Crystal! Oh, sure, take all the time you need." He watched her leave, then let out a huge breath. He was going on an adventure with her! This would be so much fun. And if it wasn't, he was going to make it fun.
Karia was jolted out of his thoughts when he heard her come out. "Oh, hey, do you want the brief now, or–" He turned to look at her and the rest of the words simply left his mind. "Uh… you look nice! So…" He frantically searched his brain, wondering what he was going to ask her. "Right! Wanna know what we're doing?" He gave her an eager look.
She cocked her hip to the side with her hand on it, a smirk daring to cross her lips path.
“Well unless you were planning on surprising me with a huge mountaintiop view or something like that, then go ahead and tell me”. She chuckled as she grabbed her back that she kept in case people did ask her to go on any trips with them. It always came in handy.
“Also, I don’t know why you would want to ask me. You know i only have small healing right? My parents weren’t powerful in the least” she raised an eyebrow.
"Well, there might actually be a view, but that's not the final destination," Karia said. "I heard about this abandoned temple-like thing in the Diamond Mountains. I think it was built way back when to honor one of the original gods. But, I also heard that it has a huge stash of magical items, so… I decided to give it a shot." He shrugged, as if finding and pillaging an old, probably cursed temple was no big deal. "Well, I want you to come because… well, healing always comes in handy! And I like going on quests and stuff with you." Karia pushed a lock of shoulder-length hair behind his ear, a smile playing on his lips in spite of himself.
“Hmph” she crossed her arms stubbornly.
“Fine lets go. I’m all ready. But i swear if you die… or if i die, I’m gonna haunt the crap outta you. Got that?” She says looking into his eyes with the pair of mismatched eyes of her own, flicking his nose.
“Come on. Do you have a ride or anything?” She looked outside, stepping out and breathing in the fresh air. Man… she just could never have a break!
"Yeah, yeah. No one's going to die, I promise you that." Karia rolled his eyes. "When has anyone ever died on a quest with me? Don't answer that, it's hypothetical." Karia hurried outside and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a set of car keys and a driver's license that was most definitely not his. "The car's down the road a bit. And if anyone pulls us over, my name is Sasha." He gave her a mischevious smirk and started down the road.
“But…. thats… no I don’t feel safe with you driving. I’m driving, just tell me where to go”
She says snatching both the license and the keys from the boy with a laugh and walking ahead to where he said the car was. “How did you steal a car anyway? You know thats kind of…. well actually, i must admit, its kinda funny. But thats besides the point. You cant go taking cars and driving to quests with them! Though… thats exactly what I’m doing right now. Whatever” she shook her head.
“Anyway, where is it. What’s it look like?” She turned to him
"Uh… do you look like Sasha?" Karia asked, frowning at her. "No, you do not. So let me drive! Besides, you don't even know where to go, do you? It would be harder to tell you where to go than to just go there." He tried to grab the license and keys. "How do you think I got the car? I stole it. Simple as that. But don't worry, I changed my face before I did." Karia glanced around at the cars, then looked back at Crystal. "I'll tell you if you give me the keys."
“Agh, fine. Don’t kill us before we even start the trip.” She shook her head. “Here.” She rolled her eyes with a small laugh.
“Anyway, am i gonna be killing things? Because thats honestly the only thing i look forward to in during these trips. But I’m with you… so it might be a bit different” she winked at him.
He was actually a pretty good friend unlike everyone else. “Fan service” is what they always said. What perverted jerks they always were.
But he was nicer than all of the others. So maybe she would enjoy this. But that didnt mean she wasnt going to flirt. It was one of the things she did best.
"Yes! Don't worry, I won't." Karia snatched the keys and license and walked over to a small silver car. "Well, most likely. There are probably going to be monsters or something guarding the temple. There usually are." He shrugged and unlocked the door, giving her a weird look at the last part of her sentence. "Anyways, let's go." After getting into the car, Karia looked at the picture on the license and hummed slightly. His entire body shifted, changing into a short, slightly chubby woman with long, bleached blonde hair and watery grey eyes. "All set!"
She sat down in the car with a smile, humming a song cheerfully until he got in and… Shifted?
She looked at him in horror, confusion and extreme discomfort.
She couldn't even say anything. Why…. Why did he…. No she just wasn't going to look at him
"Karia….. You have totally ruined the way I look at you. Remember that for the rest of your life" she says covering her eyes, too shaken. She totally forgot that he could do that. She absolutely hated it.
"What? Would you rather me risk my actual identity?" Karia asked. "You do remember, this car is stolen." He paused, then reached into his pocket and pulled out yet another license. "Actually, let's do someone else. I don't think anyone would buy that I forced you to come with me in my stolen car if I look like this." He hummed again and shifted into a handsome man with tanned skin, black hair, and green eyes. "What do you think now?" He winked at her and turned the car on. "You're going to have to get used to it, Crystal. I do this a lot."
“You’re hot!” She says with a smile “stay that way” with a laugh she turned back to him, though the wink made he blush slightly. She just was a bit embarrassed. She was the one that usually did the winking! That wasnt fair was it!? But she didnt think she minded.
“Anyway Mr hot stuff, when are we gonna get going? You sure take a while to turn on a car” she joked. She had always thought him in his normal form was pretty attractive anyway, but she didnt voice it that much.
"Mmm, hot is good. Maybe, if we get in trouble, we can flirt our way out of something. But I'm not staying like this two long, or someone might notice two Eli's running around." Karia shrugged and turned o to the road. "Calm down, I was getting prepared. One shouldn't rush into a quest. That's how you get killed. I thought you didn't want to get killed?
“Good. I would come to miss your cute little face if you stayed like that for too long” she says poking his cheek a little before buckling up. She crossed her arms stubbornly and puffed out her freckled cheeks.
“And no, I don’t want to get killed. But if I’m going on any trip with you, my chances of dying are most. Likely highered by 90%” she rolled her eyes, though always jokingly
"Aww, glad to know I would be missed!" Karia swatted at her hand, miraculously managing to keep the car going on a straight line. "Ah! What do you mean by that? I'm such a safe person to be around! Usually. But still!" He gestured with one of his hands as he spoke– not a super safe way to drive, but he managed to pull it off.
She rubbed her hand while pouting as she spoke. “Oh come on. I can never tell if you’re serious or not” she says blowing a piece of blonde hair from her face and tucking it behind her ear.
“Okay, if you so much as hit a curb, you have to give me ten bucks and a blade. Since you’re so confident.” She smiled at him, leaning over the middle part of the seat as her big mismatched eyes beamed up at him.
"One of my many interesting quirks. But seriously, almost no one has died in a quest with me." Karia have her a smile that may have been reassuring, but it was hard to tell. "Uh… That's not going to happen. I guarantee it." Karia reached over and booped her in the nose. "By the way, if you ever need a getaway driver…" He shrugged and looked back at the road. "You know where to find me."
She flinched when he bopped her nose, though let out a cute giggle afterwards.
“That doesn’t sound reassuring at all! And waddya mean almost!?” She arched a brow.
Her voice filled with playfulness, as it almost always was when having a spontaneous conversation with him. She couldn’t help but smile.
“Hey, I’m probably much better of a driver than you Mister! But I’ll keep that in mind” she says pulling her hair up into a tight ponytail once it had all dried. Soft and sleek, just how she liked it.