forum o/o gay. closed (stalkers welcome?)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@rui group

He looked over to Devon, giving a small grin. "Yeah, I do." He walked over to his dresser picking out a t-shirt, underwear, and comfortable sweat pants. "Wear anything that fits if it doesn't fit just toss it on the bed. I'll be back soon." he purred before leaving the room to go to the bathroom. He took his time in the shower but was short than Devon's shower. Will gave himself some time to think before getting out of the shower and drying off.

@CaseyJ group

Devon got dressed, the only thing that didn't fit was the shirt, but he didn't mind it as it was only a bit to big. He sat on the bed and started combing his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it look better.

@rui group

Will walked into the bedroom slightly wet from his hair but mostly dry. His body was very defined as he picked out clothes from the dresser to wear. He put on his underwear and a loose t-shirt. He glanced at Devon and smiled to himself. "You look cute in my clothes. Let's head to bed and we can figure out this whole not knowing where you live situation. I could take you to the police and we could see where you live." He fired his hair, making sure it was fully dry, before crawling into bed. "Can you turn off the lights before you get in?"

@CaseyJ group

Devon nodded, not sure if going to the police station would help him much, he had ignored Will's comment about being cute as he didn't want to seem flustered. He turned off the lights and got into the bed with a yawn.

@rui group

"Thank you." He turned of a soft lamp next to his side of the bed as he started to read his book. Will wasn't the type to fall asleep easily, so he would always stay up and read. He sat up against the backboard, making sure he could see the words. "Sleep well." He mumbled to Devon before becoming totally silent and the only thing you could hear a page turn.

@CaseyJ group

Devon layed down on his back for a moment with his eyes closed, trying to fall asleep. He gave up and turning on his side, he took the pillow his head was laying on and cuddled it to his chest.

@rui group

Will looked over to Devon furrowing his eyebrows in slight confusion. He decided tonight to close his book and not stay up late being the book nerd he was. He set the book down on the nightstand and turned off the light. They were both tired and he needed sleep more than anything. He sunk his body into the sheets pulling the covers over his shoulder. He tried his best to fall asleep that night.

@rui group

When Will woke up he found Devon clinging to him and the pillow he was using before had fallen onto the ground. He groaned softly before looked at the time. It was still early so he order some coffee to be brought up to his apartment before settling into the pillows once more. He looked down again to Devon and scratched his head. "Oh man…" he whispered.