forum o/o gay. closed (stalkers welcome?)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@rui group

"Why thank you." Will set his briefcase down next to his coat rack. "Can I have my jacket back now or is there something else I need to do to get it back?" He teased. "Take off your shoes and make yourself at home. He turned on most of the lights except for the ones that led to his bedroom. "You're all the way up here so might as well clean up a bit." Will whispered to himself.

@CaseyJ group

Devon hummed a bit, taking his shoes off, "I mean…I guess you can have it back" he said, making no move to return the jacket.

@rui group

Will raised an eyebrow and looked at Devon. "Put it on the coat rack and then we can sit down and chat for a but. "My name is WIll in case you were wondering." he walked to a door and paused. "I will g take a shower. Don't make me regret bringing you here. You're pretty cute and I would hate for you to get on my bad side." he closed the door behind him and the shower was turned on.

@CaseyJ group

Devon Thought about putting the jacket on the coat rack, but decided to wait for Will to get out of the shower. He sat on the couch hugging the jacket.

@rui group

Will got dressed and came out of the shower with a towel around his neck, to dry his hair. He spotted Devon on the couch hugging the jacket. "You really seem to like that jacket. At this point, I think you should keep it at this point." Will poured out two cups of wine. "You're very quiet, you know. You speak in little sentences and you don't really talk about yourself that much. Is there a reason?" He placed one glass on the table and the other he kept in his hand. "Feel free to drink, if not I will be more than happy to take it."

@CaseyJ group

Devon blushed a bit on the comment of him liking the jacket, "no, I just don't have anything to say a lot of the time" he said, setting the jacket on his lap as he grabbed the glas and took a sip.

@rui group

"Hm I see…" The doorbell rang. "That must be the pizza. I'll be back." He got up to go get the pizza. He paid the person at the door before coming back to the couch. He placed the pizza box on the small table in front of them. "I hope you like plain pizza." He took two slices and began to eat happy to do so.

@rui group

"No problem. So tell me are you sure there wasn't a real reason you were sitting out on the bench. I feel like you weren't there just to take a nap. Especially when it's winter and it's cold." He analyzed. He finished his first slice of pizza soon moved on to the second slice.

@CaseyJ group

"I have..uh…no reason" he muttered, stopping himself from saying that he had no reason to go home. After all, he had been living with a 'friend' sense he lost his job, and he didn't get along with that person very well.

@rui group

"Really?" He shrugged. "Then once you're done eating you won't have a problem going back home right?" He took a sip of his wine, almost drinking all of it in one go. "So will I get that jacket or does it not belong to me anymore?" Will stared at the other, looking them dead in the eyes.

@CaseyJ group

Devon mumbled something looking off to the side, a light blush forming because of Will's staring. He set down his drink and held out the jacket for Will to grab.

@rui group

"Why thank you." he took the jacket and hung it up on the coat rack. He sat back down on the couch. "Now that that's settle what do you say to going home now. It's getting late and I feel like it's a bit dangerous to be walking about the city at midnight."

@CaseyJ group

Devon looked at the door, "well…it is getting late…and I don't exactly know where I am…I mean…in relevance to my..home". He said slowly.

@rui group

Will furrowed his eyebrows together, forming a confused look on his face. He was about to get up from the couch and do some work, but let his body relax into the sofa once more. "What do you mean you don't know where your home is. I mean, my place is only a block away from central park. I mean why would you go there if you didn't know how to get back. If you want I can navigate it for you if you can just tell me where you live."

@rui group

"And I'm guessing you didn't memorize the route home to your friend's place or the adress…" he sighed. "Okay, then what about or phone? Can you call or text them or something?" There was a slight hint of irritation but he tried to keep himself calm and collected the best he could.

@rui group

"Well, then I guess you can stay here for the night, but in the morning, you're going to have to go back home in the morning. I only have one bed if that's okay with you. You're gonna have to take a shower here as well I suppose." He stood up from the couch and started to clean off the table. "The bathroom is down the hall right here and on your left. My bedroom is right across from there. I will clean up here, but you should go freshen up."

@rui group

"Yup! I will clean up here and then I will meet you in the bedroom." He started to just that. Taking the two wine glasses to the sink as well as putting the pizza in the fridge. He sang a song while he washed the dishes in this sink, waiting for Devon to get out the bathroom. Will sighed wondering why he didn't have a phone and din't know how to get back home. Somethings off about him…

@CaseyJ group

Devon went to the bathroom, and turned on the shower, he took a moment before getting in the shower. He took a long shower, using the water to relax.

@rui group

Once he was done cleaning the kitchen he went back to the bedroom and started to undress himself. He needed to get ready to hop in the shower and besides he needed a break from the clothes anyway. He gave a deep sigh and tossed his clothes in the hamper. Will took a towel from his closet; wrapping it around his waist. "He seems to be taking a long time in the shower. I hope he hasn't overheated in there or something."

@CaseyJ group

Devon got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He cautiously walked out of the bathroom, his hair sticking up from where he dried it. He didn't want to put his clothes back on, after all he was clean and his clothes were not. He walked into the bedroom, "uh, do you have clothes I can borrow?" he asked Will.