forum Next Steps [Private RP — Closed]
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

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Sterling’s POV:

“Babe, c’mon… Look, I’m sorry for teasing you,” I said, walking up behind her. Resting my chin on her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her.

Eden’s POV:

I stiffened as he wrapped his arms around me, the butter knife I took out hovering in the air.

“All… all right!” I stammered, setting the knife down. “I forgive you! Stop being like that, Sterling. My heart can’t handle it!”

Deleted user

(Awe, they’re adorable)

(Thank you!! And I saw your PM! I’m so glad you’re okay. ;-;)

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

“Like this!” I exclaimed with a blush. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

“Well, unfortunately for you, we’ve got college to prepare for,” I grumbled, opening the box of butter as our toast got toasted. “Do you want yours buttered or should I prepare an egg for you?”

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

I leaned back, frowning as Sterling opened the fridge.

“We should,” I bit my lip. “Unless we forgot when we went to get groceries on the weekend.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling’s POV:

“Ah, no, we do. It’s right here,” I murmured, pulling it out and setting it on the counter with my head still in the fridge. “Hm… I think we’ll need to get milk when we go out next.”

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

“Are we out of it already?” I frowned, taking the jar of jam and opening it before smearing it on the piece of toast. “Didn’t we get two bottles of milk last time? Or was it just one? Are we out of cereal, too?”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling’s POV:

“We’re almost out, but it should last another few days. I think we’ll have to go on Saturday. The cereal…” I trailed off as I closed the refrigerator and moved to the cupboard. Grabbing the couple boxes of cereal we had, I shook them, gauging how much was left. “The cereal seems fine. I think we could last until at least Saturday with that, too. So I guess maybe we should get some…”

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

I nodded before handing the toast to Sterling.

“We’ll make a list when we get home,” I said to him as I moved to butter my toast. “I think I already have listed a few things we need, but I guess we’ll just check for more. I didn’t notice we were out of milk, though.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sterling’s POV:

I smiled at her sheepishly as I took the toast. That might have something to do with me… I had gotten u a few times in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep, and eaten some cereal with milk.

“Yeah… Weird…” I murmured as I took a bite of toast.

Deleted user

Eden’s POV:

I furrowed my eyebrows, not noticing the tone Sterling spoke with. I finished spreading butter on my toast and took a bite, closing the butter box as I turned to Sterling. I reached forward to wipe the jam stuck to the corner of his mouth.

“Hey, how long till our class?” I questioned, standing on my toes to wipe his mouth. I’m sure he knew it was there—I just wanted to do that.

Deleted user

(Is it first class or second?)

Eden’s POV:

I shook my head, a smile on my features, softly patting his cheek.

“I don’t think I’m looking forward to this class,” I sighed loudly. “I mean, what we’ve been learning is easy, but it’s also very boring. The teacher seems bland, so I suppose there’s that.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Second. I can change the times if you want.)

Sterling’s POV:

I reached over with my free hand to twirl a lock of her hair around my finger. “I’m sure it’ll get better. If not, then you can still drop the class without getting an F. You have another few days to do that.”

Deleted user

(Nah, it’s fine. So they share their third class together?)

Eden’s POV:

I grabbed his hand, pressing a soft kiss on it before resting it against my cheek.

“It’s all right,” I shrugged. “There’s no other subject I’m interested in anyway.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Classes usually change daily. So their schedules would be different each day of the week, but repeat every week. If that makes sense…)

Sterling’s POV:

I shrugged and rubbed my thumb over her cheek. After simply looking at her for a moment, I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

“You could always just leave that block open. It would give you more time to study,” I suggested, though I knew she would probably continue to take it anyway.

Deleted user

(Oh, that’s totally different than high school or the school + college I was in before.)

Eden’s POV:

I smiled, my toast long forgotten in my hand.

“It’s all right,” I murmured. “Too much free time would make me lazy, and if I get lazy, I might demand more of your attention.”

@Imperfect_Autumn group

(Lol. I mean, it might be different for some places, but that’s how the college I took classes from did it. 🤷🏼‍♀️)

Sterling’s POV:

“Oh, and that would just be terrible, wouldn’t it?” I chuckled, setting the rest of my toast on the counter. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested our foreheads together, looking straight into her beautiful, blue eyes. “Gosh, I love your eyes…”