forum need something that I can confess ('til all my sleeves are stained red) || OxO || Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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He blinked, taking another sip of his drink. "Uh, in a minute? Gotta finish the drinks first, because we can't take the glasses out of the house."


"Sorry…can you tell im a little excited?" She awkwardly laughed and turned her face away from him. It was silent and Ayra didnt know how to break the silence, it wasnt like the two of them were close. Not wanting to be rude, Ayra looked around the room and hummed to herself.


He laughed, taking a sip. "You're fine. Uh, while we have time, we really should…plan." he considered. "We should probably consider the fact that it could be random, y'know? She might not have known the killer. Could have been a crime of opportunity. Some creep saw a girl walking alone and…" He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders.


"They found her body in the forest though, even drunk Lauren stays away from the forest." Ayra sighed. It was the one thing that was bugging her about the whole thing. Who could have lured her to the forest and killed her?


"Not too far in. And, just because her body was found there doesn't mean she was killed there." he pointed out. He ran his hand through his dark hair, frowning a little bit.


"Thats true too. We still need to walk the path to the forest from the house the party was in. It might give us an idea of how long it might have taken her to get tk the forest if she was killed there. If not, we need to create a radius with the party in the centre and a time limit, it would have taken maybe 3 hours after she left the party for her to die if she went with someone she trusted, quicker if it was someone she didn't know."


"Depends on what time the coroner has decided on death, and what time she left the party. If she left at midnight and died at one, then that's different than if she left at nine but still died at one." He replied. "I dunno. It's just…" He shook his head.


(I'm very sorry but I don't think I'm in the right mindset to do this, combined with my lack of time organization and busy schedule, im not having the very best time right now 😭 im really sorry Ice!)